He was born on April 24, 1581 in a village called Pouy in Gascony in France. He was ordained a priest in the year 1600. When he was on a sea voyage from Marseilles to Narbonne, he fell into the hands of sea-pirates in the year 1605 and was taken as a slave to Tunis. He was in captivity as a slave for two years and escaped from captivity in the year 1607 by converting his owner to Christianity. He then returned to France and became preceptor in the family of Emmanuel de Gondy, Count of Goigny. In the year 1625 he laid the foundation of a congregation, which was later called as the Congregation of the Mission or Lazerists or Vincentians. In the year 1633 he founded the Daughters of Charity. He was renowned for his compassion, humility and generosity. He was also revered as the “great Apostle of Charity”. He died on September 27, 1660 and his heart is still incorrupt.\n\nHe was declared blessed by Pope Benedict-XIII on August 13, 1729 and canonized by Pope Clement-XII on June 16, 1737. He was given as a patron to the Sisters of Charity by Pope Leo-XIII. He is also the patron of the Brothers of Charity. \n\nThe Society of Vincent de Paul was established by the students of French University in the year 1833, led by the Blessed Frederic Ozanam.
St. Vincent de Paul Prayer
Lord Jesus, may the example of St. Vincent de Paul inspire us to be generous of hearts and hand to the needy. May our generosity flow from humble gratitude for your many gifts to us, rather than from false pride in our own abilities. We are all needy in our own ways-and so are dependent on your generosity and that of others. Help us to respond willingly to the Gospel call to self-giving love, to look for ways to serve rather than expecting to be served.
Prayer To St Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent, patron of all charitable associations and father of those who are in misery, come to our assistance.
Obtain from Our Lord, help for the poor, relief for the infirm, consolation for the afflicted, protection for the abandoned, a spirit of generosity for the rich, grace of conversion for sinners, zeal for priests, peace for the Church, tranquillity and order for all nations, and salvation for them all.
May we be united in the life to come, by your intercession, and experience joy, gladness, and everlasting happiness.
… St Vincent de Paul, Pray for Us …
Prayer For Homeless Persons
O God you are a God of justice, mercy, and compassion. Support us, your servants of the poor, as we endeavor to bring your love and compassion to people who are homeless and in need of your love. We pray that we will see you, our all-loving God in each homeless person we encounter and in our service for those in need. May we do all in our power to support each person reach their potential, so they experience the fullness of life. We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Prayer To St Vincent de Paul I
Noble Saint Vincent de Paul,
beloved servant of the poor,
may we follow your example and do good works
among those whom society has abandoned,
enslaved, or forgotten.
Inspire us to feed the hungry,
to love a child,
to provide comfort and medicine to the sick,
to clothe those whose garments are threadbare,
and to offer hope and our Lord’s words
to all who need respite.
Pray for us to our beloved God
that we may commit ourselves selflessly
to doing the same charitable acts
that you did all your life,
and intercede with him
that we may have the favour of his guidance
and strength and love upon this important and meaningful work.
Prayer of the Vincentian Family
Lord Jesus, you who willed to become poor, give us eyes and a heart directed toward the poor; help us recognize you in them — in their thirst, their hunger, their loneliness, and their misfortune. Enkindle within our Vincentian Family unity, simplicity, humility, and the fire of love that burned in St. Vincent de Paul. Strengthen us, so that faithful to the practice of these virtues, we may contemplate you and see you in the person of the poor and may one day be united with you and them in your Kingdom.
Prayer to St. Vincent de Paul
O Glorious Saint Vincent de Paul,
The mention of your name,
Suggests a litany of your virtues:
Humility, zeal, mercy, self-sacrifice.
It also recalls
Your many foundations:
Works of Mercy,
The Church gratefully remembers,
Your promotion of the priesthood.
Inspire all Charitable Workers,
Especially those who minister,
To both the spiritually
And the materially poor.
O Lord, give us the grace,
That You bestowed upon,
Your servant St. Vincent de Paul,
To relinquish the temptation,
Of material things,
In our holy effort,
To minister to the poor.