Saint Magdalene of Canossa – 10th April

Born in northern Italy in 1774, Magdalene knew her mind—and spoke it. At age 15 she announced she wished to become a nun. After trying out her vocation with the cloistered Carmelites, she realized her desire was to serve the needy without restriction. For years she worked among the poor and sick in hospitals and in their homes, and also among delinquent and abandoned girls.

In her mid-20s, Magdalene began offering lodging to poor girls in her own home. In time she opened a school, which offered practical training and religious instruction. As other women joined her in the work, the new Congregation of the Canossian Daughters of Charity—or Canossian Sisters—emerged. Over time, houses were opened throughout Italy.

Members of the new religious congregation focused on the educational and spiritual needs of women. Magdalene also founded a smaller congregation for priests and brothers. Both groups continue to this day.Magdalene died in 1835. Pope John Paul II canonized her in 1988.

Prayer through the intercession of St. Magdalene of Canossa

O God, Father of goodness, you revealed your love to the humble and to the children,
by raising in your Church, Saint Magdalene of Canossa
to be the servant of the poor, grant that we may seek you above all things and serve the poor
and the little ones in the true spirit of charity and humility.
For Christ our Lord.
Saint Magdalene di Canossa – pray for us

Prayer for the intercession of Saint Magdalene of Canossa

Graciously look down, o Lord, on our present sorrows and necessities
and, through the intercession of Magdalene of Canossa, grant that, renewed in spirit
by the constant contemplation of Jesus Crucified and Mary, Mother of Sorrows,
we may be found worthy to be heard in our petitions.
Our Mother Foundress – pray for us

Prayer for the intercession of Saint Magdalene of Canossa

Our Father in Heaven, where You crown the merits of those who serve you faithfully on earth,
show us the crown you have granted to Magdalene of Canossa by granting our humble prayer through her intercession.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.

Jesus Christ, Son of the Eternal Father, our Lord, you promised eternal happiness to those who serve you in the least of your brothers. Grant us the grace we ask you through the intercession pleasing to you, of Magdalene. She spent the whole of her life in the service of our brothers and was pleased to call the members of the charitable Institute she founded by the name of Servants of the Poor. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.

Holy Spirit, ineffable love of the Father and Son, you work miracles of grace in souls. Through that Charity which you put in the heart of your generous disciple, Magdalene of Canossa, increase in us through her intercession, your grace and grant what we are asking of you. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.

Our Lady of Sorrows, to whom our Foundress humbly dedicated her Institute, obtain for us the spirit of faith, hope and charity which animated your handmaid who now, by divine goodness, is your companion in heaven and grant that our humble supplications may be mercifully heard by the Lord. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.

Novena in preparation to the feast of Saint Magdalene di Canossa

I day – 29 April
Magdalene says: “I beg the Lord with all my heart to fill, with His Spirit, all of you present, as well as those who will embrace our Institute in the future”.
L. The grace is spread upon her face.
A. For this God has blessed her forever more.

Let us pray: Father, you poured into the heart of Magdalene, our Foundress and Mother, the charity of the heart of Christ, your Son. Through her intercession, pour into our hearts too the gifts of your Spirit, so that, like her, we may glorify you in life by loving and serving your Son in our brothers. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

P. Our Mother Foundress,
T. pray for us.

II day – 30 april
Magdalene affirms: “I promise that I will remember you, really, very much and I will not cease to pray for you until I see you in full possession of God. I beg you to work with fervour in the vineyard of the good God”.
L. The Lord has chosen you. He chose you before you were born.
A. He made you live in his own dwelling place.

Let us pray: Father, you poured into the heart of Magdalene, our Foundress and Mother, the charity of the heart of Christ, your Son. Through her intercession, pour into our hearts too the gifts of your Spirit, so that, like her, we may glorify you in life by loving and serving your Son in our brothers. Through Christ our Lord.

P. Our Mother Foundress,
T. pray for us.

III day – 1 may
Magdalene says: “…how happy you will be at your death, my dear Sisters, if you have looked, with all your heart, for your Spouse Jesus and for His glory”.
L. From the Lord you received blessing and salvation.
A. You have always looked for the Lord.

Let us pray: Father, you poured into the heart of Magdalene, our Foundress and Mother, the charity of the heart of Christ, your Son. Through her intercession, pour into our hearts too the gifts of your Spirit, so that, like her, we may glorify you in life by loving and serving your Son in our brothers. Through Christ our Lord.

L. Our Mother Foundress,
T. pray for us.

IV day – 2 may
Magdalene encourages: “My dear Sisters, love your Rules as they are all, without exception, directed to your greater spiritual good, the glory of God and the salvation of souls”.
L. The just will shine in the glory of God.
A. They will be the joy of all his faithful.

Let us pray: Father, you poured into the heart of Magdalene, our Foundress and Mother, the charity of the heart of Christ, your Son. Through her intercession, pour into our hearts too the gifts of your Spirit, so that, like her, we may glorify you in life by loving and serving your Son in our brothers. Through Christ our Lord.

P. Our Mother Foundress,
T. pray for us.

V day – 3 may
Magdalene writes: “My dear Sisters, choose obedience which is the short and safe road to reach Paradise”.
L. Whoever observes and teaches the Lord’s commandments
A. will be great in the Kingdom of heaven.

Let us pray: Father, you poured into the heart of Magdalene, our Foundress and Mother, the charity of the heart of Christ, your Son. Through her intercession, pour into our hearts too the gifts of your Spirit, so that, like her, we may glorify you in life by loving and serving your Son in our brothers. Through Christ our Lord.

L. Our Mother Foundress,
T. pray for us.

VI day – 4 may
Magdalene invites: “Be generous-hearted and do not be afraid to leave, out of obedience, any good work and to take up any other however difficult and bitter it may seem to your senses. The Lord will surely help you and you will gain a glorious victory at the end”.
L. The Lord has clothed you with joy.
A. He has placed a splendid crown upon your head.

Let us pray: Father, you poured into the heart of Magdalene, our Foundress and Mother, the charity of the heart of Christ, your Son. Through her intercession, pour into our hearts too the gifts of your Spirit, so that, like her, we may glorify you in life by loving and serving your Son in our brothers. Through Christ our Lord.

L. Our Mother Foundress,
T. pray for us.

VII day – 5 may
Magdalene says: “My dear Sisters, I exhort you to love humility. Let each one consider herself at the least of the house. Further more each one should have great respect considering herself to be the respectful servant of her Sisters”.
L. By this you will know they are my disciples,
A. If they love one another.

Let us pray: Father, you poured into the heart of Magdalene, our Foundress and Mother, the charity of the heart of Christ, your Son. Through her intercession, pour into our hearts too the gifts of your Spirit, so that, like her, we may glorify you in life by loving and serving your Son in our brothers. Through Christ our Lord.

L. Our Mother Foundress,
T. pray for us.

VIII day – 6 may
Magdalene encourages: “I recommend more than ever my beloved poor to you. See to it that they may all one day enjoy the Lord with the help of your holy instructions, prayers, charity and toil, however always under the obedience to your Superiors”.
L. Whoever loves the poor will be blessed.
A. Whoever believes in the Lord will welcome them in His name.

Let us pray: Father, you poured into the heart of Magdalene, our Foundress and Mother, the charity of the heart of Christ, your Son. Through her intercession, pour into our hearts too the gifts of your Spirit, so that, like her, we may glorify you in life by loving and serving your Son in our brothers. Through Christ our Lord.

L. Our Mother Foundress,
T. pray for us.

IX day – 7 may
Magdalene says: “Farewell, my dear Sisters, I leave you all in the heart of our Lady of Sorrows, our most beloved Mother. I wish that God may set your hearts aflame with His holy, divine love. Farewell once again, see you in Paradise”.
L. The saints rejoice in glory.
A. In the house of the Lord they sing with joy.

Let us pray: Father, you poured into the heart of Magdalene, our Foundress and Mother, the charity of the heart of Christ, your Son. Through her intercession, pour into our hearts too the gifts of your Spirit, so that, like her, we may glorify you in life by loving and serving your Son in our brothers. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

L. Our Mother Foundress,
T. pray for us.