Peter Damian was born in Ravenna in the year 1007. He was orphaned earlier in life and one of his elder brothers adopted him but employed him as a swineherd. But his another brother Damian, who was then the arch-priest at Ravenna took Peter away, to give him education. Peter studied theology and cannon law and became a famous teacher at the age of 25 years. As a mark of respect to his brother for imparting him education, he added his brother’s name Damian to his own name and called himself as Peter Damian. In the year 1035 he entered the isolated hermitage at Fonte Avellana. He later became the Prior of the Hermitage and remained there till his death. In his hermitage he introduced flagellation or flogging, as an act of methodically beating or whipping one’s own body willingly in religious contexts, as a means of penance. He also introduced the siesta or sleeping after mid-day meals, in the monasteries. He was made the cardinal bishop of Ostia by pope Stephen-IX. He was sent by pope Nicholas-II to Milan to settle a religious problem there. He died on February 21 or 22, 1072 in his hermitage.He was made a Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church by pope Leo-XII in the year 1828.
St. Peter Damian Novena
O holy Virgin, Mother of God, help those who implore your assistance. Turn toward us.
Have you perhaps forgotten us because you have been elevated to a position close to God? No, certainly not.
You know well in what danger you left us. You know the miserable condition of your servants. No, it would not benefit such great mercy as yours to forget such great misery as ours. Turn toward us, then, with your power, for He who is powerful has made you omnipotent in heaven and on earth. For you, nothing is impossible. You can raise even those who are in despair to a hope of salvation. There more powerful you are, the greater should be your mercy. Turn also to us in your love.
I know. O Mary, that you are all kindness and that you love us with a love that no other love can surpass.
How often you appease the wrath of our Divine Judge, when He is on the point of punishing us! All the treasures of the mercy of God are in your hands. You will never cease to benefit us, I know, for you are only seeking an opportunity to save all sinners and to shower your mercies upon them.
Your glory is increased when, through you, penitents are forgiven and reach heaven. Turn, then, toward us, so that we may also be able to go and see you in heaven. For the greatest glory that we can have, after seeing God, will be to see you, to love you, and to be under your protection. So be pleased to grant our prayer, for your beloved Son wishes to honor you by refusing nothing that you ask.
(Mention your request here…)
St. Peter Damian, pray for us.
Say 1: Our Father… Say 1: Hail Mary… Say 1: Glory Be…
Prayer to St. Peter Damian
Saint Peter Damian, reformer of the Church, scourge of the wicked, come to our aid with your prayers! Great Doctor of the Church, intercede on our behalf before the throne of God. By your prayers and intercession, help us, O hater of sin, to fly from evil and embrace what is good. We also ask, great saint, that you intercede for this special intention
(State your request).
Pray for us, O monk, O cardinal, O servant of God!
All-powerful God,
help us to follow the teachings and example of Peter Damian.
By making Christ and the service of his Church
the first love of our lives,
may we come to the joys of eternal light,
where he lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.
Grant, we pray, almighty God, that we may so follow the teaching and example of the Bishop Saint Peter Damian, that, putting nothing before Christ and always ardent in the service of your Church, we may be led to the joys of eternal light. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.
Saint Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Saint Peter Damian, your reform of the Church began in your own monastery cell. You never asked of others what you did not demand first of yourself. You even endured the detraction and calumny of your peers. Help us to reform others by our example, learning, perseverance, mortifications, and prayers.
O, let your nature move you,
let your power move you;
for the more you are powerful,
the greater should your mercy be.
O Mary, our own beloved advocate,
since you have so compassionate a heart,
that you cannot even see the wretched
without being moved to pity;
and since, at the same time,
you have so great power with God
that you can save all those you protect;
disdain not to undertake the cause
of us poor miserable creatures
who place all our hope in thee.
If our prayers cannot move you,
at least let your own benign heart do so;
or, at least, let your power do so,
since God has enriched you with such great power,
in order that the richer you are in power to help us,
the more merciful you may be willing to assist us.
Prayer of Saint Peter Damian to the Blessed Virgin Mary
O holy Virgin, Mother of God,
help those who implore your assistance.
Turn toward us.
Have you perhaps forgotten us
because you have been elevated
to a position close to God?
No, certainly not.
You know well in what danger you left us.
You know the miserable condition of your servants.
No, it would not benefit such great mercy as yours
to forget such great misery as ours.
Turn toward us, then, with your power,
for He who is powerful
has made you omnipotent in heaven and on earth.
For you, nothing is impossible.
You can raise even those who are in despair
to a hope of salvation.
There more powerful you are,
the greater should be your mercy.
Turn also to us in your love. I know.
O Mary, that you are all kindness
and that you love us with a love
that no other love can surpass.
How often you appease the wrath of our Divine Judge,
when He is on the point of punishing us!
All the treasures of the mercy of God
are in your hands.
You will never cease to benefit us, I know,
for you are only seeking an opportunity
to save all sinners
and to shower your mercies upon them.
Your glory is increased when, through you,
penitents are forgiven and reach heaven.
Turn, then, toward us,
so that we may also be able to go
and see you in heaven.
For the greatest glory that we can have,
after seeing God,
will be to see you, to love you,
and to be under your protection.
So be pleased to grant our prayer;
for your beloved Son wishes to honour you
by refusing nothing that you ask.