ASCENSION OF THE LORD – 29th May & 1st June 2025


The Ascension of the Lord

Regarding the Ascension of the Lord, the ecclesiastical provinces of Boston, Hartford, New York, Newark, Omaha, and Philadelphia have retained its celebration on the proper Thursday, while all other provinces have transferred this Solemnity to the Seventh Sunday of Easter, “The Ascension of Jesus into heaven,” Pope Francis said, “acquaints us with this deeply consoling reality on our journey: in Christ, true God and true man, our humanity was taken to God. Christ opened the path to us. If we entrust our life to him, if we let ourselves be guided by him, we are certain to be in safe hands, in the hands of our Savior.” This is why, as Pope Benedict XVI wrote, it would be a mistake to interpret the Ascension as “the temporary absence of Christ from the world.” Rather, “we go to heaven to the extent that we go to Jesus Christ and enter into him.” Heaven is a person: “Jesus himself is what we call ‘heaven.’”


Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Right before your Ascension into heaven you told your apostles to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth upon receiving the Holy Spirit. May I be similarly inspired to spread your Gospel message in word and deed, according to your will for me. And may I do so prudently and joyfully, with your help, your guidance, and your grace! And remembering this glorious event, help me to seek what is above, Heaven, where you are seated at the right hand of God the Father!

Prayer Meditation for The Ascension

O Lord Jesus, I adore you, Son of Mary, my Saviour and my Brother, for You are God. I follow You in my thoughts, O firstfruits of our race, as I hope one day by Your grace to follow You in my person into heavenly glory. Until then, do not let me neglect the earthly task which You have given me. Let me labour diligently all my life with a greater appreciation for the present. Let me realize that only by accomplishing true human fulfillment can I attain Divine fulfillment and ascend to You at the completion of my work. Amen.

Prayer on the Feast of the Ascension

Lord Jesus, you became man and came to live among us. For love of us, you suffered and died for us. Because you are God, you conquered death and rose on the third day. Today you return to your Father and our Father, But you promised to remain with us till the end of time, And to send us the Holy Spirit. We rejoice and thank you, Lord Jesus. Come Holy Spirit, purify and transform us, Kindle within us the fire of your love. Amen

7 Powerful Prayers for Ascension Sunday

John 7:33 Heavenly Father, I thank You for sending Your Son who was with us only for a short time. Thank You for being the living water that quenches the thirst of all those who long for You. I give You praise for being Your resurrection power, it is because of You that we too can have everlasting life with You in heaven. I pray that we do not take for granted this special
day, Amen.
Acts 1:6-11 Righteous God, I thank You for this ascension Sunday and for Your divine authority. Your Word says that You alone set the dates and times for things to happen and it is through You that we receive power. I thank You for the ascension of Your son Jesus, because of Him we are given divine authority and guidance here on earth through Your Holy Spirit. I give you thanks because I know that someday You will return from heaven in the same way You ascended from earth, Amen.
Luke 24:50-51 Oh Lord, thank You for Your benevolent nature. Whilst Your Son was taken up into heaven, He blessed us here on earth. I pray that I do not take for granted the blessings that You have given me, instead I receive them with my whole heart. So on this ascension Sunday, Father I give You the glory, honor and praise because of who You are and because of all that You have done, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
John 14:2 Righteous God, I thank You for the many rooms that You have prepared for us. Lord, I thank You for ensuring that I can spend eternity with You after death through the resurrection power of Your Son Jesus. Your Word says that if You had not prepared a place for me, You would not have told me so. Therefore, on this ascension Sunday, I thank You for sending Your Son so that I may be saved, Amen.
1 Timothy 3:16 Eternal God, I give You the honor and praise because You are great! You sent Your Son to appear in the flesh, to then be vindicated by the Spirit. Your Son was seen by angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world and taken up in glory. Hallelujah for the hidden truth of godliness! So on this ascension Sunday, we thank You for allowing us to comprehend just a segment of You awesome and divine power, Amen.
John 14:12 Oh Lord, we commemorate this special day – the day of ascension – along with the many things You did here on earth. Your scripture declares that whoever believes in the works that You did on earth, will do even greater things, because Your Son returned to You in heaven. I thank You for giving us divine authority to be more like Jesus, I walk in Your power, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
John 16:28 & Hebrews 6:20 Dear God, thank You for sending Your Son into the world so that I may be saved. Thank You for the fulfillment of Your Word by the resurrection of Jesus and His ascension into heaven. I glorify Your Name because You are faithful to Your Word and Your people. You sent Your son to be a forerunner so that I could also be with You in
heaven. So on this day of ascension, Blessed be Your Name, Amen!