Saints Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang, and Companions-20th September


Saint Andrew Kim Tae-gon is known as Korea’s first Roman Catholic priest. Born into a family of Christian converts at a time of unprecedented governmental opposition to Christianity (Christian teachings threatened the hierarchical system of Confucianism and ancestor worship), Kim and his family led lives of deprivation and hardship. Although there were repeated efforts made by the Korean monarchy (who feared European colonization of Korea through Christianity), to uproot the religion of the barbarian foreigners from 1794 to 1866, converts to Christianity continued to increase.

After being baptized at the age of 15, Kim travelled over 1200 miles in 1836 to study at a seminary in the Portuguese Colony of Macau, China. He returned to Korea through Manchuria. That same year, he crossed the Yellow Sea to Shanghai, where he was ordained a priest in 1845 by the French Bishop, Jean Ferréol. He then returned to Korea to preach and evangelize.

Both Andrew Kim and his father, Ignatius Kim, were beatified on July 25, 1925. In 1949 the Holy See named Andrew Kim Taegon the principal patron of the Roman Catholic Clergy in Korea. On May 6, 1984, Pope John Paul II canonized Andrew Kim Taegon along with 102 other martyrs, including Paul Chong Hasang.


O God, who have been pleased to increase

your adopted children in all the world,

and who made the blood of the Martyrs

Saint Andrew Kim Tae-gon and his companions

a most fruitful seed of Christians,

grant that we may be defended by their help

and profit always from their example.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.



O God, you have created all nations and you are their salvation. In the land of Korea your call to Catholic faith formed a people of adoption, whose growth you nurtured by the blood of Andrew, Paul, and their companions. Through their martyrdom and their intercession grant us strength that we too may remain faithful to your commandments even until death. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Praying the Chaplet of St. Andrew Kim Taegon

Opening Prayer on the Crucifix:

O God, who have been pleased to increase your adopted children in all the world, and who made the blood of the Martyrs Saint Andrew Kim Tae-gon and his companions a most fruitful seed of Christians, grant that we may be defended by their help and profit always from their example. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Intention: (on the cord after the Crucifix) Saint Andrew Kim Taegon, you followed the Lord’s Call and journeyed to Macao to enter seminary. Please pray for our priests and seminarians as they serve with love as you did.

Reading from his letters from prison: “God orders all things in this world. God permits even persecutions. As you wait in patient submission, pray earnestly for speedy peace. My death will be a loss to you physically and spiritually, but before long God will send you another shepherd better than I. So do not grieve, but practice greater charity and serve the Lord so that we may meet again in God’s eternal mansion.”

                                                                               3 Our Fathers

Intention: Saint Andrew Kim Taegon, in serving the Korean people you underwent trials and tribulations. Please pray for us to always trust in the Lord.

Reading: “Following the footsteps of the saints, bring greater glory to the Church by being loyal soldiers and upright people of God. Although you are many be of one mind, not forgetting to love. Be patient and compassionate as you await the Lord’s day of mercy.”

                                                                              3 Hail Mary’s

Intention: Saint Andrew Kim Taegon, you were imprisoned because you were a Christian and martyred for your faith. Please help us spread the love of Jesus wherever we are as you did.

Reading: “Once born, no one can escape dying. What I desire is to die for God. Whether you question me today or tomorrow, my answers will be the same.”

                                                                              3 Glory Be’s

Intention: Saint Andrew Kim Taegon, you greatly inspired your people who had contact with you. Pray that others will see the Lord in us as they did in you.

Reading: “So it is the Lord regards the world as His field and us as His seedlings. He fertilizes us with grace and waters us with the Blood of the Savior that we might grow and produce grain. At the judgment, harvest time, those who produce the fruits of grace will be justified and the others will receive just punishment.”

Closing Prayer on the Medal:

O God, you have created all nations and you are their salvation. In the land of Korea your call to Catholic faith formed a people of adoption, whose growth you nurtured by the blood of Andrew, Paul, and their companions. Through their martyrdom and their intercession grant us strength that we too may remain faithful to your commandments even until death. Saint Andrew Kim Dae-gon, you led others in service to Christ. You said “We will soon be going out to the battlefield. Take good care and let us meet again in Heaven. I love you and cannot forget you. I beg you, in these troubled times do not be led astray. Pray to the Lord Day and night to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil. Be steadfast in persecution. Put eternal glory first and work for the salvation of your souls.” Please pray that we will love abundantly in our service to others. We ask all these things through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.