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General Rate Policy
- 30-days notice will be given for any change in the rates.Advertiser has the right to cancel contract without penalty in the event of such a change.
- All advertising copy submitted is subject to the approval of St. Michael Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Political, cigarettes, liquor, travel, finance, and banking advertising are not accepted.
Client is responsible for any errors in the advertisement. - St. Michael Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary is not responsible for imperfect printing resulting from defective printing materials.
- Should mechanical limitations render it impossible to place advertiser’s copy in the issue ordered, St. Michael Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary is not liable. Arrangement will be made to place the ad in following issue or any other issue suitable to the advertiser.
- Consideration must be given in all proposed advertisements tot he fact that this is a Catholic publication.
Mechanical Measurement and Data:
1 column = 2 5/16 inches
2 columns = 4 14/16 inches
3 columns = 7 15/16 inches
Full page = 9 14/16″ x 13 13/16″ deep
No Advertising Inserts
The St. Michael Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary will not accept pre-printed advertising materials.
Every effort will be made to comply with position requests but acceptance of an order does not imply a guarantee.
Discounts, Frequency discounts
- 5% Advertise at least three times or more consecutively.
- 10% advertise 5 times or more consecutively.
- Catholic Church Rates – All churches, schools of the Roman Catholic Church are entitled to a 10% discounts on all rates.
The St. Michael Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary is published every month. Advertising deadline is fourteen days prior to publication date, by noon.
Publication Dates
Publication date is on the 13th of each month
Payment Terms
Client must pay in advance.
- All payments by cash , check, and credit card.
- A return check fee of $15.00 will be assessed for any check that is return by a bank.
- Client assumes full responsibility for payment on advertisements published if client fails to give cancellation notice on or before deadline for space reservations and/ or copy changes.
- If the advertising office does not receive ad copy on or before deadline, client must pay for space reserved.
Hawaii advertisers subject to 4% state tax.
1. This contract is between the St. Michael Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary, herein referred to as SMC, and the party listed on the face of this contract or his/her duty authorized agent or representative, herein referred to as CLIENT.
2. The CLIENT shall assume all liability for all contents, including copy, photographs and illustrations within advertisements printed and shall indemnity, defend and hold harmless the St. Michael Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary, and its office, employees, agents, or any person acting on their behalf from and against: (1) any claim or demand for loss, liability or damage, including, but not limited to, claims for property damage, personal injury or death, by whomsoever brought or made by reason of the non-observance or no-performance of any of the terms, covenants and conditions herein or the rules, regulations, ordinances and laws of the federal, state, municipal or country governments. Furthermore, the CLIENT shall reimburse the SMC and its employees, agents, or any person acting on their behald for all attorney’s fees, costs, and expenses incurred in connection with the defense of such claims
3. No verbal agreements, promises, waivers, understandings or conditions of any nature other than those stipulated on the face of this contract will be binding upon SMC.
4. The SMC advertising manager monitors all submitted paid advertising copy and reserves the right to refuse to print any advertisement that is in his/her opinion dertrimental to the public, the newspaper or other advertisers.
5. Cancellations: CLIENT assumes full responsibility for payment on advertisements published if CLIENT fails to give notice on or before closing date for space reservations and/or copy change.
6. Missed Deadline: if ad copy is not received on or before the deadline for submission to the advertising office, the advertiser forfeits the space and the right to determine what is placed in the space. In addition, as in late cancellations, the advertiser is responsible for payment of the cost of the space reserved.
7. Increases or decreases in the column inches purchased by the CLIENT may be made within the established time period of the contract. Contracts may listed at the time of execution.
All per column inch changes will be billed at subsequent higher or lower rate, as applicable.
8. In the event of omission of an advertisement by SMC, CLIENT will be entitled to receive the total amount paid.
9. SMC will not be responsible for more than the first incorrect insertion of any advertisement. SMC liability shall not exceed the cost of the ad in which the error occurred.
10. Any error caused by SMC in the reproduction of advertisements which does not materially affect the totality of the advertisement does not constitute breach of contract by the SMC.
11. SMC reserves the right to request payment in advance and suspend further advertising if CLIENT is delinquent in making payments.
12. In the case default is made in payment of account and the account is given to an attorney or collection agent, or suit is instituted thereon, the advertiser agrees to and shall pay all costs of the collection and legal actions.
13. News stories and/or free notices do not accompany any class of advertising.
14. Publication schedules and issue size are subject to change.
15. All ads are due: 12 noon Fourteen working days prior to publications.
16. Address all written correspondence to
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