Philip and James were both apostles, and both served Christ faithfully during the very early days of the Church.Philip seems to have been an enthusiastic person. He was the one who brought his friend Nathanael to Jesus, insisting to Nathaniel that he had found the person about whom Moses had written. Some years later it was Philip who made arrangements, with the help of Andrew, to have a group of Greek Gentiles brought to Jesus. It was Philip who asked to see the Father when Jesus spoke about him at the Last Supper.
James was the son of Alphaeus and seems to have been born in Caesarea. He is mentioned less frequently in the New Testament than Philip is. After Jesus’ death James continued to preach the Gospel and is believed to have become the first bishop of Jerusalem. Assuming that James and the first bishop of Jerusalem are one and the same person, then he met his death as a martyr in that city about the year a.d. 62. Tradition identifies James as the author of the epistle associated with his name.
O God, who gladden us each year
with the feast day of the Apostles Philip and James,
grant us, through their prayers,
a share in the Passion and Resurrection
of Your Only Begotten Son,
so that we may merit to behold You for eternity.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You in the unity
of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.
Saints Philip and James Novena Prayer
Dear God, thank you for giving us the examples of your holy apostles Saints Philip and James. Through their actions and witness of faith in You many people have come to know You and have converted to Christianity. Help us to be witnesses of the faith like Saints Philip and James.
Saints Philip and James, you relied fully on God when you went around the world proclaiming the Gospel. Help us to know that our faith relies on God alone as you also knew. Pray for us and ask God to grant the intentions we hold within our hearts.
(State your intentions here…)
Heavenly Father, please grant, through the prayers and intercession of Saints Philip and James, that our prayers may be answered and that we may join you in Heaven for all eternity.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
Our Father…, Glory Be…
Holy Apostles! you saw our Risen Jesus in all his glory. He said to you on the evening of that great Sunday: Peace be to you! He appeared to you during the forty days following, that he might make you certain of His Resurrection. Great indeed must have been your joy at seeing, once more, that dear Master, Who had admitted you into the number of his chosen Twelve; and his return made your love of him more than ever fervent. We address ourselves to you as our special patrons during this holy Season, and most earnestly do we beseech you to teach us how to know and love the great mystery of our Lord’s Resurrection. May our hearts glow with Paschal joy, and may we never lose the New Life that our Jesus has now given unto us.