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Friday, January 17, 2025

February Prayer Request

Please Submit Your Prayer Request The Saint Michael Center will receive your prayer request. Please be assured that your intentions have been presented in confidence into the hands of a Holy Priest and that they will be directly offered in Holy Mass, the highest and most sublime of all prayers, united with our prayers for you at the Saint Michael Center. May The LORD bless thee, and keep thee safe and healthy May The LORD make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The LORD lift up His Countenance upon thee, and grant thee His peace prayer request The Miracle PrayerLord Jesus, l come before You, just as I am. I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me In Your name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. l give You my entire self. Lord Jesus, now and forever, I invite You into my life Jesus, I accept You as my Lord, God and Saviour. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit. Come Lord Jesus cover me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit, I love You Lord Jesus. I praise You Jesus. I thank You Jesus. I shall follow You every day of my life. Amen. SAY “THE MIRACLE PRAYER” ! BELIEVE IN MIRACLES. GOD LOVES YOU !

February Month Prayers

February 1st

Saint Ansgar



you sent Saint Ansgar

to bring the light of Christ to many nations.

May his prayers help us

to walk in the light of your truth.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.



O God, who willed to send the Bishop Saint Ansgar

to enlighten many people,

grant us, through his intercession,

that we may always walk in the light of your truth.

through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.

Saint Ansgar, “Apostle of the North”

Almighty and everlasting God, you sent your servant Ansgar as an apostle to the people of Scandinavia, and enabled him to lay a firm foundation for their conversion, though he did not see the results of his labours: Keep your Church from discouragement in the day of small things, knowing that when you have begun a good work you will bring it to a fruitful conclusion.

Prayer to St. Ansgar

O bringer of light

to many nations,

you who struggled on

for the souls placed in your care

that all might know the Christ

for whom you toiled,

endlessly seeking

to convert obstinate hearts –

may your zeal

inspire missionaries this day

to go forth selflessly

proclaiming the Gospel to all,

bearing witness to the Lord

in the cross they bear

in season and out of season;

whether producing much fruit

or being rejected,

may their hearts be set on the Word

and the love of God

for His children.

Pray especially those lands you led to Christ

will turn again

to the one true light.


Collect Prayer

Grant us, Lord our God, that we may honor you with all our mind, and love everyone in truth of heart. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.


Collect Prayer

Hear, O Lord, the supplications your people make under the patronage of the Martyr Saint Blaise, and grant that they may rejoice in peace in this present life, and find help for life eternal. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.


February 2nd

Presentation of the Lord

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Lord Jesus, as an infant You were brought to the temple by Your parents out of religious duty. Help all parents to take their duties to God seriously, to inculcate their faith in the next generation by their words and by their actions, so that the faith will be handed on where the faith is first learned in the family and in the home.


God of steadfast love,
you sent your Son to be the light of the world,
saving people everywhere from sin and death.
As Anna gave thanks for the freedom he would bring,
and Simeon saw in him the dawn of redemption,
complete your purpose once made known in him.
Make us the vessels of his light,
that all the world may glory in the splendor of your peace.



God of love,
you refine silver and shelter the sparrow’s nest.
Accept the prayers we bring this day,
for you know all that tests and troubles us.

Prayers of the People, concluding with

Embrace our needs in your blessing,
so that we may be sustained,
even in times of trial.


Strong and mighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus,
the presentation of your Son in the temple
was his first entrance into the place of sacrifice.
Grant that, trusting in his offering upon the cross
to forgive our sins and uphold us in the time of trial,
we may sing your praises
and live in the light of your salvation, Jesus Christ.


Presentation Of The Lord – Prayer

Almighty ever-living God,
we humbly implore your majesty
that, just as your Only Begotten Son
was presented on this day in the Temple
in the substance of our flesh,
so, by your grace,
we may be presented to you with minds made pure.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity
of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Prayer for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Heavenly Father, on this Feast of Candlemas (the Presentation of Christ), I recall the gift Mary and Joseph gave to the world by offering baby Jesus to You in the temple.

I offer up to You all the children in my family.

I place them into Your perfect will and I turn their futures over to You.

Help me to let go of my ideas of what they should do with their lives, and show me how to guide them into the purposes for which You created them. Help me to learn from the example of the Blessed Mother, whose heart was pierced by the sword of her Son’s pain, how to always trust in Your plans.

Holy Family, pray for us.


Daily Prayers – The Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas)

Lord Jesus, Who went up to the Temple as a child, grant us to know Thy presence and mercy in our lives and in our community so that we may declare the Good News of Thy love for all.

O Blessed Mother of God, who went up to the Temple according to the law with thine offering of little white doves, pray for us that we too may keep the law and be pure in heart like thee.

Three Hail Mary’s, Our Father and Glory be to the father,

First Day

Most Merciful Jesus, whose very nature it is to have compassion on us and to forgive us, do not look upon our sins, but upon the trust which we place in Thine infinite goodness. Receive us all into the abode of Thy Most Compassionate Heart, and never let us escape from it. We beg this of Thee by Thy love, which unites Thee to the Father and the Holy Spirit.

O omnipotence of Divine Mercy, salvation of the sinful, thou art a sea of mercy and compassion and aid those who entreat Thee with humility.

Eternal Father, turn Thy merciful gaze upon all humanity and especially upon poor sinners, all enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, show us Thy mercy, by the grace of Thy Holy Spirit that we may praise the omnipotence of Thy love forever and ever.


Second Day

Most Merciful Jesus, from whom comes all that is good, increase Thy grace in us, that we may perform worthy works of mercy, and that all who see us may glorify the Father of Mercy who is in heaven.

The fountain of God’s love dwells in pure hearts, bathed in the Sea of Mercy, radiant as stars, bright as the dawn.

Eternal Father, turn Thy merciful gaze upon the company of chosen ones in Thy vineyard, upon the souls of priests and religious; and endow them with the strength of Thy blessing. For the love of the Sacred Heart of Thy Son, in which they are enfolded, impart to them through Thy Holy Spirit, Thy power and light, that they may be able to guide others in the way of salvation, and with one voice sing praise to Thy boundless mercy for ages without end.


Third Day

Most Merciful Jesus, from the treasury of Thy mercy, impart Thy graces in great abundance to each and all. Receive us into the abode of Thy Most Compassionate Heart and never let us escape from It. We beg this of Thee by that most wondrous love for the heavenly Father with which Thy Heart burns so fiercely.

Thy miracles of mercy are impenetrable. Neither the sinner nor just one will fathom them. O Lord, cast upon us the eye of Thy pity; draw us all closer to Thy love.

Eternal Father, graciously turn Thy merciful gaze upon faithful souls, as upon the inheritance of Thy Son. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, grant them Thy blessing and surround them with constant protection. May they never fail in love or lose the treasure of the holy faith; but rather, with all the hosts of Angels and Saints and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, may they glorify Thy boundless mercy for endless ages.


Fourth Day

Most Compassionate Jesus, Thou art the Light of the whole world. Receive into the abode of Thy Most Compassionate Heart the souls of pagans and unbelievers who as yet do not know Thee. Let the rays of Thy grace enlighten them that they, too, together with us, may extol Thy wonderful mercy; and do not let them escape from the abode of Thy Most Compassionate Heart.

May the light of Thy love enlighten the souls in darkness; Grant that these souls will know Thee and, together with us, praise Thy mercy.

Eternal Father, turn Thy merciful gaze upon the souls of all unbelievers and of those who as yet do not know Thee, but who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. By the grace of the Holy Spirit draw them to the light of the Gospel. These souls do not know what great happiness it is to love Thee. Grant that they, too, may extol the generosity of Thy mercy for endless ages.


Fifth Day

Most Merciful Jesus, thou art Goodness itself, do not refuse light to those who seek it of Thee. Receive into the abode of Thy Most Compassionate Heart the souls of heretics and schismatics. Draw them by Thy light into the unity of the Church, and do not let them escape the abode of Thy Most Compassionate Heart; but bring it about that they, too, may come to adore the generosity of Thy mercy.

Even for those who have torn the garment of Thy unity, a fount of mercy flows from Thy Heart. The omnipotence of Thy mercy, O God, can lead these souls out of error.

Eternal Father, turn Thy merciful gaze upon the souls of heretics and schismatics, who have squandered Thy blessings and misused Thy graces by obstinately persisting in their errors. Do not look upon their errors, but upon the love of Thine own Son and upon His bitter Passion, which He underwent for their sake, since they, too, are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit may they glorify Thy great mercy for endless ages.


Sixth Day

Most Merciful Jesus, who said, “Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart” receive into the abode of Thy Most Compassionate Heart all meek and humble souls and the souls of little children. These souls bring joy to heaven; they are beloved of the heavenly Father. They are a sweet-smelling bouquet before the throne of God. God takes delight in their fragrance. These souls have a permanent abode in Thy Most Compassionate Heart, O Jesus, and they unceasingly sing out a hymn of Thy love and mercy.

Eternal Father, turn Thy merciful gaze upon meek and humble souls, and upon the souls of little children, who are enfolded in Thine abode, which is the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls bear the closest resemblance to Thy Son. Their fragrance rises from the earth and reaches Thy throne. Father of mercy and of all goodness, we beg Thee by Thy Holy Spirit and Thy love for these souls, thy delight: bless the whole world, that all together may sing the praises of Thy mercy for endless ages.


Seventh Day

Most Merciful Jesus, Whose Heart is Love Itself, receive into the abode of Thy Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who particularly extol and venerate the greatness of Thy mercy. These souls are mighty with the power of God Himself. In the midst of all afflictions and adversities they go forward, confident of Thy mercy. These souls are united to Jesus and carry humanity on their shoulders. These souls will not be judged severely, because Thy mercy will embrace them as they depart from this life.

A soul who praises the goodness of her Lord is always close to the living fountain and draws graces from Mercy Divine.

Eternal Father, turn Thy merciful gaze upon the souls who glorify and venerate Thy greatest attribute, that of Thy fathomless mercy, and who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls are a living Gospel; their hands are full of deeds of mercy, and their spirit, overflowing with joy, sings a canticle of mercy to Thee, O Most High! We beg Thee O God, the Holy Spirit: Show them Thy mercy according to the hope and trust they have placed in Thee. Let there be accomplished in them the promise of Jesus: to defend as His own glory, during their lifetime, and especially at the hour of their death, those souls who venerate His fathomless mercy by the grace of the Holy Spirit.


Eighth Day

Most Merciful Jesus, we bring into the abode of Thy Most Compassionate Heart the souls in Purgatory, souls who are very dear to Thee, and yet, who must make retribution to justice. May the streams of Blood and Water which gushed forth from Thy Heart cool the flames of the purifying fire of love so that the power of Thy perfect mercy with justice may be praised.

From the heat of the cleansing fire rises a plaint to Thy mercy, and they receive comfort, refreshment, relief in the stream of Blood and Water into which we are baptized.

Eternal Father, turn Thy merciful gaze upon the souls in Purgatory, who are enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. We beg Thee, by the sorrowful Passion of Jesus Thy Son, and by all the bitterness with which His most sacred Soul was flooded, manifest Thy mercy to the souls who are under just scrutiny. Look upon them in no other way than through the Wounds of Jesus, Thy dearly beloved Son; for we firmly believe that there is no limit to the goodness and compassion of Thy Holy Spirit.


Ninth Day

Most compassionate Jesus, Thou art Compassion Itself. We bring lukewarm souls into the abode of Thy Most Compassionate Heart. In this fire of Thy pure love let these tepid souls, so filled with loathing, be once again set aflame. O Most Compassionate Jesus, exercise the omnipotence of Thy mercy and draw them into the ardor of Thy love; and bestow upon them the gift of holy love, for nothing is beyond Thy power.

Fire and ice cannot be joined; either the fire dies, or the ice melts but Thy mercy, O God, makes up for all that is lacking.

Eternal Father, turn Thy merciful gaze upon lukewarm souls, who are nonetheless enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. O Holy Spirit, we beg Thee by the bitter Passion of Jesus and by His three-hour agony on the Cross: let them, too, glorify the abyss of Thy mercy.


Begin the Novena for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

I. BRIGHT MIRROR OF ALL VIRTUES, HOLIEST MARY, forty days had scarcely elapsed from the Birth when you, being the purest of all virgins, did will, according to the law, to be presented in the temple to be purified: grant that we, like you, may keep our hearts unstained by sin, that so we, too, may be made worthy to be presented to our God in the temple of His glory.

Pray one Hail Mary

II. VIRGIN MOST OBEDIENT, at thy presentation in the temple you did will, like other women, to offer the customary sacrifice: obtain for us that we, too, following thy example, may learn how to offer ourselves a living sacrifice to God, by practicing every virtue.

Pray one Hail Mary

III. VIRGIN MOST PURE, in observing the precept of the law, you did care little that men should account you unclean: ask for us the grace to keep our hearts forever pure, however blamable the world may think of us.

Pray one Hail Mary

IV. VIRGIN MOST HOLY, in offering your divine Son to His Eternal Father, you did gladden all the Court of Heaven: present our poor hearts to God, that He, by His grace, may keep them ever free from mortal sin.

Pray one Hail Mary

V. VIRGIN MOST HUMBLE, in placing Jesus in holy aged Simeon’s arms, you did fill his soul with heavenly joy: give our hearts into God’s holy keeping, that He may fill them with His Holy Spirit.

Pray one Hail Mary

VI. VIRGIN MOST ZEALOUS, by redeeming your Son, Jesus, according to the law, you did co-operate in the salvation of the world: ransom now our poor hearts from the slavery of sin, that so they may be ever pure before the face of God.

Pray one Hail Mary

VII. VIRGIN MOST MEEK, on hearing the prophecy of Simeon foretelling your woes, you did promptly bow to the good pleasure of God: enable us also to bear all troubles with patience and resignation to His Divine Will.

Pray one Hail Mary

VIII. VIRGIN MOST COMPASSIONATE, when through your Divine Son you did fill the soul of Anna the prophetess with light, you did make her magnify the mercies of God by recognizing Jesus as the Redeemer of the world: enrich our souls with heavenly grace, that we may largely share the fruit of the Divine Redemption.

Pray one Hail Mary

IX. VIRGIN MOST RESIGNED, who did feel your soul transfixed with sorrow when in spirit you did foresee all the bitter passion of your Son, and, knowing the grief of Joseph, your spouse, for all your sufferings, did with holy words console him: pierce through and through our souls with true sorrow for our sins, that we may one day have the consolation to be made partakers of your glory in Heaven.

Pray one Hail Mary

V.Simeon received an answer from the Holy Spirit.
R. Pray one Hail Mary

Let us pray

ALMIGHTY, EVERLASTING GOD, we pray Your Divine Majesty, that as Your Only-begotten Son was presented in the temple in the substance of our flesh, so You would enable us to present ourselves before You with clean hearts.

Prayer after Communion

By these holy gifts which we have received, O Lord, bring your grace to perfection within us, and, as you fulfilled Simeon’s expectation that he would not see death until he had been privileged to welcome the Christ, so may we, going forth to meet the Lord, obtain the gift of eternal life. Through Christ our Lord.

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Prayers of the Faithful

We pray our faith leaders may possess the patience and integrity of Simeon and Anna. May hope spring up within all humanity from laying our eyes first upon the face of Christ Jesus.

We pray to the Lord.
We pray for the Diocese of Colorado Springs, for its mission and future. May we manifest Christ Jesus in our prayer, and service to those in need.
We pray to the Lord.

We pray for true wisdom to emerge in our decision making so that our children and grandchildren may be wrapped in the arms of justice and sure peace, in meaning and reconciliation throughout our world.
We pray to the Lord.

We pray to see the face of Jesus among the timid and the shy, among people discouraged by lack of jobs, ill health and threats of divorce and severe grief. May our hearts be laid bear for the needs of our sisters and brothers.
We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the courage to fast and pray as we wait for Jesus to be manifest in threats of war, violence, and hatred. May Simeon and Anna become models of faith and may their glances upon Jesus teach us how to be grateful forever.
We pray to the Lord.

We pray that our lives may bring peace and consolation to those who grieve here on earth. May the dead be not forgotten within our lives of faith. In this Mass…
We pray to the Lord.

Prayer For The Feast Of The
Presentation Of The Lord

All-powerful Father,
Christ your Son became man for us
and was presented in the temple.
May he free our hearts from sin
and bring us into your presence.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God,
for ever and ever.


February 3rd

Saint Blaise

A Prayer To Saint Blaise

O glorious Saint Blaise, who by thy martyrdom didst leave to the Church a precious witness to the faith, obtain for us the grace to preserve within ourselves this divine gift, and to defend, without human respect, both by word and example, the truth of that same faith, which is so wickedly attacked and slandered in these our times. Thou who didst miraculously restore a little child when it was at the point of death by reason of an affliction of the throat, grant us thy mighty protection in like misfortunes; and, above all, obtain for us the grace of Christian mortification, together with a faithful observance of the precepts of the Church, which may keep us from offending almighty God.


Prayer In Honor Of St. Blaise

O God, deliver us through the intercession of Thy holy bishop and martyr Blase, from all evil of soul and body, especially from all ills of the throat; and grant us the grace to make a good confession in the confident hope of obtaining Thy pardon, and ever to praise with worthy lips Thy most holy name. Through Christ our Lord.


Invocation Of St. Blaise

St. Blase, gracious benefactor of mankind and faithful servant of God, who for the love of our Savior did suffer so many tortures with patience and resignation; I invoke thy powerful intercession. Preserve me from all evils of soul and body. Because of thy great merits God endowed thee with the special grace to help those that suffer from ills of the throat; relieve and preserve me from them, so that I may always be able to fulfill my duties, and with the aid of God’s grace perform good works. I invoke thy help as special physician of souls, that I may confess my sins sincerely in the holy sacrament of Penance and obtain their forgiveness. I recommend to thy merciful intercession also those who unfortunately concealed a sin in confession. Obtain for them the grace to accuse themselves sincerely and contritely of the sin they concealed, of the sacrilegious confessions and communions they made, and of all the sins they committed since then, so that they may receive pardon, the grace of God, and the remission of the eternal punishment.



My Lord and my God! I offer up to Thee my petition in union with the bitter passion and death of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, together with the merits of His immaculate and blessed Mother, Mary ever virgin, and of all the saints, particularly with those of the holy Helper in whose honor I make this novena.

Look down upon me, merciful Lord! Grant me Thy grace and Thy love, and graciously hear my prayer.


Ask for St. Blaise’s intercession to prepare for a worthy observance of Lent.

Accept, O glorious martyr, the praise which we offer you,
in union with that given you by the whole Church.
In return for this homage of our veneration,
look down upon the Christian people,
who are now preparing to enter in the season of penance
and to be converted to the Lord their God by holy compunction and tears.

We ask it of you by your own combat, assist us in the one for which we are preparing. When duty required you to undergo tortures and death,
it found you ready and brave.
Our duty is expiation by penance and your prayers must get us courage.
Our enemies are not more cruel than yours, but they are more treacherous,
and if we spare them, we are lost.
Obtain for us that heavenly assistance,
which enabled you to conquer.


Collect Prayer

Hear, O Lord, the supplications your people make under the patronage of the Martyr Saint Blaise, and grant that they may rejoice in peace in this present life, and find help for life eternal. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.


Prayer for the Feast of St. Blaise and the Blessing of the Throats

Almighty and eternal God,

St. Blaise was a faithful servant whose life serves as a model for us all, he lived a life of faith and trusted in your divine mercy. You gave him a special gift of healing, a sign of the miraculous power of your love. Grant to us your protection against the forces of evil and illness. As we encounter you in the Eucharist, help us also to see you in those who are sick and in need of physical healing.

We ask for these things in your Holy Name,


Daily Prayer

St. Blaise, gracious benefactor of mankind and faithful servant of God, who for the love of our saviour suffered many tortures with patience and resignation; I invoke your powerful intercession. Preserve me from all evils of body and soul. Because of your special merits, God has given you special graces to help those who suffer from ills of the throat. Relieve and preserve me from them, so that I may always be able to fulfil my duties and with the aid of God’s grace, perform good works. I invoke your help as special physician of souls that I may confess my sins sincerely in the holy sacrament of penance and obtain their forgiveness.


First Day

Lord Jesus Christ, you said that your disciples would only be worthy of you if they are able to carry their cross. You asked them to be faithful till the end, even if it means shedding their blood for your sake. You are pleased by the offering of life done by your servant St. Blaise. His death sealed his loyalty to you, and for this reason, you love your servant St. Blaise.
O St. Blaise, Christians down the centuries have asked your intercession for their throat ailments, and you have proven your closeness to Jesus by the long list of miracles attributed to your name. We come to you with our petitions and problems hoping that your closeness to Jesus will enable you to help us. Listen then to our prayers and bring them to Jesus.


Daily Prayer

(3) Our Father, (3) Hail Mary, (3) Glory Be

St. Blaise, protect us from all throat ailments.

Second Day

Lord Jesus Christ, you predicted that your first followers would face terrible persecutions in the hands of the Romans. For three hundred years, your followers were massacred, beheaded and eaten by the lions, and the blood of the martyrs became the seed of Christianity. Your Church continued to grow. In the Church of Armenia, St. Blaise is the most prominent martyr.

O St. Blaise, your courage to face death in the name of Jesus became the light of the Church in Armenia. As a bishop, you led the way inspiring others to be faithful to Jesus. You preached the gospel most effectively when you chose to die rather than betray your Lord and Savior. Share with us your courage that we may witness to Jesus’ presence in our world. Let us always love when we are invited to hate, to forgive when we are tempted to vengeance. Inspire us to do Jesus’ commands at any circumstances.

Daily Prayer

(3) Our Father, (3) Hail Mary, (3) Glory Be

St. Blaise, protect us from all throat ailments.

Third Day

O Lord Jesus Christ, you left the Eucharist as your constant presence in the world. Your presence though sacramental is real but we can only touch and feel you if our faith is strong enough. You commanded your Church to continue with this daily offering so that everybody may experience your presence. The Eucharist was the love of St. Blaise, as he hid from his persecutors, celebrating it in the cave along with some of his trusted friends.

O St. Blaise, look kindly on us your devotees who at times find it difficult to experience Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist. We lack faith because we want to see in order to believe. We sacrifice easily our Sunday masses for other activities. Inspire us then to renew our faith in the Eucharist and to participate on it with full mind and heart, attentive to Jesus’ presence.

Daily Prayer

(3) Our Father, (3) Hail Mary, (3) Glory Be

St. Blaise, protect us from all throat ailments.

Fourth Day

O Lord Jesus Christ, you commanded your apostles to put their trust on you when they were in trial before governors and kings. You promised them the Holy Spirit who would speak in their behalf and instil in them the courage that they need for the day. For this reason St. Blaise spoke fearlessly, declaring that he would not give up his faith in exchange for his life.

O St. Blaise, give us your conviction that our Catholic faith is the most precious treasure that we have, and that we would never give it up for anything in the world. May your example instill in us the courage to live our faith and enable us to respond to the moral demands of our faith. May the love of Jesus make us stronger every day.

Daily Prayer

(3) Our Father, (3) Hail Mary, (3) Glory Be

St. Blaise, protect us from all throat ailments.

Fifth Day

O Lord Jesus Christ, you taught your apostles that they had to live the beatitudes in order to be part of your Kingdom. You were poor, meek, humble, and persecuted. That is why, you were the happiest of all men because you yourself have lived the beatitudes to their fullness. Your servant St. Blaise completed the beatitudes when he gave his life for the defense of the gospel.
O St. Blaise, inspire us always to be humble in spirit, to be meek and lowly so that we may merit the promise of eternal life promised by Jesus to all his followers. May the beatitudes permeate our lives. May we reflect to others the beauty of being poor, meek, and humble in the name of Jesus. We ask you, dear saint, to intercede for us before Jesus so that he may pour on us the Holy Spirit.

Daily Prayer

(3) Our Father, (3) Hail Mary, (3) Glory Be

St. Blaise, protect us from all throat ailments.

Sixth Day

O Lord Jesus Christ, you wanted to adopt all men and women as your brothers and sisters to form a new human family of faith. You wish that all men and women become your disciples and followers and inaugurate a Kingdom where all humanity would become children of your Father. The holy martyrs form an elite group in this new family, where their faith shines so splendidly.

O St. Blaise, Jesus is very proud of you because of your faith. Look on us, your devotees, who are still struggling on this valley of tears, with our waning faith because at times life is too cruel for us. Inspire us to live your kind of faith, to make Jesus our strength so that we can withstand the perils of life, sufferings and pains we encounter, and not to be afraid of sacrifices.

Daily Prayer

(3) Our Father, (3) Hail Mary, (3) Glory Be

St. Blaise, protect us from all throat ailments.

Seventh Day

O Lord Jesus Christ, you told your disciples that the door to heaven is narrow and that they must do their best in order to enter it. You want them to be strong in virtues and resistant to sin and temptations. You emphasized that heaven is not for those who easily succumbed to sin, but are for those who resist and stand strong. For this purpose, you shower them with graces.
O St. Blaise, as a bishop, you already had a heroic life marked by mortification and fasting, as you disciplined your body so that you may stand strong in spiritual matters. You did not hesitate to sacrifice food and comfort so that you may become closer to Jesus. Look on us, your devotees as we struggle to be holy and faithful. Instil in us the love for fasting and mortification so that being able to discipline our bodies, we may deepen our relationship with Jesus.


Daily Prayer

(3) Our Father, (3) Hail Mary, (3) Glory Be

St. Blaise, protect us from all throat ailments.

Eighth Day

O Lord Jesus Christ, you did many healings and three times you ordered three dead persons to life. You showed your disciples that you have power over their lives, the sickness and death that afflict them, but you also did not cure everybody, nor did you resurrect all the dead. Sickness and death have a role to play in your plan of salvation and you want them to be included in our reality till the end of this earthly existence.
O St. Blaise, we accept our sicknesses and ailments. But we also ask Jesus that we would be really happy and thankful if he can grant us exception. Tell him that our healing will bring him glory, honor, and the spread of your name. In this way, more men and women will follow Jesus and become his disciples through your intercession.


Daily Prayer

(3) Our Father, (3) Hail Mary, (3) Glory Be

St. Blaise, protect us from all throat ailments.

Ninth Day

O Lord Jesus Christ, you predicted that your apostles would die as martyrs. In fact all of them, except for the apostle John shed their blood for you. You were happy for them because they followed your footsteps. No servant indeed is above his master. You who have the power over death and life, love to see your disciples giving up their lives for you, knowing that you can give them a better life, a better existence.
O St. Blaise, Jesus restored your life and you are now in heaven, enjoying the company of the apostles and the saints. You have already seen how powerful God is, a power shown in his love for us. Listen then to our petitions and whisper these to the ears of the Almighty so that he may take them into his consideration and decide favourably for us.

Daily Prayer

(3) Our Father, (3) Hail Mary, (3) Glory Be

St. Blaise, protect us from all throat ailments.

February 4th

Saint Joseph of Leonissa


Almighty God, You made Saint Joseph of Leonessa, an illustrious preacher of the gospel. Through his prayers inflame us with love and with his zeal for souls that we may serve You alone.
St Joseph of Leonissa, pray for us,

February 5th

Saint Agatha

Prayer to Saint Agatha

Patroness against breast disease

Lord God,
You showered heavenly gifts
on the virgin Agatha. Hear
the prayers of those who recall
her devoted life and who ask
her to intercede for them
in their necessity.
Help us imitate her virtues
during our earthly life
and enjoy eternal happiness
with her in heaven.


Prayer to St. Agatha, Patroness of Breast Cancer Patients

St. Agatha, woman of valor,
from your own suffering we have been moved
to ask your prayers for those of us who suffer from breast cancer.

We place(person’s name) before you,
and ask you to intercede on their behalf.

From where you stand in the health of life eternal,
all wounds healed,
and all tears wiped away,
pray for (prayer intention),
and all of us.

Pray God will give us His holy benediction of health and healing.
And, we remember you were a victim of torture
and that you learned, first hand,
of human cruelty and inhumanity.

We ask you to pray for our entire world.
Ask God to enlighten us
with a “genius for peace and understanding.”

Ask Him to send us His Spirit of Serenity,
and ask Him to help us share
that peace with all we meet.

From what you learned
from your own path of pain,
ask God to give us the Grace we need
to remain holy in difficulties,
not allowing our anger
or our bitterness to overtake us.

Pray that we will be more peaceful and more charitable.
And from your holy pace in our mystical body, the Church,
pray that we, in our place and time will, together,
create a world of justice and peace.


Prayer to St. Agatha, Patron Saint of Breast Cancer

Saint Agatha, blessed virgin and martyr.
You are honored as the patron of breast cancer.
You suffered pain and torture in your devotion to the Lord.

Protect me from breast cancer
and intervene before God almighty,
and pray for me so that I may be cured.
Heal me and comfort me, and mercifully
grant me protection from all cancer.

Saint Agatha, pray for me.


Prayer for St. Agatha for health of mind, body and soul

O Heavenly Father,
who raised Agatha to the dignity of sainthood,
we implore Your Divine Majesty by her intercession
to give us health of mind, body and soul.
Free us from all those things which hold us bound to this earth,
and let our spirit, like hers, rise to your heavenly courts.
Through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you, forever.


Prayer to St. Agatha

Dear St. Agatha, glorious virgin and martyr, you suffered yourself to be reviled and buffeted, to be tortured by rack, fire, and sword in a most painful manner; and by this fortitude and heroism you merited to be consoled and gladdened in the midst of your dreadful torments by the sight of your guardian angel and the prince of the apostles: obtain for me, I pray, by your merits and by your intercession with Jesus Christ, your divine Spouse, that I may surfer joyfully every temporal loss, rather than prove unfaithful to my Lord and my God. Ask for me the grace of perseverance, that I may with thee enjoy the beatific vision and praise God forevermore.


Protection From Sexual Violence

O Saint Agatha,
you resisted unwelcome advances from unwanted suitors,
and suffered pain and torture for your devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ;
we celebrate your faith, dignity and martyrdom.

Protect us from sexual and other violations,
guard us against all afflictions,
and inspire us to overcome adversity.

Saint Agatha, virgin and martyr,
mercifully grant that we who venerate your sacrifice
may receive your intercession in times of need.


… St Agatha, Pray for Us …

A Prayer for Special Intention

O glorious Saint Agatha, through whose intercession in Christ I hope for the restored health of body and soul hasten to lead me to the true Good, God alone. By your intercession O blessed Agatha, may I ever enjoy your protection by faithfully witnessing to Christ. You invite all who come to you to enjoy the treasure of communion with the Holy Trinity. Moreover, if it be for God’s greater glory and the good of my person, please intercede for me with the request of

[mention request here].

Saint Agatha, you found favor with God by your chastity and by your courage in suffering death for the gospel. Teach me how to suffer with cheerfulness, uniting myself to Christ crucified with a simplicity and purity of heart. Amen.

Saint Agatha, eloquent witness of Jesus Christ as Savior, pray for us.

Saint Agatha, the martyr who says to Jesus, “possess all that I am,” pray for us.

Saint Agatha, concerned with the welfare of all God’s children, pray for us.

Saint Agatha, pray for us.

February 6th

Saint Paul Miki and Companions

Prayer To Saint Paul Miki And Companions

I pray, Dear Lord, source of strength for all your saints, you led Paul Miki and his companions through the suffering of the cross to the joy of eternal life
see me through these hard times. I n these troubling times, I am filled with unspeakable fears
I am filled with unspeakable fears. I reach out my hand to you now, and ask you to walk besides me. I cannot carry all my burdens, But I know you can, and will. Please walk beside me. Please guide me. Please help me hold on strong, Through the trials and storms. Help me hold on to my faith, In even the darkest hour. Stay with me Lord, and show me Your way. In your love and Holy Spirit, I abide.



O God, strength of all the Saints,
who through the Cross were pleased to call
the Martyrs Saint Paul Miki and companions to life,
grant, we pray, that by their intercession
we may hold with courage even until death
to the faith that we profess.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, forever and ever.


Patron Saints of Japan

Saint Paul Miki, you accepted martyrdom rather than abandon your faith. You chose to serve those closest to you rather than to flee. Inspire in us the same love of God and man so that we too can know, love, and serve God in the heroic fashion that made you so brave and composed in the face of intense suffering.



God our Father, source of strength for all your saints, you led Paul Miki and his companions through the suffering of the cross to the joy of eternal life. May their prayers give us the courage to be loyal until death in processing our faith. Through Christ our Lord.


February 7th

Saint Colette

Prayer To Saint Colette For Trying To Conceive A Baby

Saint Colette, Miracle Child, and Daughter of the Church.

You spent your life in love and dedication to the Cross.

You were a miracle worker in life, and you are a miracle worker in heaven.

You know my desire to conceive a healthy baby and deliver them successfully that they may have a long and happy life.

Please intercede on my behalf to Jesus Christ. Please help me to conceive a miracle baby and have a blessed pregnancy and delivery.

And, with the grace of God, please be with me to grant me dedication I need to remain constant and unswerving in my faith while I wait patiently to meet my baby.


Dedication Prayer Of St. Colette

O blessed Jesus,
I dedicate myself to thee
in health, in illness, in all my deeds,
so that I may never work henceforth except for thy glory,
for the salvation of souls, and for that which thou hast chosen for me.
From this moment on, dearest Lord,
there is nothing which I am not prepared
to undertake for love of thee.

Prayer To St. Colette

O glorious ST. COLETTE,
I beseech you
through the burning love which
inflamed your heart for Jesus
in the Most Blessed Sacrament
through the marvellous graces
with which He enriched you and
the loving compassion you did bear
to Him in His bitter sufferings,
obtain from Him for me
my requests which I hope
to receive through your
powerful intercession.

Group Prayer To St. Colette

O Lord Jesus Christ,
who have enriched Your spouse,
with heavenly graces,
grant, we beseech You,
that we may imitate her virtues
here on earth,
and with her enjoy the eternal happiness of heaven.

Chaplet Of Saint Colette

Blessed be the hour
in which our Lord Jesus Christ,
God and Man was born.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit
by whom he was conceived.
Blessed be the glorious Virgin Mary
of whom the Incarnate Word was born.

May the Lord hear our prayers
through the intercession
of the glorious Virgin Mary
and in memory
of that most sacred hour
in which the Incarnate Word was born,
that all our desires may be accomplished
for your glory and our salvation.

O good Jesus!
O Jesus our Redeemer,
do not abandon us as our sins deserve,
but hear our humble prayer
and grant what we ask
through the intercession
of the most blessed Virgin Mary
and for the glory of your Holy name.

As God pleases
As God wills

(Always prayed ten times)

Let us praise the Father in his mercy
and the Son by his passion
and the Holy Spirit
the fountain of peace and sweetness and love.

Amen without recall!

February 8th

Saint Josephine Bakhita

Prayer to St. Josephine Bakhita

St. Josephine Bakhita, you were sold into slavery as a child and endured untold hardship and suffering. Once liberated from your physical enslavement, you found true redemption in your encounter with Christ and his Church. O St. Bakhita, assist all those who are trapped in a state of slavery; Intercede with God on their behalf so that they will be released from their chains of captivity. Those whom man enslaves, let God set free. Provide comfort to survivors of slavery and let them look to you as an example of hope and faith. Help all survivors find healing from their wounds. We ask for your prayers and intercessions for those enslaved among us.



Loving God, rewarder of the humble, you blessed St. Josephine Bakhita with charity and patience. May her prayers help us, and her example inspire us to carry our cross and to love you always. Pour upon us the spirit of wisdom and love with which you filled St. Josephine Bakhita.

By serving you as she did, may we please you by our faith and our actions. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.


Prayer to St. Josephine Bakhita

Saint Josephine Bakhita, as a child, you were sold as a slave and had to spend untold difficulties and suffering.

Once freed from your physical slavery, you found the true redemption in your encounter with Christ and his Church.

Oh, St. Bakhita, help those who are trapped in slavery; intercede on their behalf before God so that they are freed from the chains of captivity.

May God free anyone who has been enslaved by man.

Provide relief to those who survive slavery and allow them to see Him as a model of faith and hope.

Help all survivors to find healing for their wounds.

We beg you to pray and intercede for those who are enslaved among us.


Prayer to Saint Josephine

God of goodness and mercy, rewarder of the humble, you blessed St. Josephine Bakhita of Sudan with charity and patience. May her prayers help us, and her example inspire us to carry our cross and to love you always.

(Please mention your intentions)

Pour upon us the spirit of wisdom and love with which you filled St. Josephine Bakhita. By serving you as she did, may we please you by our faith and our actions. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, walk with us as we walk closer to your son Jesus.

St. Josephine Bakhita, pray for us.

February 8th

Saint Jerome Emiliani

Prayer to Saint Jerome Emiliani

O St. Jerome Emiliani, our country is in such need of your powerful intercession before the throne of God. So many children are orphans of broken homes, some are missing and others have been used for evil purposes on our city streets. Even worse than this, people are killing children before they are even born.

Inspire parents to adopt orphans. Help us to have your fervor for all children, especially those in most need. Finally, we ask you to transform us into children so that we may one day enter the Kingdom of Heaven and with you praise the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit forever.


Prayer To St Jerome Emiliani

God of mercy,

You chose Jerome Emiliani

to be a father and friend of orphans.

May his prayers keep us faithful

to the Spirit we have received,

who makes us Your children.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.


St Jerome Emiliani’s Prayer for the Church

Our sweet Father Lord Jesus Christ, because of Your infinite goodness, we ask You to reform Christianity to that state of sanctity that was characteristic of the time of the Apostles. Hear us, O Lord, because You are kind and merciful. In Your bountiful compassion look upon us. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us. May the power of God the Father, the wisdom of the Son and the strength of the Holy Spirit and also the glorious Virgin Mary, guide and protect me on the way to peace, love and prosperity. Also, may the angel Raphael, who always assisted Tobias, be with me in every place I stay and on every road I travel. My dear Jesus, my dear Jesus, my dear Jesus, my love and my God, I trust in You, let me never regret it.


February 10th

A Prayer in Honor of Saint Scholastica

Prayer to Saint Jerome Emiliani

O God, to show us where innocence leads, you made the soul of your virgin Saint Scholastica soar to heaven like a dove in flight. Grant through her merits and her prayers that we may so live in innocence as to attain to joys everlasting. This we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever.


Litany in Honor of St. Scholastica

Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us, Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for us.

Saint Scholastica, pray for us.

(Repeated after each invocation)

St. Scholastica, true sister of St. Benedict,
St. Scholastica, chosen by God from eternity,
St. Scholastica, predisposed to faith by the grace of Christ Our Lord,
St. Scholastica, consecrated to God from thine infancy,
St. Scholastica, always a Virgin incorrupt,
St. Scholastica, espoused to Jesus Christ,
St. Scholastica, scholar of the Holy Ghost,
St. Scholastica, mirror of innocence,
St. Scholastica, model of perfection,
St. Scholastica, pattern of virtues,
St. Scholastica, glory of the monastic life,
St. Scholastica, mother of numberless virgins,
St. Scholastica, imitator of the angelic life,
St. Scholastica, full of faith in God,
St. Scholastica, replenished with hope of the goods of Heaven,
St. Scholastica, ever burning with the love of thy Spouse,
St. Scholastica, resplendent with humility,
St. Scholastica, trusting as a daughter in the Lord,
St. Scholastica, intent on prayer,
St. Scholastica, quickly heard by the Lord,
St. Scholastica, famed for the praise of perseverance,
St. Scholastica, who didst enter the courts of Heaven in the form of a dove,
St. Scholastica, who dost now follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes,
St. Scholastica, who dost rejoice in the delights of thy Spouse forever,
St. Scholastica, adorned with a crown of glory,
St. Scholastica, advocate with God of those who invoke thee,
St. Scholastica, generous patron of those who imitate thee,
St. Scholastica, holy and innocent Virgin,

We sinners, beseech thee, Saint Scholastica, to hear us.
That you would deign to help us by your most holy and efficacious prayers to God, we beseech thee, hear us.
That you would deign to cherish and preserve, by your protection, the Benedictine Order (and this monastery) and all who dwell therein, we beseech thee, hear us.
(That you would admit us into the number of your children,) etc.
That you would deign to raise up, increase, and preserve our devotion toward you,
(That you would deign to preserve in us the perfect observance of the Rule of your blessed brother, our most holy father Saint Benedict,)
That you would deign, by your supplications, to moisten the dryness of our hearts with the dew of heavenly grace,
That by your intercession you may eternally unite us to Christ, the Spouse of our souls,
That you may lead us to eternal joys, and to Jesus (our most sweet Spouse),
That you would vouchsafe to hear us,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

V. Pray for us, O holy Virgin Scholastica,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let Us Pray

O God, Who, to show the innocence of her life,
did cause the soul of your blessed Virgin Scholastica
to ascend to Heaven in the form of a dove,
grant, we beseech You,
by her merits and prayers,
that we may live so innocently as to deserve to arrive at eternal joys, through Jesus Christ,
Your only-begotten Son Our Lord,
Who with You and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns,
God, forever and ever.


Chaplet of St. Scholastica

Opening Prayer

St. Scholastica, God granted your request because of your great love. I ask now that you turn to God with my request out of your great love for Him and your great love for me.

(State your intentions here)

Love is patient (1 Cor. 13:4). Through God’s grace, help me, St. Scholastica, to grow in love by becoming more patient. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails (1 Cor. 13:7-8). St. Scholastica, you were a great witness to this truth. Help me to believe it more fully and to live it out each day.

3 Our Fathers

3 Hail Marys

3 Glory Be’s

Closing Prayer

O God, to show us where innocence leads, you made the soul of your virgin St. Scholastica soar to heaven. Like a dove in flight. Grant through her merits and her prayers, that we may so live in innocence as to attain to joys everlasting. This we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with You, in unity with the Holy Spirit, forever and ever,


February 11th

Our Lady of Lourdes

The Story of Our Lady of Lourdes

On December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in the apostolic constitution Ineffabilis Deus. A little more than three years later, on February 11, 1858, a young lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous. This began a series of visions. During the apparition on March 25, the lady identified herself with the words: “I am the Immaculate Conception. “Bernadette was a sickly child of poor parents. Their practice of the Catholic faith was scarcely more than lukewarm. Bernadette could pray the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Creed. She also knew the prayer of the Miraculous Medal: “O Mary conceived without sin. “During interrogations Bernadette gave an account of what she saw. It was “something white in the shape of a girl.” She used the word Aquero, a dialect term meaning “this thing.” It was “a pretty young girl with a rosary over her arm.” Her white robe was encircled by a blue girdle. She wore a white veil. There was a yellow rose on each foot. A rosary was in her hand. Bernadette was also impressed by the fact that the lady did not use the informal form of address, but the polite form. The humble virgin appeared to a humble girl and treated her with dignity. Through that humble girl, Mary revitalized and continues to revitalize the faith of millions of people. People began to flock to Lourdes from other parts of France and from all over the world. In 1862 Church authorities confirmed the authenticity of the apparitions and authorized the cult of Our Lady of Lourdes for the diocese. The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes became worldwide in 1907.

Our Lady of Lourdes Prayer for healing

O ever-Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy,

health of the sick, refuge of sinners,

comforter of the afflicted,

you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings;

look with mercy on me.

By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes,

you were pleased to make it a privileged sanctuary,

whence you dispense your favours;

and already many sufferers have obtained

the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal.

I come, therefore, with complete confidence

to implore your maternal intercession.

Obtain, O loving Mother, the grant of my requests.

(Mention your petition)

Through gratitude for your favours,

I will endeavor to imitate your virtues,

that I may one day share your glory.


Novena Prayer To Our Lady Of Lourdes

Be blessed, O most pure Virgin, for having vouchsafed to manifest your shining with life, sweetness and beauty, in the Grotto of Lourdes, saying to the child, St. Bernadette: ‘I am the Immaculate Conception.’ A thousand times we congratulate you upon your Immaculate Conception. And now, O ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of mercy, Health of the sick, Refuge of sinners, Comforter of the afflicted, you know our wants, our troubles, our sufferings: deign to cast upon us a look of mercy.

By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes, you were pleased to make it a privileged sanctuary, whence you dispense your favors, and already many have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and physical. We come, therefore, with the most unbounded confidence to implore your maternal intercession. Obtain for us, O loving Mother, the granting of our request.

(State your request)

Through gratitude for your favors, we will endeavor to imitate your virtues, that we may one day share your glory.

Our Lady of Lourdes, Mother of Christ, you had influence with your divine son while upon earth. You have the same influence now in Heaven. Pray for us; obtain for us from your Divine Son our special requests if it be the Divine Will.


Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette, pray for us.

Nine Day Novena To Our Lady Of Lourdes

Day One

O Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, virgin and mother, queen of heaven, chosen from all eternity to be the mother of the Eternal Word and in virtue of this title preserved from original sin, we kneel before you as did little Bernadette at Lourdes and pray with childlike trust in you that as we contemplate your glorious appearance at Lourdes, you will look with mercy on our present petition and secure for us a favourable answer to the request for which we are making this novena.

(Make your request)

O Brilliant star of purity, Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, glorious in your assumption, triumphant in your coronation, show unto us the mercy of the Mother of God, Virgin Mary, Queen and Mother, be our comfort, hope, strength, and consolation.


Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette, pray for us.

Day Two

Be blessed, O most pure Virgin, for having vouchsafed to manifest yourself shining with light, sweetness and beauty, in the Grotto of Lourdes, saying to the child Saint Bernadette: “I am the Immaculate Conception!” O Mary Immaculate, inflame our hearts with one ray of the burning love of your pure heart Let them be consumed with love for Jesus and for you, in order that we may merit one day to enjoy your glorious eternity. O dispenser of His graces here below, take into your keeping and present to your Divine Son the petition for which we are making this novena.

(make your request)

O Brilliant star of purity, Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, glorious in your assumption, triumphant in your coronation, show unto us the mercy of the Mother of God, Virgin Mary, Queen and Mother, be our comfort, hope, strength, and consolation.


Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette, pray for us.

Day Three

“You are all fair, O Mary, and there is in you no stain of original sin.” O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. O brilliant star of sanctity, as on that lovely day, upon a rough rock in Lourdes you spoke to the child Bernadette and a fountain broke from the plain earth and miracles happened and the great shrine of Lourdes began, so now I beseech you to hear our fervent prayer and do, we beseech you, grant us the petition we now so earnestly seek.

(Make your request)

O Brilliant star of purity, Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, glorious in your assumption, triumphant in your coronation, show unto us the mercy of the Mother of God, Virgin Mary, Queen and Mother, be our comfort, hope, strength, and consolation.


Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette, pray for us.

Day Four

O Immaculate Queen of Heaven, we your wayward, erring children, join our unworthy prayers of praise and thanksgiving to those of the angels and saints and your own-the One, Holy, and Undivided Trinity may be glorified in heaven and on earth. Our Lady of Lourdes, as you looked down with love and mercy upon Bernadette as she prayed her rosary in the grotto, look down now, we beseech you, with love and mercy upon us. From the abundance of graces granted you by your Divine Son, sweet Mother of God, give to each of us all that your motherly heart sees we need and at this moment look with special favor on the grace we seek in this novena.

(Make your request)

O Brilliant star of purity, Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, glorious in your assumption, triumphant in your coronation, show unto us the mercy of the Mother of God, Virgin Mary, Queen and Mother, be our comfort, hope, strength, and consolation.


Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette, pray for us.

Day Five

O Mary Immaculate, Mother of God and our mother, from the heights of your dignity look down mercifully upon us while we, full of confidence in your unbounded goodness and confident that your Divine Son will look favorably upon any request you make of Him in our behalf, we beseech you to come to our aid and secure for us the favor we seek in this novena.

(Make your request)

O Brilliant star of purity, Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, glorious in your assumption, triumphant in your coronation, show unto us the mercy of the Mother of God, Virgin Mary, Queen and Mother, be our comfort, hope, strength, and consolation.


Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette, pray for us.

Day Six

O glorious Mother of God, so powerful under your special title of Our Lady of Lourdes, to you we raise our hearts and hands to implore your powerful intercession in obtaining from the gracious Heart of Jesus all the helps and graces necessary for our spiritual and temporal welfare and for the special favor we so earnestly seek in this novena.

(Make your request)

O Lady of Bernadette, with the stars of heaven in your hair and the roses of earth at your feet, look with compassion upon us today as you did so long ago on Bernadette in the Grotto of Lourdes. O Brilliant star of purity, Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, glorious in your assumption, triumphant in your coronation, show unto us the mercy of the Mother of God, Virgin Mary, Queen and Mother, be our comfort, hope, strength, and consolation.


Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette, pray for us.

Day Seven

O Almighty God, who by the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary did prepare a worthy dwelling place for your Son, we humbly beseech you that as we contemplate the apparition of Our Lady in the Grotto of Lourdes, we may be blessed with health of mind and body. O most gracious Mother Mary, beloved Mother of Our Lord and Redeemer, look with favor upon us as you did that day on Bernadette and intercede with him for us that the favor we now so earnestly seek may be granted to us.

(Make your request)

O Brilliant star of purity, Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, glorious in your assumption, triumphant in your coronation, show unto us the mercy of the mother of God, Virgin Mary, Queen and Mother, be our comfort, hope, strength, and consolation.


Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette, pray for us.

Day Eight

O Immaculate Mother of God, from heaven itself you came to appear to the little Bernadette in the rough Grotto of Lourdes! And as Bernadette knelt at your feet and the miraculous spring burst forth and as multitudes have knelt ever since before your shrine, O Mother of God, we kneel before you today to ask that in your mercy you plead with your Divine Son to grant the special favor we seek in this novena.

(Make your request)

O Brilliant star of purity, Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, glorious in your assumption, triumphant in your coronation, show unto us the mercy of the Mother of God, Virgin Mary, Queen and Mother, be our comfort, hope, strength, and consolation.


Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette, pray for us.

Day Nine

O glorious Mother of God, to you we raise our hearts and hands to implore your powerful intercession in obtaining from the benign Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for our spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly for the grace of a happy death. O Mother of our Divine Lord, as we conclude this novena for the special favor we seek at this time.

(Make your request)

We feel animated with confidence that your prayers in our behalf will be graciously heard. O Mother of My Lord, through the love you bear to Jesus Christ and for the glory of His Name, hear our prayers and obtain our petitions. O Brilliant star of purity, Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, glorious in your assumption, triumphant in your coronation, show unto us the mercy of the Mother of God, Virgin Mary, Queen and Mother, be our comfort, hope, strength, and consolation.


Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette, pray for us.

February 12th

Saint Apollonia

Prayer For Toothache To St. Apollonia

O Glorious Apollonia, patron saint of

dentistry and refuge to all those suffering

from diseases of the teeth, I consecrate

myself to thee, beseeching thee to number

me among thy clients.

Assist me by your intercession

with God in my daily work and intercede

with Him to obtain for me a happy death.

Pray that my heart like thine may be

inflamed with the love of Jesus and Mary,

through Christ our Lord. Amen

O My God, bring me safe through temptation

and strengthen me as thou didst our own

patron Apollonia, through Christ our Lord.


February 13th

Saint Giles Mary of Saint Joseph


Lord God, you kept St. Giles faithful to Christ’s pattern of poverty and humility.
May his prayers help us to live in fidelity to our calling
and bring us to the perfection you have shown us in your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

Blessed Giles Mary-of-Saint-Joseph

O Generous God, Blessed Giles Mary-of-Saint-Joseph served as a lowly porter in a monastery. He accepted his work with humility out of devotion to You. When assigned the responsibility of distributing food and alms to the poor, he gave generously yet never ran out, thanks to the aid of Saint Joseph. Blessed Giles, pray with Saint Joseph for my own desire to be a giver. I submit to God my finances; may I tithe what I receive and give offerings even greater than this, yet never run out. I also submit my time; may I serve others and still have enough time for my own needs and that of my family.

Blessed Giles Mary of Saint Joseph, pray for me.


February 14th

Saints Cyril and Methodius

Prayer To St Cyril And St Methodius

O God, who enlightened the Slavic peoples
through the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius,
grant that our hearts may grasp the words of your teaching,
and perfect us as a people of one accord
in true faith and right confession.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.



Almighty and everlasting God, who by the power of the Holy Spirit moved your servants Cyril and Methodius to bring the light of the Gospel to a hostile and divided people: Overcome all bitterness and strife among us by the love of Christ, and make us one united family under the banner of the Prince of Peace; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


February 15th

Saint Claude de la Colombière

Act Of Hope And Confidence In God

My God, I believe most firmly that You watch over all who hope in You,

and that we can want for nothing when we rely upon You in all things.

Therefore I am resolved for the future…to cast all my cares upon You…

People may deprive me of worldly goods and status.

Sickness may take from me my strength and the means of serving You.

I may even jeopardize our relationship by sin, but my trust shall never leave me.

I will preserve it to the last moment of my life, and the powers of hell shall seek in vain to grab it from me.

Let others seek happiness in their wealth and in their talents. Let them trust in the purity of their lives, the severity of their mortifications, in the number of their good works, the enthusiasm of their prayers, as for me, my Rock and my Refuge, my confidence in you fills me with hope. For You, my Divine Protector, alone have settled me in hope.

“This confidence can never be vain. No one, who has hoped in God, has ever been confounded.”

I am assured, therefore, of my eternal happiness, for I firmly hope in it and all my hope is in You. “In You, O loving God, have I hoped: let me never be confounded.”

I know too well that I am weak and changeable. I know the power of temptation against the strongest virtue.

I have seen stars fall and foundations of my world crack; these things do not alarm me. While I hope in You, I am sheltered from all misfortune, and I am sure that my trust shall endure, for I rely upon You to sustain this unfailing hope.

Finally, I know that my confidence cannot exceed Your generosity, and that I shall never receive less

than I have hoped for from You. Therefore I hope that You will sustain me against my evil inclinations, that You will protect me against the deceitful attacks of the evil one, and that You will cause my weakness to triumph over every hostile force. I hope that You will never cease to love me and that I shall love You unceasingly.

“In You, O loving God, have I hoped: let me never be confounded.”

Saint Claude de la Colombiere Novena

Lord, I am in this world to show Your mercy to others.
Other people will glorify You
by making visible the power of Your grace
by their fidelity and constancy to You.
For my part I will glorify You
by making known how good You are to sinners,
that Your mercy is boundless
and that no sinner no matter how great his offences
should have reason to despair of pardon.
If I have grievously offended You, My Redeemer,
let me not offend You even more
by thinking that You are not kind enough to pardon Me.

(Mention your request here…)

Say 1:Our Father…
Say 1:Hail Mary…
Say 1:Glory Be…


Prayer of Saint Claude de la Colombiere – A Despair Prayer

Lord, I am in this world to show Your mercy to others.
Other people will glorify You
by making visible the power of Your grace
by their fidelity and constancy to You.
For my part I will glorify You
by making known how good You are to sinners,
that Your mercy is boundless
and that no sinner no matter how great his offences
should have reason to despair of pardon.
If I have grievously offended You, My Redeemer,
let me not offend You even more
by thinking that You are not kind enough to pardon Me.


Prayer of St. Claude de la Colombiere

My God, I am so convinced that you keep watch over those who hope in You, and that we can want for nothing when we look for all in You, that I am resolved in the future to live free from every care, and to turn all my anxieties over to You. “In peace, in the selfsame, I will sleep and I will rest, for Thou, O Lord, singularly has settled me in hope.” (Ps 4: 9-10)

Men may deprive me of possessions and of honor; sickness may strip me of strength and the means of serving You. I may even lose Your grace by sin; but I shall never lose my hope. I shall keep it to the last moment of my life; and at that moment all the demons in hell will strive to tear it from me in vain. “In peace, in the selfsame, I will sleep and I will rest.”

Others may look for happiness from their wealth or their talents; others may rest on the innocence of their life, or the severity of their penance, or the amount of their alms, or the fervor of their prayers. “Thou, O Lord, singularly hast settled me in hope.” As for me, Lord, all my confidence is confidence itself. This confidence has never deceived anyone. No one, no one who has hoped in the Lord has been confounded!

I am sure, therefore, that I shall be eternally happy, since I firmly hope to be, and because it is from You, O GOD, that I hope for it. “In Thee, O LORD, have I hoped; let me never be confounded.” (Ps 30:1) I know, alas! I know only too well, that I am weak and unstable. I know what temptation can do against the strongest virtue. I have seen the stars of heaven fall, and the pillars of the firmament; but that cannot frighten me. So long as I continue to hope, I shall be sheltered from all misfortune; and I am sure of hoping always, since I hope also for this unwavering hopefulness!

Finally, I am sure that I cannot hope too much in You, and that I cannot receive less than I have hoped for from You. So, I hope You will hold me safe on the steepest slopes, that You will sustain me against the most furious assaults, and that You will make my weaknesses triumph over my most fearful enemies. I hope that You will love me always, and that I too shall love You without ceasing. To carry my hope once and for all as far as it can go, I hope from You to possess You, O my Creator, in time and in eternity.


February 17th

Prayer For The Seven Holy Founders Of The Servite Order

O Lord Jesus Christ Who,

in order to renew the memory

of the sorrows of Thy most holy Mother,

hast through the seven blessed fathers

enriched Thy Church with the new Order of Servites;

mercifully grant that we may be so united

in their sorrows as to share in their joys.

Who livest and reignest, world without end.


Prayer To The Seven Holy Founders Of The Order Of Servites

Impart to us, O Lord, in kindness the filial devotion with which the holy brothers venerated so devoutly the Mother of God and led your people to yourself. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.


Litany in Honor of the Seven Holy Founders

Lord, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.

Chris, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father in heaven, have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete,

Holy Trinity one God, pray for us.

Virgin Handmaid of the Lord,

Virgin of Sorrows,

Queen of your servants,

St. Joseph,

St. John the Baptist,

Sts. Peter and Paul,

St. Augustine,

Seven Holy Fathers,

Founder of our Order,

Servants of the Word,

Servants of holy Mary,

Servants of your brothers,

Servants of the poor,

Good servants,

Faithful servants,

Vigilant Servants

Compassionate servants,

Seekers of God,

Adorers of the Father,

Disciples of the Father,

Disciples of the Son,

Temples of the Spirit,

Men of solitude,

Men of penance,

Men of silence,

Men of contemplation,

Messengers of the Gospel,

Builders of the Kingdom,

Models of the friendship,

Makers of Peace.

Lord, you satisfy our every need with your abundant gifts. We your servants trust in your mercy and ask that you receive the prayers we offer through the intercession of our Seven Fathers. Through Christ our Lord.



Impart to us, O Lord, in kindness
the filial devotion with which the holy brothers
venerated so devoutly the Mother of God
and led your people to yourself.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, forever and ever.


A Prayer to the Seven Holy Founders
of the Servite Order

Ye glorious Patriarchs, heroes of the highest sanctity, whereby ye were made worthy to be chosen by the very Mother of God to spread devotion to her sorrows. Forsaking the world, in the savage caverns of Monte Senario ye did crucify your flesh with unheard of penances, and did nourish your spirit with constant meditation on the highest truths of our holy faith. In such wise did ye prepare yourselves for the mission entrusted to you and to your Order, namely, to root out vice and wickedness from the hearts of the faithful, by inspiring them with compassion toward the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin. Thereafter, bearing deeply imprinted in your hearts the memory of the passion of the Son of God and of the sorrows of His blessed Mother, ye strove to quiet civil discord, to convert sinners to repentance, and to bring back to the obedience of the Roman Pontiff those that had gone astray.

Ah, from your thrones in glory, where ye now reign with Christ, turn your eyes in pity upon us who are still miserably struggling in this valley of trial and conflict! The devil, with all his wicked suggestions; the world, with all its seductions; the flesh, with all its lusts; all these, like roaring lions, surround us to devour us. Let pity for us fill your hearts; infuse into our hearts at least a portion of your tender and constant compassion for the sorrows of Mary, so that, at the sight of our Mother overwhelmed in grief, we may be enabled to resist the fascinations of vice and may not renew, by our sins, the passion of our divine Redeemer, which was the cause of Mary’s sorrows. Obtain for us, likewise, docility and promptness in answering the divine call, detachment from the seeming goods of this world, the spirit of mortification and penance, to the end that, having followed on earth your example in the way of holiness and perfection, we may deserve to be your companions in heaven and to sing with you the mercies of our crucified Redeemer and the glories of the Queen of Martyrs. Amen.

(Indulgence 300 days)

Seven Invocations to the Seven Holy Founders
of the Servite Order

I. O glorious Patriarchs, even in the midst of the licentiousness of your age, ye kept ever burning the divine fire of charity and a tender love for the Queen of Heaven, whereby ye were made worthy to be called by her to go apart from the world. We humbly entreat you to intercede for us, that we too, being enkindled with the fire of divine love, may be enabled to please the Most High; and to imitate the charity and patience of our Lady of Sorrows; and even in the midst of adversity to conform ourselves to the dispositions of divine Providence.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

II. Ye shining examples of perfection, forsaking the world and all the prizes that it held out to you, with generous hearts ye desired to withdraw from the eyes of men, so that the Blessed Virgin herself made known to you in a dream the peace and quietude of Monte Senario. Obtain for us the grace to set at naught the deceitful and vain pleasures of earth and to devote ourselves to the practice of penance for our sins after your example; and if we are not worthy, as ye were, to serve the blessed Mother of Sorrows more especially in solitude, may we at least show our sorrow at having caused her to be so afflicted by our sins and thus renewing the bitter passion of her divine and only Son.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

III. Most humble dwellers in the rocky fastnesses of Monte Senario, how admirable is your heroic humility! That ye might imitate more fully the lowly handmaid of the Lord, not only did ye forget the nobility and greatness of your ancient families, but in your generosity ye did not disdain to go begging from door to door in your own country for your scanty sustenance. Ah, obtain for us that when there is question of the service of God we may not be held back by human respect. Even as ye merited on this account in most miraculous wise to be called the Servants of Mary by the mouth of infants and sucklings, so may we too, by being a source of edification and light to our brethren on the road to heaven, show ourselves by our deeds to be the devoted servants of the august Mother of God.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

IV. Ye faithful Servants of the Queen of Heaven, who, when ye were bitterly weeping for the sorrows suffered by her in the life, passion and death of her dear Son, did make known to you by the miraculous vine laden in the dead of winter with great clusters of grapes, that it was her will that the Order of Servites be extended in order to spread abroad in the Church compassion for her sufferings; ah, obtain for us by your intercession an affectionate and tender compassion for our Lady of Sorrows, for in this manner even we shall be enabled to bring our brethren to groan with heartfelt sorrow for their sins, and thus become fruitful branches in her mystic vineyard.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

V. Most glorious Founders of the Order of the Servants of the Blessed Virgin, with what joy your hearts were flooded when ye were made worthy to behold visibly the Queen of Martyrs herself, who revealed to you the rule ye should keep and the habit ye should wear in memory of her sorrows as well as the palm of victory ye should obtain as the crown of your merits. We beseech you to obtain for us of the Mother of fair love the grace to know in what manner we may best serve her divine Son, in order to come thus most easily into the possession of that blessed immortality which the mercy of God hath prepared for us in paradise.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

VI. Most austere penitents, by your continuous and most severe mortifications, ye became every day more rich in merits and more pleasing unto the Lord. It is, therefore, no cause for wonder that heaven, in order to show how pleasing were your merits, made of Monte Senario a place of marvels, now surrounding it with flames that made it resplendent with light, again covering it with roses and lilies never seen before, that were plucked by the Angels and offered to Mary. We beseech you to intercede for us that our hearts may catch the flames of divine love and that our spirits may be cleansed from stain and become a garden rich in the flowers of virtue, worthy to be plucked by the most kind Queen of Heaven, as a lowly tribute of our devotion.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

VII. Angels of purity, Seraphim of love and martyrs of penance, ye blessed Patriarchs, privileged with a happy passing from this place of exile to your own true native land, one breathing forth his spirit as the Child Jesus appeared, another called audibly by Mary to his eternal repose, this one rising to glory under the appearance of a flame, that one under the aspect of a lily of purest white; ah, grant, we beseech you, that when we have come to our last hour, we may be protected by your intercession with our Lady of Sorrows in that dread moment against the wiles of the ancient serpent, and may be made worthy to breathe forth our spirits into the loving hands of the august Queen of Sorrows, and be conducted by her to eternal bliss in God, the everlasting Fountain of glory and holiness.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Hymn: Sic patres vitam

The fathers lived a life in shade,
Yet seemed to Peter’s vision seven
White glistening lilies for the Maid,
The Queen of heaven,

Through city streets, o’er hills and plains,
Upborne by love divine, they trod,
To fix in men the mother’s pains,
The swords of God.

This was the power in which they spoke,
Till each wild passion owned their sway:
They cheered the sad, from sinners broke
Their chains away.

Till at last the Virgin Queen
Led them to mansions in the sky,
Mansions where garlands aye are green,
And never die.

May they hear cries of all who pray,
And see how hard our earthly strife:
Aiding us onward to the day
When all is life.

Now to the Father thanks and praise;
To Thee, O Son, the same we send;
To thee, great Spirit, through all days,
World without end.

February 18th

Saint Bernadette Soubirous

St Bernadette Soubirous

Dear Saint Bernadette, you were chosen by Almighty God as a channel of His graces and blessings, and through your humble obedience to the requests of Our Blessed Mother Mary, you gained for us the miraculous waters of Spiritual and physical healing.

We now implore you to listen to our pleading prayers that we may be healed of our Spiritual and physical imperfections.

St Bernadette, place our petition in the hands of our Holy Mother Mary, so that she may place them at the feet of her beloved Son, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and He may look on us with mercy and compassion:

(Share your request…)

Help us, O Dear Saint Bernadette to follow your example, so that irrespective of our own pain and suffering we may always be mindful of the needs of others, especially those whose sufferings are greater than ours.

As we await the Mercy of God, remind us to offer up our pain and suffering for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins and blasphemies of mankind.

Pray Saint Bernadette, that like you, we may always be obedient to the will of our Heavenly Father, and that through our prayers and humility we may bring consolation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary who have been so grievously wounded by our sins.

Holy Saint Bernadette of Lourdes, pray for us.


Say: One Decade of the Rosary and a Memorare.

Mary conceived without sin – Pray for us who have recourse to Thee. (x3) …

Prayer to St. Bernadette Soubirous

“To put my hesitant footsteps in your footsteps,

Please, Bernadette, lend me your clogs.

They are for me, at the same time, symbols of good sense,

spirit of poverty and simplicity.

You know very well, alas, that I lack all of this.

Please, Bernadette, lend me your clogs.

You went to gather wood that would kindle the flame

that brings men together and comforts them.

May I too re-rekindle the hearts of those seeking,

silence, or words, or a smile, or a helping hand.

Please, Bernadette, lend me your clogs.

And should they be too small, may they make me modest.

In the knowledge that as I go forward, I have limitations,

my steps are small, I stumble and rise again.

Please, Bernadette, lend me your clogs.

To go towards Mary with more confidence,

To discover the living water offered to those who thirst.

To go to the table where bread is freely give,

Please, Bernadette, lend me your clogs.

To go towards the father who awaits and loves me.

To take part in the feast at the end of the road

After having walked, carrying my joys and sorrows,

Asking you at all times to take me by the hand,

Please, Bernadette, lend me your clogs.”


Prayer To St Bernadette Soubirous

Saint Bernadette, little shepherdess of Lourdes, favoured with eighteen apparitions of the Immaculate Virgin Mary and with the privilege of lovingly conversing with her, now that you are eternally enjoying the entrancing beauty of the Immaculate Mother of God, do not forsake me, your devoted client, who am still in this valley of tears.

Intercede for me that I, too, may walk the simple paths of faith. Help me to imitate your example, at our heavenly Queen’s request, by saying the Rosary daily and by doing penance for sinners.

Teach me to imitate your wonderful devotedness to God and our Lady, the Immaculate Conception, so that, like you, I may be blessed with the grace of lasting faithfulness and enjoy the happiness in heaven of the eternal vision of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Pray the Novena Chaplet of St. Bernadette

Opening Prayer

Oh, ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, Healer of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Consoler of the Afflicted, you know my wants my troubles, my sufferings. Look upon me with mercy. When you appeared in the Grotto of Lourdes you made it a privileged sanctuary where you dispense your favors, and where many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal. I come, therefore, with unbounded confidence to implore your maternal intercession. My loving Mother, ensure my request. I will try to imitate your virtues so that I may one day share your company and bless you in eternity.


Day One

St. Bernadette, you grew up in great poverty. You were born the daughter of a miller, and your family was evicted from the mill while you were still a child. Your father worked odd jobs and your mother did laundry for richer neighbors and other jobs to help support the family. You played a large role in helping to raise your siblings. Bernadette, patron of those in poverty, help me to see you in all those who live in poverty.

Hail Mary…

Day Two

St. Bernadette, you suffered from physical illness throughout your life. You said, “It is so good, so sweet, and above all, so beneficial to suffer.” Your simple faith helped lead to the healing of so many. But you did not receive physical healing yourself. When you were asked why, your response was, “You see, my business is to be ill.” Grant me your simplicity to understand the value of suffering in my own life.

Hail Mary…

Day Three

St. Bernadette, you had such a love for the Eucharist. You prepared so hard to make your first Communion even though your catechism class was difficult for you. You said, “The Eucharist bathes the tormented soul in light and love. Then the soul appreciates these words, ‘Come all you who are sick, I will restore your health.’” Give me your heart for the Eucharist.

Hail Mary…

Day Four

St. Bernadette, you had a beautiful devotion to Our Lady, especially in the most holy Rosary, even before the apparitions. You would have your Rosary with you when you were in the fields as a shepherdess. You said, “In the evening when you go to sleep, hold your beads, doze off reciting them. Do like those babies who go to sleep mumbling ‘Mama! Mama!’’ Help me to approach Mary with the same childlike faith as you.

Hail Mary…

Day Five

St. Bernadette, many who were closest to you did not believe that what you were seeing was real when you told them about your apparitions. Your sister made fun of you, your mother told you that you were dreaming, your aunt said it was an illusion. Through it all, you remained strong and calm. Bernadette, patron of those insulted for their faith, help me build a strong foundation for my faith that can weather whatever difficulties may come.

Hail Mary…

Day Six

St. Bernadette, Our Lady asked you to “pray to God for the conversion of sinners.” You once said, “O Jesus and Mary, let my entire consolation in this world be to love you and to suffer for sinners.” Today, I offer my suffering up for sinners, especially those in most need of God’s mercy.

Hail Mary…

Day Seven

St. Bernadette, you had such perfect obedience. When Our Lady asked you if it would bother you to “get down on [your] knees and kiss the ground as a penance for sinners,” you responded “Oh, no! with all my heart.” You dug with your fingers in the mud, drank muddy water, and ate grass as an obedient response to Our Lady’s requests. People thought you were crazy for your actions, but it was through your obedience that at that location, a healing spring now exists. Soften my heart that it may become more immediately obedient to God’s promptings.

Hail Mary…

Day Eight

St. Bernadette, at the young age of 14, you had people questioning you regularly about the apparitions. You stated what happened over and over again as they tried to trick you into speaking inconsistently. You said, “My job is to inform, not convince.” Teach me to speak Truth simply with conviction.

Hail Mary…

Day Nine

St. Bernadette, how great your humility! After all the attention you received from the apparitions, you referred to yourself as “the broom placed behind the door after it has been used.” You said, “Those who are humble of heart will be glorified. How beautiful the heavenly crown will be for those who are genuinely humble despite outward humiliations, those who follow the humility of the Savior in every way.” Through your physical trials and difficulty learning, the Lord was your strength. Teach me true humility that recognizes that the Lord is the source of my strength.

Hail Mary…

Opening Each Day

O Most Holy Mother of my Jesus, you who saw and felt the extreme desolation of your dear Son, help me in my own time of desolation. And you saints of Heaven who have passed through this trial, have pity on those who are suffering it now and pray that I be given the grace to be faithful until death. And in a particular way, dear St. Bernadette, I ask for your intercession for the intentions on my heart

(Insert special intentions).

Closing each day

Grow, Jesus, grow in me, in my heart, in my spirit, my imagination, my senses, by your modesty, your purity, your humility, your zeal, your love. Grow with your grace, your light, your peace. Grow despite my resistance, my pride. Grow until you reach the fullness of human perfection. Grow as you did at Nazareth before God and before men, for the glory of your Father.


February 19th

Saint Conrad of Piacenza


Lord God, You alone are holy and no one is good without You. Through the intercession of St. Conrad help us to live in such a way that we may not be deprived of a share in Your glory.



Heavenly Father, we pray that, like Conrad, we will always strive to do the right thing, even if it means suffering humiliation and the loss of all our possessions. Conrad suffered these things, but in dying to himself and living for You, he has gained the respect and veneration of many, and now has his eternal reward which far surpasses any earthly possession or honor. Thank you, Father, for Your love and mercy on us all.


Saint Conrad of Piacenza

Almighty God,
You attracted Saint Conrad through his zeal for justice to serve You faithfully in the desert.
Through his prayers may we live justly and piously, and happily succeed in coming to You.


Saint Conrad of Piacenza

Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that as Thou wert pacified by the penance of Blessed Conrad, so we may imitate his example and blot out the stains of our sins by crucifying our flesh. Through Christ our Lord.


February 20th

Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto

Francisco, 11, and Jacinta, 10, are the youngest non-martyrs to be canonized in the history of the Church. The brother and sister, who tended to their families’ sheep with their cousin Lucia Santo in the fields of Fatima, Portugal, witnessed the apparitions of Mary, now commonly known as Our Lady of Fatima. During the first apparition, which took place May 13, 1917, Our Lady asked the three children to say the Rosary and to make sacrifices, offering them for the conversion of sinners. The children did, praying often, giving their lunch to beggars and going without food themselves. They offered up their daily crosses and even refrained from drinking water on hot days. In October 1918, Francisco and Jacinta became seriously ill with the Spanish flu. Our Lady appeared to them and said she would to take them to heaven soon. Bed-ridden, Francisco requested his first Communion. The following day, Francisco died, April 14, 1919. Jacinta suffered a long illness as well. She was eventually transferred to a Lisbon hospital and operated for an abscess in her chest, but her health did not improve. She died Feb. 20, 1920.Pope John Paul II beatified Francisco and Jacinta May 13, 2000, on the 83rd anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady at Fatima. Pope Francis on May 13, 2017 officially declared Francisco and Jacinta Marto saints of the Catholic Church in front of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims at Fatima, Portugal – teaching us that even young children can become saints.

Prayer To Saints Jacinta And Francisco Marto For This Time

Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto, Dear Shepard children of Fatima, you were chosen by heaven to see our Blessed Mother
and to deliver her message of conversion to a world that had strayed far from God.

You who suffered so greatly and died from the Spanish flu, the pandemic of your time, pray for us who suffer in the pandemic of our times, that God have mercy upon us.

Pray for the children of the world.

Pray for our protection and an end to what plagues us physically mentally and spiritually.

Pray for our world, our countries, the church, and for the most vulnerable people who are suffering and in need of healing.

Little shepherds of Fatima, help us to come to the refuge of Mary’s immaculate heart, so to receive the graces we need at this time, and to come to the beauty of the life that is to come.

We trust, as you did, in the words of our blessed mother who taught you to, “Pray the rosary everyday in honor of our lady of the rosary, because only she can help you.”


Prayer to Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto for the families of the world!

Dear Saint Francisco and Saint Jacinta, the children of the world would like to learn from you how to love more perfectly. Saint Jacinta, teach us how to love one another, especially sinners. Help us to pray and to make sacrifices for those who of end Our Lord so deeply. Saint Francisco, teach us your great love for the Sacred Heart of JESUS in the Holy Eucharist, hurt by the ingratitude of so many. Litle Shepherds of Fatima, help me, my family, and all the families of the world, to seek the safety of the Immaculate Heart of our Mother MARY, who always brings all of us and our families closer to Her Son JESUS.

Saint Francisco and Saint Jacinta, pray for us, pray for all the children and families of the world!


Novena To Saints Francisco And Jacinta Marto

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly with all the powers of my soul, and I thank You for the apparitions of the most Holy Virgin in Fatima which have made manifest to the world the treasures of the her Immaculate Heart. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary I implore You, if it should be for Your greater glory and the good of our souls to glorify in the sight of Your Holy Church Saint Francisco and Jacinta attaining for us, through their intercession, the grace we now implore…

(Mention your intention[s] here…)


Say 1: Our Father…

Say 1: Hail Mary…

Say 1: Glory Be…

Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for us.

Saint Jacinta Marto, Pray for us.

Saint Francisco Marto, Pray for us.

Litany of Saints Francisco and Jacinta

Lord, have mercy on us!

Lord, have mercy on us!

Christ, have mercy on us!

Christ, have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us!

Lord, have mercy on us!

Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, pray for us!
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us!
Virgin of the Little Shepherds, pray for us!

Saint Francisco Marto, pray for us!
Saint Jacinta Marto, pray for us!
Children called by Jesus Christ, pray for us!
Children called to contemplate God in Heaven, pray for us!
Little ones to whom the Father reveals the mysteries of the Kingdom, pray for us!
Little ones privileged of the Father, pray for us!
Perfect praise of the wonders of God, pray for us!
Perfect examples of filial abandonment, like children in the mother’s lap, pray for us!
Victims of reparation for the benefit of the Body of Christ, pray for us!

Confidants of the Angel of Peace, pray for us!
Custodians, like the Angel of the Fatherland, pray for us!
Adorers with the Angel of the Eucharist, pray for us!
Seers of the Woman dressed in the Sun, pray for us!
Seers of the Light that is God, pray for us!
Beloved children of the Virgin Mother, pray for us!
Ears attentive to the maternal solicitude of the Virgin Mary, pray for us!
Advocates of the Message of the Lady more brilliant than the Sun, pray for us!
Heralds of the word of the mother of God, pray for us!
Prophets of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
Accomplishers of the designs of the Most High, pray for us!
Faithful trustees of the Message, pray for us!
Emissaries of the Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
Missionaries of the requests of Mary, pray for us!
Couriers of the calls from Heaven, pray for us!
Protectors of the Vicar of Christ, pray for us!
Confessors of heroic life in the truth, pray for us!
Comforters of Jesus Christ, pray for us!
Examples of Christian charity, pray for us!
Servants of the sick and the poor, pray for us!
Repairers of the offenses of sinners, pray for us!
Friends of men before the throne of the Virgin Mary, pray for us!
Pure white lilies breathing holiness, pray for us!
Brilliant pearls in splendid beatitude, pray for us!
Seraphim of love at the feet of the Lord, pray for us!
Offerings presented to God to bear sufferings for reparation, pray for us!
Admirable examples of sharing with the poor, pray for us!
Untiring examples of sacrifice for the conversion of sinners, pray for us!
Examples of fortitude in times of adversity, pray for us!

Souls enamoured of God in Jesus, pray for us!
Little Shepherds leading us to the Lamb, pray for us!
Disciples of Mary’s school, pray for us!
Questioners of mankind, pray for us!
Fruits of the tree of holiness, pray for us!
Gifts to the Universal Church, pray for us!
Divine signs for God’s People, pray for us!
Witnesses of God’s grace, pray for us!
Incentives to living one’s Baptism, pray for us!
Examples of the experience of the loving presence of God, pray for us!
Eloquent souls in the intimacy of God, pray for us!
Intercessors, before God, for sinners, pray for us!
Builders of the Civilization of Love and Peace, pray for us!
Lamps illuminating mankind, pray for us!
Friendly lights illuminating multitudes, pray for us!
Lanterns shining in men’s roads, pray for us!
Flames burning in somber and anxious hours, pray for us!
Candles lighted by God, pray for us!

Christ, hear us!

Christ, hear us!

Christ, graciously hear us!

Christ, graciously hear us!

Concluding prayer

God of infinite goodness,
You love the innocent and exalt the humble;
please grant, through the intercession of the Immaculate Mother of Your Son,
that, in imitation of Saints Francisco and Jacinta,
we may serve You in simplicity of heart
and thus, may enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit.


February 21st

Saint Peter Damian

St. Peter Damian Novena

O holy Virgin, Mother of God, help those who implore your assistance. Turn toward us.
Have you perhaps forgotten us because you have been elevated to a position close to God? No, certainly not.
You know well in what danger you left us. You know the miserable condition of your servants. No, it would not benefit such great mercy as yours to forget such great misery as ours. Turn toward us, then, with your power, for He who is powerful has made you omnipotent in heaven and on earth. For you, nothing is impossible. You can raise even those who are in despair to a hope of salvation.There more powerful you are, the greater should be your mercy. Turn also to us in your love.
I know. O Mary, that you are all kindness and that you love us with a love that no other love can surpass.
How often you appease the wrath of our Divine Judge, when He is on the point of punishing us! All the treasures of the mercy of God are in your hands. You will never cease to benefit us, I know, for you are only seeking an opportunity to save all sinners and to shower your mercies upon them.

Your glory is increased when, through you, penitents are forgiven and reach heaven. Turn, then, toward us, so that we may also be able to go and see you in heaven. For the greatest glory that we can have, after seeing God, will be to see you, to love you, and to be under your protection. So be pleased to grant our prayer, for your beloved Son wishes to honor you by refusing nothing that you ask.


(Mention your request here…)

St. Peter Damian, pray for us.

Say 1: Our Father…
Say 1: Hail Mary…
Say 1: Glory Be…

Prayer to St. Peter Damian

Saint Peter Damian, reformer of the Church, scourge of the wicked, come to our aid with your prayers! Great Doctor of the Church, intercede on our behalf before the throne of God. By your prayers and intercession, help us, O hater of sin, to fly from evil and embrace what is good. We also ask, great saint, that you intercede for this special intention

(State your request).

Pray for us, O monk, O cardinal, O servant of God!


Prayer To St Peter Damian

All-powerful God,

help us to follow the teachings and example of Peter Damian.

By making Christ and the service of his Church

the first love of our lives,

may we come to the joys of eternal light,

where he lives and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.


Collect Prayer

Grant, we pray, almighty God, that we may so follow the teaching and example of the Bishop Saint Peter Damian, that, putting nothing before Christ and always ardent in the service of your Church, we may be led to the joys of eternal light. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.


Saint Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Saint Peter Damian, your reform of the Church began in your own monastery cell. You never asked of others what you did not demand first of yourself. You even endured the detraction and calumny of your peers. Help us to reform others by our example, learning, perseverance, mortifications, and prayers.


Novena To Saint Peter Damian

O, let your nature move you,
let your power move you;
for the more you are powerful,
the greater should your mercy be.

O Mary, our own beloved advocate,
since you have so compassionate a heart,
that you cannot even see the wretched
without being moved to pity;
and since, at the same time,
you have so great power with God
that you can save all those you protect;
disdain not to undertake the cause
of us poor miserable creatures
who place all our hope in thee.
If our prayers cannot move you,
at least let your own benign heart do so;
or, at least, let your power do so,
since God has enriched you with such great power,
in order that the richer you are in power to help us,
the more merciful you may be willing to assist us.


Prayer of Saint Peter Damian to the Blessed Virgin Mary

O holy Virgin, Mother of God,
help those who implore your assistance.
Turn toward us.
Have you perhaps forgotten us
because you have been elevated
to a position close to God?
No, certainly not.

You know well in what danger you left us.
You know the miserable condition of your servants.
No, it would not benefit such great mercy as yours
to forget such great misery as ours.
Turn toward us, then, with your power,
for He who is powerful
has made you omnipotent in heaven and on earth.
For you, nothing is impossible.
You can raise even those who are in despair
to a hope of salvation.
There more powerful you are,
the greater should be your mercy.
Turn also to us in your love. I know.
O Mary, that you are all kindness
and that you love us with a love
that no other love can surpass.
How often you appease the wrath of our Divine Judge,
when He is on the point of punishing us!
All the treasures of the mercy of God
are in your hands.
You will never cease to benefit us, I know,
for you are only seeking an opportunity
to save all sinners
and to shower your mercies upon them.
Your glory is increased when, through you,
penitents are forgiven and reach heaven.
Turn, then, toward us,
so that we may also be able to go
and see you in heaven.
For the greatest glory that we can have,
after seeing God,
will be to see you, to love you,
and to be under your protection.
So be pleased to grant our prayer;
for your beloved Son wishes to honour you
by refusing nothing that you ask.

February 22nd

Chair of Saint Peter

The Feast of the Chair of St. Peter is a commemoration of the contributions of the Apostle to the Christian Church. It celebrates his authority and endless efforts to build a strong community around the teachings of Christ and has been celebrated since the earliest times in the Christian era.

St. Peter was known to hold the keys to the kingdom of heaven, entrusted to him by Jesus himself. For this and many other reasons, St. Peter became a celebrated figure in Christianity.

Prayer For The Feast Of The Chair Of Saint Peter

O God, Who by delivering to Thy blessed Apostle Peter

the keys of the kingdom of Heaven,

didst confer upon him the pontifical power of binding and of loosing,

grant that, by the help of his intercession,

we may be delivered from the bonds of our sins.

Who livest and reignest with Thee,

One God, world without end.


Prayer for the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter

Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that no tempests may disturb us,
for you have set us fast on the rock of the Apostle Peter’s confession of faith.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Chair of Saint Peter Novena

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Antiphon: That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

V. I say unto thee, thou art Peter;

R. And upon this Rock I will build my Church.

[Each day’s scripture and intention is followed by the final prayers.]

Day 1

And passing along by the Sea of Galilee, [Jesus] saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net in the sea; for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men.” And immediately they left their nets and followed him.

– St. Mark 1:16-18

Intention: That we may follow the call of Christ without hesitation.

Day 2

[Jesus] said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” And when they had done this, they enclosed a great shoal of fish; and as their nets were breaking, they beckoned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”

– St. Luke 5:4-8

Intention: That we may obey our Lord’s commandments with humility.

Day 3

[Jesus] asked his disciples, “Who do men say that the Son of man is?” And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Eljjah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.

– St. Matthew 16:13-18

Intention: That we may confidently confess our faith in Jesus Christ.

Day 4

After six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves; and he was transfigured before them, and his garments became glistening, intensely white, as no fuller on earth could bleach them.

– St. Mark 9:2-3

Intention: That with Peter, we may see Christ as he is.

Day 5

Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also wish to go away?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”

– St. John 6:67-69

Intention: That we may know Christ as the Incarnate Word, and follow him.

Day 6

[Jesus asked the soldiers,] “Whom do you seek?” And they said, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus answered, “I told you that I am he; so, if you seek me, let these men go.” Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s slave and cut off his right ear.

– St. John 18:7-8,10a

Intention: That we may refrain from hasty or imprudent words and actions.

Day 7

Peter then came out with the other disciple, and they went toward the tomb. They both ran, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb; he saw the linen cloths lying, and the napkin, which had been on his head, not lying with the linen cloths but rolled up in a place by itself.

– St. John 20:3-4, 6-7

Intention: That our lives may give witness to the Risen Lord Jesus Christ.

Day 8

Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.” A second time he said to him, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Tend my sheep.” He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” And he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep.

– St. John 21:15-17

Intention: That we may remain in close communion with the Successor of St. Peter, through whom Christ strengthens us.

Day 9

Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them, “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words.”

Acts 2:14

Intention: That in union with St. Peter we may proclaim the Gospel to the whole world.

Concluding Prayer (To Be Offered Each Day)

O Almighty God, who by thy Son Jesus Christ didst give to thy Apostle Saint Peter many excellent gifts, and commanded him earnestly to feed thy flock: make, we beseech thee, all Bishops and Pastors diligently to preach thy holy Word, and the people obediently to follow the same; that they may receive the crown of everlasting glory; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end.

St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles; Pray for us.

Litany of St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Christ hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
Queen conceived without original sin, pray for us.
Queen of Apostles, pray for us.
Saint Peter, pray for us.
Prince of the Apostles, pray for us.
St. Peter, to whom were given the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, pray for us.
St. Peter, so ardent for the glory of Christ, pray for us.
St. Peter, whose heart was pierced with one look from Jesus, pray for us.
St. Peter, who ceased not to grieve for having denied the Son of God, pray for us.
St. Peter, whose cheeks were furrowed by a stream of tears which flowed to the end of thy life, pray for us.
St. Peter, who cried out: Lord, thou knowest that I love Thee! pray for us.
St. Peter, bound in chains for Christ, pray for us.
St. Peter, delivered from prison by an angel, pray for us.
St. Peter, who rejoiced to suffer for Christ, pray for us.
St. Peter, whose very shadow healed the sick, pray for us.
St. Peter, whose voice even the dead obeyed, pray for us.
St. Peter, that we may have a constant and mutual charity among ourselves, pray for us.
That we may taste and see more and more, how sweet is the Lord, pray for us.
That we may be zealous in loyalty to thy successor, the present Vicar of Christ, pray for us.
That we may help, at least by prayer, to restore to the unity of thy Holy See the scattered sheep, pray for us.
That we may be prudent, and watch in prayer, pray for us.
That we may die the death of the just, pray for us.

V. Let the mercies of the Lord give glory to him,
R. And His wonderful works to the children of men.
V. Pray for us, Saint Peter the rock:
R. That we may be worthy of the Vicar of Christ.

Let us pray

O God, Who, upon blessed Peter, Thine Apostle, didst bestow the pontifical power of binding and loosing, and didst give to him the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven: grant that his intercession may ensure our deliverance from the bondage of sin. Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end.

February 23rd

Saint Polycarp

Prayer In Honour Of St Polycarp

God of all creation,

who were pleased to give the Bishop Saint Polycarp

a place in the company of the Martyrs,

grant, through his intercession,

that, sharing with him in the chalice of Christ,

we may rise through the Holy Spirit to eternal life.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.


Dying Prayer of Polycarp, the Martyr

Lord, almighty God, Father of your beloved and blessed Son Jesus Christ, through whom we have come to the knowledge of yourself, God of angels, of powers, of all creation, of all the race of saints who live in your sight, I bless you for judging me worthy of this day, this hour, so that in the company of the martyrs I may share the cup of Christ, your anointed one, and so rise again to eternal life in soul and body, immortal through the power of the Holy Spirit. May I be received among the martyrs in your presence today as a rich and pleasing sacrifice. God of truth, stranger to falsehood, you have prepared this and revealed it to me and now you have fulfilled your promise.

I praise you for all things, I bless you, I glorify you through the eternal priest of heaven, Jesus Christ, your beloved Son. Through him be glory to you, together with him and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.


Prayer of Intercession Written by St. Polycarp

May God the Father,
and the eternal High Priest Jesus Christ,
build us up in faith and truth and love,
and grant us our portion among the saints
with all those who believe on our Lord Jesus Christ.
We pray for all saints,
for kings and rulers,
for the enemies of the Cross of Christ,
and for ourselves,
we pray that our fruit may abound
and that we may be made perfect in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Novena To Saint Polycarp Of Smyrna

Grant to us, O Master of all, O Lord our God,

the power to entreat Your healer,

the Hieromartyr Polycarp the wondrous.

O Saint Polycarp, the protector of our hearts,

come speedily near us,

free the precious member of your body

from the hands of the unrighteous,

lawless, wicked and impious,

and dwell newly among us,

who love you with our whole heart.

You, after God, are our Father

and we are your children.

We behold your dwelling-place empty,

but adorned with our love

and washed with our tears.

Come, our consolation,

our trainer and our benefactor.

O Lord Jesus Christ,

the Son of the Living God,

through the intercessions of Your Most-Holy Mother,

and the entreaties of the holy Hieromartyr Polycarp,

soften the pains of our soul,

take away our pain and fulfil our desire,

that we might newly behold the right hand of Your Saint,

awesome in battle and gladsome to his friends.

For Yours is the glory and the honor and the worship,

together with Your Beginningless Father,

and Your All-Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit,

now and ever and to the ages of ages.


[Mention you intention(s)/need(s) here…]

Say 1: Our Father…

Say 1: Hail Mary…

Say 1: Glory Be…

February 24th

Blessed Luke Belludi


My Dear Savior, Saint Luke Belludi traveled with Saint Anthony of Padua and assisted him in ministry. He also took care of his friend when the latter was dying. I ask him to intercede for all those of my family and friends and community who are in need of or will someday need special care. Bless the children, those in nursing homes, the homebound, and the sick in hospitals. Instill in me a willing and generous heart to give them my time when it’s needed. Teach me to serve them with the same devotion as Saint Luke had for Saint Anthony. Help me to be the visible expression of Your love. Saint Luke Belludi, pray for me.



God our Father,
you alone are holy; without you nothing is good.
Trusting in the prayers of Blessed Luke
we ask you to help us
to become the holy people you call us to be.
Never let us be found undeserving of the glory
you have prepared for us.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


February 25th

Blessed Sebastian of Aparicio

Prayer for Saint Sebastian

Dear Commander at the

Roman Emperor’s court,

you chose to be also a soldier

of Christ and dared to spread

faith in the King’s of King’s,

for which you were condemned to die.

Your body, however proved

athletically strong and the

executing arrows extremely

weak, so another means to

kill you was chosen and you

gave your life to the Lord.

May athletes be always as strong in

their faith as you so clearly

have been.



O God, You were pleased to give us Blessed Sebastian as a model and exemplar of Christian charity by sanctifying the activities of his daily life. Through his intercession, enable us to serve You ever with a pure heart in all the circumstances of our lives.

February 26th

Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin

Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin Prayer

Take, Lord and receive all my liberty,

my memory, my understanding,

and my entire will,

All I have and call my own.

You have given all to me.

To You, Lord, I return it.

Everything is Yours,

do with it what You will.

Give me only Your love

and Your grace,

that is enough for me.

February 27th

Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

Prayer to Saint Gabriel

God our Father, you alone are holy; without you, nothing is good. Trusting in the prayers of Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother, our parish patron, we ask you to help us to become the holy people you call us to be. Never let us be found undeserving of the glory you have prepared for us. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.



Lord, you gave Saint Gabriel of our Lady of Sorrows a special love for your Mother and a compassion for her sorrows. Through her, you raised him to the heights of holiness. Give us great devotion to her sorrows, that we may know her as our loving Mother. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.



O God, You taught blessed Gabriel diligently
to ponder the sorrows of Your most sweet Mother,
and exalted him to the glory of sanctity
and the working of miracles;
grant us, through his intercession and example,
so to mourn with Your Mother,
that we may be saved through her maternal care.
You Who are God,
living and reigning with God the Father
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.


Prayers to St. Gabriel

O angelic young Gabriel, who, with your ardent love for Jesus Crucified and your compassion for Our Lady of Sorrows, were on earth a mirror of innocence and an example of every virtue; we turn to you full of confidence to implore your aid. Oh! How many evil things and afflictions O how many dangers, assail our young people from every side, seeking to make them lose the faith. You, who lived always a life of faith, who amongst the temptations of the world maintained purity and virginity; turn your eyes to us, cast us a compassionate and pitying glance! Help us to have the grace to persevere in faith; we invoke your name; we cannot doubt the effactiousness of your patronage! In full confidence of our hope in you, we pray, O Sweet Saint, to obtain this particular grace for the greater glory of God and for the good of souls (here mention your request). Finally, obtain for us from Jesus Christ Crucified, through Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows, resignation and peace so that we might always live the Christian life, throughout all the times of this present life, so that we might one day be happy with you in the presence of our Heavenly Father.
Amen .

Let us adore and give thanks to God the Father everlasting, Who, of the great love He bore us, was pleased to send His only-begotten Son into the world to suffer and die on the gibbet of the Cross; and let us beseech Him, for the sake of His Passion and death and by the intercession of Saint Gabriel, that most loving follower of our crucified Lord, to grant us the favor for which we pray . . .

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

Let us adore and give thanks to God the eternal Son, Who, becoming man and dying for us upon the Cross, left us Mary most holy to be our mother; and let us beseech Him, by the merits of this sorrowful Virgin Mother and by the intercession of Saint Gabriel, who was her most devoted servant, to grant us the favor for which we pray. .

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

Let us adore and give thanks to God the eternal Spirit, Who of His infinite goodness communicates Himself to our souls to make them holy; and let us beseech Him, by the merit of the same Divine goodness and by the intercession of Saint Gabriel, who in a special manner shared therein and corresponded thereto, to grant us the favor for which we pray . . .

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

V. Pray for us, Saint Gabriel,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray

O God, Who didst teach blessed Gabriel to have the sorrows of Thy most dear Mother in perpetual remembrance, and through her didst glorify him with the fame of holiness and miracles; grant unto us, by his intercession and example, so to share the sorrows of Thy Mother that we may be saved by her maternal protection: Who livest and reignest world without end.


O Good Saint Gabriel, God inspired you to see the Passion of Jesus as it was reflected in the heart of Mary His Mother. By her side you stood beneth the cross of Jesus, gazing on Him as she did and learning the meaning of love. O Saint Gabriel, we wish, like you, to grow in love for God and all God’s people. Remember us in our trials, remember especially those who are young. Support us by your prayers all our days. And when this life is done may we join you in heaven in the company of Jesus and Mary.


February 28th

Blessed Daniel Brottier


O God, light of the faithful and shepherd of souls, who set blessed Daniel in the Church to feed your sheep by his words and form them by his example, grant that through his intercession we may keep the faith he taught by his words and follow the way he showed by his example.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

















