Prayer for the Return of Lapsed Catholics to the Sacraments
Almighty Father, You desire not the death of the sinner, but that he may be converted and live. Pour out upon us Your mercy and hear the prayers of Your servants. Soften the hearts of Your children who have strayed from the true path which You established for their salvation.
They are now forgetful of their duties as Catholics and pursue the pleasures of the world. Grant that they may quickly return to the practice of every Christian virtue, so that their lives may shine with the integrity of faith, the fervor of piety, and the ardor of charity. Restore them all to Your sacraments and the life of Your grace, through the merits of the Most Precious Blood of Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.
Prayer to bring back those who have wandered away from God
O God, who has given your only-begotten Son as a sacrifice for the salvation of the world, that, being lifted up from the earth, he might draw the hearts of all people to himself; and who wills not that any should perish, but earnestly desires that all should be saved; we humbly ask you, that, through the wounds and most precious blood of your beloved Son, you would graciously look upon all who have wandered away from God, and lead them back into the way of truth and salvation. Through the same Christ our Lord.
Prayer to bring back those who have left the Church
God of Mercy, look down with an eye of pity and compassion on all those souls who have gone away from the paths of truth and unity, and from the one fold of the one Shepherd, Jesus Christ, into the by-paths of error. O, bring them back to you and to your Church. Dispel their darkness by your heavenly light; take off the veil from before their eyes, with which the common enemy hath blindfolded them. Take away from them the spirit of obstinacy, pride, and self-conceit. Give them a humble and docile heart. Give them a strong desire of finding out your truth, and a strong grace to enable them to embrace it.
Prayer to St. Joseph for Conversion of a Loved One
O glorious patriarch St. Joseph, who merited to be called “just” by the Holy Spirit, I urgently recommend to you the soul of [Name], which Jesus redeemed at the price of His Precious Blood.
Thou knowest how deplorable is the state and how unhappy the life of those who have banished this loving Savior from their hearts, and how greatly they are exposed to the danger of losing Him eternally.
Permit not, I beseech thee, that a soul so dear to me should continue any longer in its evil ways; preserve it from the danger that threatens it; touch the heart of the prodigal child and conduct him back to the bosom of the fondest of fathers.
Abandon him not, I implore thee, till thou hast opened to him the gates of the heavenly city, where he will praise and bless thee throughout eternity for the happiness which he will owe to thy powerful intercession.
Prayer for the Return of Non-practicing Catholics
O Good Shepherd, you never cease to seek out the lost, to call home the stray, to comfort the frightened, and to bind up the wounded. I ask you to bring (names) back to the practice of the Faith,
and to remove all obstacles that prevent them from receiving your abundant mercy, which flows sacramentally through
the heart of your holy Church.
Through the intercession of Mary,
the Mother of God, their Guardian Angels, their Patron Saints and the ever-prayerful St. Monica, may you pardon their sins
and unshackle them from whatever hinders their freedom to come Home.
For you, O Good Shepherd, have loved us to the end and offered yourself to the Father for the salvation of all.
A Prayer to Hear and Receive Truth
Father God, I am so grateful that You are a good and faithful Father (2 Timothy 2:13). You tell us in your Word that even if we are faithless, You remain steadfast and faithful. That gives me so much comfort because I come to You today with a heavy heart. My dear friend, (name), is so desperately lost and hopeless. She has hardened her heart to the truth of Your Word, becoming blind to Your goodness, mercy, and grace, unwilling to hear and receive the richness of Your amazing love. Lord, I ask that You step in and touch her heart in a mighty way, as only You can. Rekindle the flames of faith and ignite the Holy Spirit within her so she can rely on You when the world is clamoring for her attention. I ask this in Your Holy name.
On God’s Miracles
Father God,
You are a God of miracles. You made the sun and the moon and the stars, the people and animals on this vast planet. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the first and last, the beginning and the end.
I know there is nothing you cannot do if you so choose. And I also know the words of your son Jesus are true, that if only I have faith like a grain of mustard seed, I will tell the mountain to move, and it will.
Today, Lord, I pray for a miracle. I pray you speak truth and love into my loved one’s heart, mind, and soul. Help them understand that your way is the only way, that their only path to eternal life is through your son, Jesus.
Please use me however you will in this process, and know that I give over my life to you whatever this looks like. Help me to take comfort in knowing your power and might are matchless, rivalled by none. You are the God who parted the seas and raised the dead.
Lord, bring my loved one back safely into your arms.
St. Monica Novena Prayers
Dear Saint Monica, you were once the mournful mother of a prodigal son. Your faithfulness to prayer brought you and your son so close to God that you are now with him in eternity. By your intercession and God’s grace, your son St. Augustine became a great and venerable Saint of the Church. Please take my request to God with the same fervor and persistence with which you prayed for your own son.
(Mention your intentions here)
With your needs, worries and anxieties, you threw yourself on the mercy and providence of God. Through sorrow and pain, you constantly devoted yourself to God. Pray for me that I might join you in such a deep faith in God’s goodness and mercy.
Above all, dear Saint Monica, pray for me that I may, like your son, turn from my sin and become a great saint for the glory of God.