St. Angela Merici was the founder of the Ursuline order, the oldest religious order of women in the Roman Catholic Church dedicated to the education of girls. Orphaned young, she went to Salo to live in the home of an uncle. Later she joined the Third Order of St. Francis. At the age of 20 she returned to Desenzano, where she gathered about her a group of girls who taught the catechism to the children of the village. In 1506, while praying in the fields of Brudazzo, Angela had a vision in which she was told that she would found a society of virgins at Brescia. On November 25, 1535, at Brescia, Angela and 28 companions consecrated themselves to God by a vow of virginity, and the Company of St. Ursula was born. Angela drew up her rule in 1536, which provided for the Christian education of girls in order to restore the family and, through the family, the whole of Christian society. She was unanimously elected superior of the company in 1537. Before her death she dictated her spiritual testament and her counsels to her nuns; they insist on interest in the individual, gentleness, and the efficacy of persuasion over force.
Prayer for the Intercession of St. Angela Merici
May the Virgin Saint Angela never fail to commend us
to your compassion, O Lord, we pray,
that, following the lessons of her charity and prudence,
we may hold fast to your teaching
and express it in what we do.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
may Saint Angela commend us to Your mercy;
may her charity and wisdom help us
to be faithful to Your teaching
and to follow it in our lives.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Litany of St. Angela Merici
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, and faithful Guardian of our Mother Saint Angela, Pray for us.
Saint Angela Merici, Pray for us.
St. Angela, favored with the choicest gifts of God from thy infancy, Pray for us.
St. Angela, who didst give thyself to the practice of all the virtues from thy tenderest years, Pray for us.
St. Angela, who didst always preserve a spotless purity, Pray for us.
St. Angela, who by thy love for holy purity, didst merit to receive thy name, Pray for us.
St. Angela, who from childhood found thy delight in solitude, Pray for us.
St. Angela, who led an angelic life in the house of thy parents, Pray for us.
St. Angela, who didst daily hear on thy body the mortification of Jesus, Pray for us.
St. Angela, whose gift it was to reconcile the bitterest enemies, Pray for us.
(St. Angela, who at thirteen become a Tertiary of St. Francis and ever remained faithful,) Pray for us.
St. Angela, gifted with the graces of prayer and contemplation, Pray for us.
St. Angela, who visited the Holy Land, and there followed the bloody footprints of Jesus, Pray for us.
St. Angela, who triumphed over the illusions of the devil, Pray for us.
St. Angela, who wast not afflicted at the loss of thy sight in visiting the holy places, Pray for us.
St. Angela, whose sight was miraculously restored in the Island of Candia, Pray for us.
St. Angela, whom the love of. God had wounded and whom this same love cured, Pray for us.
St. Angela, model of perfect self-denial and true humility, Pray for us.
St. Angela, who, like Jacob, wast permitted to see the mysterious ladder, Pray for us.
St. Angela, chosen by God to be the mother of many holy virgins, Pray for us.
St. Angela, Foundress of the illustrious Order of the Ursulines, Pray for us.
St. Angela, to whom God promised that this Order should always subsist, Pray for us.
St. Angela, who, filled with joy, didst give up thy soul in the embrace of the Lord, Pray for us.
St. Angela, whose body remained incorruptible after death, Pray for us.
St. Angela, Patroness of Christian mothers, Pray for us.
St. Angela, Protectress of young girls, Pray for us.
St. Angela, our Mother and Advocate, Pray for us.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world:
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world:
Hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world:
Have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O glorious Mother Saint Angela:
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
O God, Who by means of our blessed Mother Saint Angela didst cause a new Order of holy virgins to flourish in Thy Church: grant, through her intercession, that we may imitate her angelic virtues, and, forsaking all earthly things, may be found worthy of eternal bliss. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
R. Amen.
Angela Merici prayer
Lord, my hope and my life.
Receive my heart, Lord,
my freedom and my will.
All my actions and my thoughts,
I give you, Lord, all that is mine,
I offer at your feet my whole being
receive it; I pray you, I
who deserve
nothing from you,
enlighten my heart,
that I may never offend you.
Strengthen my spirit
so that I may never
to turn away from your face
so that it may not
separate me from you,
enlighten my heart
that I may never offend you.
Strengthen my spirit
that I may never
from your face
so that it may not
that I may not be separated from you.
Prayer for the unfortunates
Dear St. Angela of Merici, you showed great concern for the welfare of so many girls and adolescents who needed your help because they were helpless. Today grant us your intercession before our Father so that no woman in the world will have to go through suffering, humiliation, pain, and disadvantage.
We pray to You for wives, daughters, sisters, girlfriends or friends, so that they may live their lives to the full, always accompanied by the hand of God; make them invisible in the eyes of evil and allow them to have the teachings, courage, and support they need and deserve at all stages of their lives.
For those who take care of their homes and are not valued, for those who feel sunken and with low self-esteem before the humiliations of others, for those who are treated as objects, for the girls who grow up in unsuitable conditions, for the young women who are exposed to so many dangers and for every woman who needs help in the world.
But above all, glorious Saint Angela of Merici, we implore you to pray for all of us so that we may be able to build a more just and egalitarian society where gender gaps do not exist and that among women, there may be the necessary support to get ahead and not envy or finger-pointing; Make our prayers reach the heavens so that we may receive the mercy of our Lord.
Prayer for spiritual growth
Lord, during the pilgrimage to the Holy Land, St. Angela experienced great devastation; then, she began to go blind. Still, she insisted on continuing the pilgrimage with dedication and enthusiasm. On my journey through the world, and the journeys of each of us, especially for the disabled, help us continue onward against all odds. Renew our commitment to spiritual growth. You who restored St. Angela’s sight teach us to know that your healing love is with us, even when we do not get the healings we desire. St. Angela, pray for us.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.
Act of contrition
O Lord, we commend ourselves to your divine pardon through the intercession of St. Angela of Merici so that following her example of charity and prudence, we may know how to keep your doctrine and put it into practice in this life.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Blessed Spirit and is God per saecula saeculorum.
Novena for Saint Angela de Merici
God of all goodness, who enlightened St. Angela, virgin, with the wisdom of the cross, so that she might recognize your Son Jesus Christ in the poor and abandoned sick, and serve them as a humble servant, grant us the grace that we ask of you through her intercession in this novena.
(Here, we mention the grace we wish to obtain).
In the same way, she inspires in us the desire to follow her example, embracing day after day our cross, in union with Christ crucified and serving our brothers and sisters with love.
We ask this through Jesus Christ himself, your Son, and our Lord.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be …
Saint Angela, pray for us.