( Dioceses around the World)
Feast of Our Lady of Peace in Roman Catholic Church
The Feast of Our Lady of Peace is celebrated annually on January 24. This feast commemorates the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is often represented holding a dove and an olive branch, that are the symbols of peace.
The memorial feast celebration has two dates: January 24 and July 9. While January 24 is the feast day in Hawaii and in some churches of the United States, the rest of the world uses July 9, the date when the original statue of Our Lady of Peace was crowned by the Archbishop of Paris in the name of Pope Saint Pius X.
The story of celebration begins in the early 1500s in France, when a statue of Our Lady of Peace was presented as a wedding gift to a young bride. This statue was known as Virgin of Joyeuse and it became the family heirloom. Later the statue was given to the Capuchin community, that erected a large chapel for those who sought Mary’s intercession.
The original wooden statue of Blessed Virgin Mary is kept at the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in France. A larger bronze replica is hoisted above the altar at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace. And the last, the third one, replica stands outside the cathedral.
Prayer for the Immaculate Queen of Peace
Most holy and immaculate Virgin, Mother of Jesus and our loving Mother, being his Mother, you shared in his universal kingship. The prophets and angels proclaimed him King of peace. With loving fervour in our hearts, we salute and honour you as Queen of peace.
We pray that your intercession may protect us and all people from hated and discord, and direct our hearts into the ways of peace and justice which your Son taught and exemplified. We ask your maternal care for our Holy Father who works to reconcile the nations in peace. We seek your guidance for our President and other leaders as they strive for world peace.
Glorious Queen of peace, grant us peace in our hearts, harmony in our families and concord throughout the world. Immaculate Mother, as patroness of our beloved country, watch over us and protect us with your motherly love. Amen.
Prayer to Mary, Queen of Peace,
O Loving God, your Son, Jesus Christ, came into the world to do your Will and leave us His Peace. Through the intercession and example of our Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, grant us the wisdom and humility to reflect that peace to the world. Inspire our thoughts, words and deeds to bear witness to your presence in our hearts. May your Holy Spirit fill us with every grace and blessing so that we may pursue what leads to peace for all humanity.
Opening Prayer
We come before you, our God, to offer you through the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin, all our desires, hopes, and actions for your greater glory and for the exaltation of Mary our Mother. Deign to accept this offering in adoration, in thanksgiving, and in atonement for our sins. We are deeply sorry for the sins we have committed because you are all good and deserving of our love. We are resolved to confess our sins, to do penance, and to amend our lives.
O most Holy Virgin, chosen by the Most High to be the most pure Mother of Christ, we rejoice at the sublime gift bestowed of you as the bearer of God Incarnate for nine months and as his protectress and comfort from his infancy to his death in calvary.
O Tender Mother, grant us also that particular protection in our lives, especially in time of need. Never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection implored your help or sought your intercession was left unaided. With this confidence, we implore you O Mother of Mercy, to grant us the graces and favors we are asking in this novena through the venerable image, under the title of Our Lady of Peace, we ask that you protect from all harm our loved ones who are working overseas. Extend your mantle of protection to all particularly to our country, so that true peace will reign in our midst.
(Mention your request.)
Pray 3 Hail Mary
Our Lady of Peace, pray for us.
Marian Prayer for Peace
God our Father, Creator of the world, you establish the order which governs all ages. Hear our prayer and give us peace in our time that we may rejoice in your glory and praise you without end. Mary, Queen of Peace, look upon us kindly. Through your prayers obtain for us the gift of peace which Your Son promised. We ask this through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, Son of God, Son of Mary who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
O Mary, sweet Mother of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, behold at your feet your sad and perturbed children, full of confusion, and without peace because of our sins. Intercede for us so that we may enjoy peace with God and our neighbour, through your Son Jesus Christ. No one else can give it except this Jesus whom we receive from your hands. When He was born in Bethlehem, the angels announced peace to us and when He left the world, He promised it and left it as His inheritance.
You, O Blessed Queen of Peace, bring Him, the Prince of Peace, in your arms. Show us this Jesus and lay Him in our heart.
O Queen of Peace, establish your kingdom among us and rule with your Son over your people who, full of trust, commit themselves to your protection. Drive far from us feelings of selfish love; expel from us the spirit of envy, damnation and discord.
Make us humble in good fortune, steadfast in patience and charitable in suffering, and strong and confident in Divine Providence.
Bless us by guiding our steps on the road of peace, unity and mutual charity so that by being a part of your family here we may bless you and your Divine Son in Heaven for all eternity.
(Say three ‘Hail Marys’.)