Prayer for victims of wildfires
Oh Lord, as heat and dry weather envelope our country, we pray for our family, friends, alumni and benefactors who have been affected by the devastating fires currently burning throughout our land.
Fire is so very necessary for our existence, and yet, when it gets out of control, it can be more damaging than anything else. We ask God for protection against destroying fire. Keep our lives, our homes, buildings, woods and fields safe from this scourge. Help us to always use care and caution in our use of fire. Bring the waters of refreshment to quench the fires and the thirst of those who fight to protect and save us from fires.
Give us a saving fear of the fires that destroy. Help us to control them. Give us the fire of passion in our hearts that we may help those in need.
Prayer for Protection Against Fires
Almighty and eternal God, we ask Your protection against destroying fire. Fire is so very necessary for our existence, and yet, when it gets out of control, it can be more damaging than anything else. Keep our homes and buildings and woods and fields safe from this scourge. Help us always to be most careful in our use of it. Help us especially in the winter time when need and use it most. For then, if our homes are destroyed by fire, we suffer more than ever.
Give us, too, we humbly pray You, a saving fear of the fires of passion, and the help of Your grace to control them. Help us also to fear the fires of hell, that we may always keep away from serious sin, and live lives of goodness and virtue, through Christ our Lord.
Prayer In Time of Wildfires
God of all creation, all the elements belong to you.
The earth, air, water and fire are yours to command.
You guarded your people Israel by night with a pillar of flame.
You sanctified the early church with tongues of fire at Pentecost.
You appeared to Moses in the burning bush, which was engulfed but not consumed.
God of wind and flame, extinguish the fires engulfing land, communities, and homes.
Guard those who must flee because of the blaze, give them safety and wholeness.
Bring those who have perished home to you, grant them your perpetual peace.
Protect those who battle the flames, sanctify their service and send them your Spirit.
Restore our land, our homes, our faith in your goodness,
And show us again how you bring life out of ash and dust
Give us the resources and strength, we ask, to rebuild and replant
And show us that you are the loving Creator and Savior.
A prayer for those affected by fire
Gracious Father, you created the world and everything in it. And your heart aches with ours over the fires that are causing damage to these beautiful parts of the world you made. Hear us as we pray for the firefighters, those who have been displaced, and those who live far from the fires but are suffering because of the air quality.
We pray for the many people who have been forced from their homes into temporary housing while they await the end of the evacuations in their areas. Give them comfort, and assure them of your presence with them. We especially uphold those whose homes have been damaged or destroyed by the fires; when they return to survey the damage, give them peace, and remind them that you are their dwelling place.
We pray for people with breathing difficulties, whether they live near the fires or far away. Give them wisdom to stay where the air is safer, and open their lungs, putting your breath in them. We think of our neighbours in the United States, who are receiving the worst of the air pollution from the smoke.
Our God, we pray for rain for the affected areas. Partner with those fighting the fires, and douse the flames with your gift of rain.
Kindle the flame of your love within us by the power of your Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sent to make us ready for ministry. We ask this in his name.
A Litany Prayer Those Impacted by the Wildfires
Almighty God, for those affected by the wildfires, we pray;
have mercy on them and keep them safe from harm.
For those in the affected areas, their loved ones, neighbors, friends, pets and livestock, we pray;
grant that they may escape the flames, smoke and devastation.
For homes, businesses and places of worship, we pray;
save them from destruction.
For those whose health is threatened by the smoke and ash, we pray;
ease their suffering and protect them from permanent damage.
For firefighters and first responders, we pray;
meet their needs, shield them from harm, lift their weariness, and send them relief.
For wildlife and old growth in the path of the flames, we pray;
grant the means of escape and prevent irreversible harm.
For those who have already lost homes and jobs and treasured possessions, we pray;
comfort and sustain them and restore all they’ve lost.
For the displaced and the discouraged, we pray;
lift their spirits and restore hope to them.
For all who are stressed, anxious and fearfully following the news, we pray;
pour out a healing and calming balm.
And, Lord, when these fiery trials have ceased,
renew lives, families, communities and environments in ways only You can.
In You, O Lord, we place our trust. For You, O Lord, we wait in hope.
Thanks be to God.
A Prayer for those in the Path of Fire
Almighty God, who is our strength and our refuge; be with those who are besieged by fire, guide those who evacuate so that they may find care and comfort in a safe place; protect their homes and their pets, their neighbors and their friends, so that they may return home to a loving community. We ask this in the name of Jesus your son, who abides with you and with the Holy Spirit.
A Prayer for First Responders
O God, whose love encircles us; sustain those who respond when wildfires roar, keep them safe from harm and hold them in your sheltering embrace so that they may complete these burdensome tasks, return home to their families, and keep the lives and homes of all they protect safe from harm, in the loving name of Jesus, who gave his life for all.
A Prayer for those who have Died by Wildfire
Be with us, O God, as we grieve those who have died. Hold tight to the souls of those we have lost. Be with all those who loved and knew them; calm their minds, soothe their hearts, and strengthen them for the struggles ahead. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our model of selfless and life-giving love.
A Prayer for those who have Lost their Homes to Fire
Loving God, our strength in times of despair, be with all those who have lost their homes to wildfire, comfort them in their distress, strengthen them for the journey ahead, and sustain them with your loving embrace, that they may find a sense of home once again. We ask this in the name of your son Jesus Christ, who heals the sick and restores the lost.
“Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To you I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in your clemency hear and answer me.”
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, we consecrate our home to your Immaculate Heart. Extend your loving protection over our abode, and keep all who reside here safe from harm.
Protect our home, O Blessed Mother, from all natural disasters. Shield us from the dangers of fire, flood, severe storms, damaging winds, water damage, infestations, earthquakes, and other calamities. Let your protective mantle safeguard us from nature’s threats. Defend our home, O Blessed Mother, against all evil and harm. Protect us from evil spirits, intruders, burglars, and those who wish us ill. Keep our home secure from all dangers, seen and unseen. Let your motherly vigilance ensure our safety and peace. Bless this home and all who enter, filling it with peace, joy, and harmony. May our dwelling be a haven of love and grace, reflecting the warmth of your maternal care.
We make this consecration with love and devotion, trusting in your unfailing help and protection. Guard our home and family always, dear Mother, and lead us safely to your Son, Jesus Christ.
“Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To you I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in your clemency hear and answer me. Amen.”
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, we consecrate our home to your Immaculate Heart. Extend your loving protection over our abode, and keep all who reside here safe from harm.
Protect our home, O Blessed Mother, from all natural disasters. Shield us from the dangers of fire, flood, severe storms, damaging winds, water damage, infestations, earthquakes, and other calamities. Let your protective mantle safeguard us from nature’s threats. Defend our home, O Blessed Mother, against all evil and harm. Protect us from evil spirits, intruders, burglars, and those who wish us ill. Keep our home secure from all dangers, seen and unseen. Let your motherly vigilance ensure our safety and peace. Bless this home and all who enter, filling it with peace, joy, and harmony. May our dwelling be a haven of love and grace, reflecting the warmth of your maternal care.
We make this consecration with love and devotion, trusting in your unfailing help and protection. Guard our home and family always, dear Mother, and lead us safely to your Son, Jesus Christ.
Prayers Against Disasters
Prayer For the People who Suffered in Disasters
God of healing and mercy, we come before you with our hearts filled with grief as we see the devastation.
We pray that your presence would be felt by those who are grieving, who are injured, who have lost their homes and livelihoods.
We pray for wisdom and safety for those who are responding to the people in need and the many challenges left in the wake of the event.
We pray for our church, that it may be a witness to your compassion and care for all who suffer.
God, you are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. For this we give you thanks and ask that you hear our prayers for the people of.
A Prayer for Persons Suffering as a Result of a Natural Disaster
Gracious God, we pray for all those suffering from the ravages of natural disasters.
Grant them encouragement, strength, fortitude, patience and insight as they struggle with their many losses — material, physical, emotional, and personal — and begin to pick up the pieces and create a new future for themselves, their families, and their community. Be for them a beacon of unwavering hope and confidence that there can and will be a better day. Surround them with your love and the love and compassion of others that they might be sustained in this time of trouble. We ask this through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes and in the name of your Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.
Prayer for disaster relief
Opening Prayer
God of hope and mercy, we lift up to you all victims of natural disasters and those responding with assistance and aid. Protect all who are in any form of danger; provide practical help to those in need; strengthen the weary, console the grieving, heal the suffering; and bless those engaged in disaster relief efforts with safety and courage. Help all people of good will respond with compassion and generous hearts. Amen.
Closing Prayer
God of compassion, you are our refuge and our strength, our sure rock in the midst of any storm, the light which pierces every darkness, and an anchor of hope for those who contend with despair. Reach out your hand to all those who fear that they are sinking beneath the waves, or feel as if they’re too weary to carry on through the heat of the day. May they receive that courage, resilience, and healing grace that can only come from you. We ask this in your holy name.
Prayers while in the midst of disaster
Prayer by Edward Hays
Lord and Holy Protector, like the disciples who were caught in their tiny boat in the midst of a mighty storm, we come together to seek Your help.
We are fearful as we are surrounded by danger.
We feel helpless and small before the great power of this perilous time, a power which is beyond our control. We are fearful as we are surrounded by danger.
While everything seems dark and dangerous, we place our trust in You, our Lord and God.
Sheltered here in our home we are also shielded by Your love against all that might harm us.
We know that You hear all prayers; so we now, filled with confidence, lift up our petitions to You, our God.
Compassionate God… Draw near to us in this time of sorrow and anguish, comfort those who mourn, strengthen those who are weary, encourage those in despair, and lead us all to fullness of life; through the same Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen
O God, our times are in your hand. In the midst of uncertainty lead us by your never-failing grace as we seek to be agents of healing and hope. Walk with us through difficult times; watch over us in danger; and give to us a spirit of love and compassion for those who suffer and mourn. And finally remind us that you have promised never to leave us so that even in the valley of the shadow of death your love may be felt, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.
Jesuit Prayer
Holy One, you are our comfort and strength
in times of sudden disaster, crisis, or chaos.
Surround us now with your grace and peace
through storm or earthquake, fire or flood.
By your Spirit, lift up those who have fallen,
sustain those who work to rescue or rebuild,
and fill us with the hope of your new creation;
through you, our rock and redeemer
Prayers for others facing disasters
Prayer adapted from Catholic Relief Services
God, you are in the midst of those who suffer
May all affected by natural disasters feel your healing presence.
God, you are in the hands of those who reach out
Help responders in their courageous work.
God, you are in the hearts of those compassionate ones
Whose prayers cry out for their families
Whose prayers cry out for their neighbors
Whose prayers cry out even for strangers
Bless and comfort those who mourn.
God, you are in the still small voice,
The gentle whisper that follows
May our ears always hear
May our hearts always cry out for one another
May our hands always reach out to one another
And may we always walk like you walk
In solidarity with those who suffer
And so reflect your presence and comfort.
Psalm 46
O God, our refuge and strength,
our help in times of trouble.
Have mercy on the lands
damaged by fires.
Have mercy on the lands
where the weather has destroyed livelihoods.
Protect those who evacuate houses,
and strengthen those who rebuild hope
so that entire communities
may face the future without fear.
Prayer during a pandemic
May we who are merely inconvenienced, remember those whose lives are at stake.
May we who have no risk factors, remember those most vulnerable.
May we who have the luxury of working from home, remember those who must choose between preserving their health or making their rent.
May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close, remember those children who will go hungry with no school meals.
May we who have to cancel our trips, remember those with no place to go.
May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market, remember those who have no margin at all.
May we who settle in for quarantine at home, remember those who have no home.
As fear grips our country, let us choose love.
During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other, let us yet find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbor.
Through Jesus Christ our Savior, whose arms of love embrace us all.
Prayer for Protection during a Hurricane
O God, Master of this passing world,
hear the humble voices of your children.
The Sea of Galilee obeyed Your order and returned to its former quietude.
You are still the Master of land and sea.
We live in the shadow of a danger over which we have no control;
the Gulf, like a provoked and angry giant,
can awake from its seeming lethargy,
overstep its conventional boundaries, invade our land,
and spread chaos and disaster.
During this hurricane season we turn to You, O loving Father.
Spare us from past tragedies whose memories are still so vivid
and whose wounds seem to refuse to heal with passing of time.
O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our beloved Mother,
we ask you to plead with your Son on our behalf,
so that spared from the calamities common to this area
and animated with a true spirit of gratitude, we will walk in the footsteps of your Divine Son
to reach the heavenly Jerusalem, where a stormless eternity awaits us.
Short Prayer for Protection During a Hurricane
Our Father in Heaven,
through the intercession of Our Lady of Prompt Succor,
spare us during this hurricane season from all harm.
Protect us and our homes
from all disasters of nature.
Our Lady of Prompt Succor,
hasten to help us.
Through Christ our Lord.
A Prayer to Avert Storms and Hurricanes
Father, all the elements of nature obey your command.
Calm the storms and hurricanes that threaten us
and turn our fear of your power into praise of your goodness.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.
Prayer for Protection During a Storm
Loving God, maker of heaven and earth, protect us in your love and mercy. Send the Spirit of Jesus to be with us, to still our fears and give us confidence.
In the stormy waters, Jesus reassured his disciples by his presence, calmed the storm, and strengthened their faith. Guard us from harm during this storm and renew our faith to serve you faithfully.
Give us the courage to face all difficulties and the wisdom to see the ways your Spirit binds us together in mutual assistance. With confidence we make our prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord.