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Friday, January 17, 2025

Monthly Prayers & Prayer Request October

Please Submit Your Prayer Request The Saint Michael Center will receive your prayer request. Please be assured that your intentions have been presented in confidence into the hands of a Holy Priest and that they will be directly offered in Holy Mass, the highest and most sublime of all prayers, united with our prayers for you at the Saint Michael Center. May The LORD bless thee, and keep thee safe and healthy May The LORD make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The LORD lift up His Countenance upon thee, and grant thee His peace prayer request The Miracle PrayerLord Jesus, l come before You, just as I am. I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me In Your name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. l give You my entire self. Lord Jesus, now and forever, I invite You into my life Jesus, I accept You as my Lord, God and Saviour. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit. Come Lord Jesus cover me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit, I love You Lord Jesus. I praise You Jesus. I thank You Jesus. I shall follow You every day of my life. Amen. SAY “THE MIRACLE PRAYER” ! BELIEVE IN MIRACLES. GOD LOVES YOU !


October Month Prayers

October 1st

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux

My Novena Rose Prayer

O Little Therese of the Child Jesus, please pick for me a rose
from the heavenly gardens and send it to me as a message of love.
O Little Flower of Jesus, ask God to grant the favors
I now place with confidence in your hands . .
(mention in silence here)
St. Therese, help me to always believe as you did in
God’s great love for me, so that I might imitate your “Little Way” each day.

Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese

O Glorious St. Therese,
whom Almighty God has raised up to aid
and inspire the human family,
I implore your Miraculous Intercession.

You are so powerful in obtaining every need
of body and spirit from the Heart of God.
Holy Mother Church proclaims you “Prodigy of Miracles…
the greatest saint of Modern Times.”

Now I fervently beseech you to answer my petition
(mention in silence here)
and to carry out your promises of
spending heaven doing good on earth…
of letting fall from Heaven a Shower of Roses.
Little Flower, give me your childlike faith,
to see the Face of God
in the people and experiences of my life,
and to love God with full confidence.

St. Therese, my Carmelite Sister,
I will fulfill your plea “to be made known everywhere”
and I will continue to lead others to Jesus through you.

A Prayer to St. Therese of Lisieux

O little St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, who during your short life on earth became a mirror of angelic purity, of love strong as death, and of wholehearted abandonment to God, now that you rejoice in the reward of your virtues, cast a glance of pity on me as I leave all things in your hands. Make my troubles your own – speak a word for me to our Lady Immaculate, whose flower of special love you were – to that Queen of heaven ‘who smiled on you at the dawn of life. ‘ Beg her as the Queen of the heart of Jesus to obtain for me by her powerful intercession, the grace I yearn for so ardently at this moment, and that she join with it a blessing that may strengthen me during life. Defend me at the hour of death, and lead me straight on to a happy eternity.

Prayer in honour of St. Thérèse

O Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus,
seeing what confidence I have in God,
kindly present my intentions before the merciful Lord,
whom you behold face to face.
Intercede for me with the Blessed Virgin Mary,
who came to smile on you when you were suffering.
Looking on those who pray to you,
and on all those undergoing distress and trials,
I unite myself to them as my brothers and sisters.
Show yourself to be our sister, and pour on us a shower of roses.
Ask the Lord to grant the graces we desire, if it be his will,
and make us stronger in faith, hope and love on the road to life.
Help us to follow your “Little Way of Spiritual Childhood”,
trusting in the mercy and love of God like a little child,
as you learned from Jesus himself.
Give us a thirst for Holy Scripture,
a hunger for the Sacraments of the Church,
and passionate self-giving love for our neighbours,
that like you we may be love in the heart of the Church.
May we be assisted at the moment of death
so that we pass from this world into the peace of God our Father,
and know the eternal joy of the children of God.

A Morning Prayer Written by St. Therese

O my God! I offer Thee all my actions of this day for the intentions and for the glory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I desire to sanctify every beat of my heart, my every thought, my simplest works, by uniting them to Its infinite merits; and I wish to make reparation for my sins by casting them into the furnace of Its Merciful Love.

O my God! I ask of Thee for myself and for those whom I hold dear, the grace to fulfil perfectly Thy Holy Will, to accept for love of Thee the joys and sorrows of this passing life, so that we may one day be united together in heaven for all Eternity.

St. Therese of Lisieux’s Prayer for Priests

O Jesus, eternal Priest,
keep your priests within the shelter of Your Sacred Heart,
where none may touch them.
Keep unstained their anointed hands,
which daily touch Your Sacred Body.
Keep unsullied their lips,
daily purpled with your Precious Blood.
Keep pure and unearthly their hearts,
sealed with the sublime mark of the priesthood.
Let Your holy love surround them and
shield them from the world’s contagion.
Bless their labors with abundant fruit and
may the souls to whom they minister be their joy and consolation here and in heaven their beautiful and
everlasting crown.

October 2nd

Feast of the Guardian Angels

A Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angels

Heavenly Father, Your infinite love for us has chosen a blessed angel in heaven and appointed him our guide during this earthly pilgrimage. Accept our thanks for so great a blessing. Grant that we may experience the assistance of our holy protector in all our necessities. And you, holy, loving angel and guide, watch over us with all the tenderness of your angelic heart. Keep us always on the way that leads to heaven, and cease not to pray for us until we have attained our final destiny, eternal salvation. Then we shall love You for all eternity. We shall praise and glorify You unceasingly for all the good You have done for us while here on earth. Especially be a faithful and watchful protector of our children. Take our place, and supply what may be wanting to us through human frailty, short-sightedness, or sinful neglect. Lighten, O you perfect servants of God, our heavy task. Guide our children, that they may become like unto Jesus, may imitate Him faithfully, and persevere till they attain eternal life.

Holy Guardian Angels

Dear Angel at my side, my good and loyal friend, you have been with me since the moment I was born. You are my own personal guardian, given me by God as my guide and protector, and you will stay with me till I die. He who created you and me gave me to you as your particular charge. You assisted in great joy at my baptism, when I became part of the Mystical Body of Christ, and was made a member of the household of God and an heir of heaven. You saw the dangers that beset my path, and, if I sinned, it was in spite of you. You envied me when Christ came to me in Holy Communion. Even though you probably were there among the angels that adored Him the night that He was born, you have not been able to receive Him as I can. O, help me to appreciate these gifts! Help me to realize, as you do, with every fiber of my being, that to serve Christ is to be a King! Help me steadfastly to avoid evil and do good and always guard my soul from sin. Protect me as well from physical evils as I go about my daily work. You will be with me all my life, and at the hour of my death. Help me to face death bravely, patiently, with great love of God, knowing that it is only through death that I can come to Him in heaven! Then, come with me to my Judge, and when the hour of my salvation comes, take me home to my Father, God.

Prayer to our Guardian Angel

Angel sent by God to guide me,
be my light and walk beside me;
be my guardian and protect me;
on the paths of life direct me.

Guardian Angel Prayer

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light, to guard, to rule and guide.

Guardian Angel Novena

Loving God, you are so good that you gave me a Guardian Angel to protect my body and my soul. Help me to know and follow my angel so that, with their guidance, I will be worthy of being in Heaven with You!

My sweet Guardian Angel, you are my counselor every day of my life. Inspire me to be holy and good like you. Inspire me to be the person that God is calling me to be. Inspire me to be a light for others to know and love the Lord.

You are with me all the time so you already know these my intentions that I ask you to deliver to the Lord.

(Mention your intentions here…)

My guardian angel, my counselor, inspire me!


Blessing for the Feast of the Guardian Angels

Almighty God, our creator, we unite with the choir of angels to sing your praises daily. And today, we give you thanks for giving the angels to us, as messengers of your mysteries and as protectors of our bodies and souls. Grant us to share this meal in peace, joy, and thanksgiving, being always mindful of the unfailing protection of our guardian angels. We ask you this, through Christ, our Lord.

October 3rd

Saint Theodora Guérin

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin prayer

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin,
valiant woman of God,
intercede for us in our needs.
Implore for us through Jesus, the Christ,
the gifts of a living faith,
abiding hope
and steadfast charity,
so that
through a life of prayer
and service with others
we may aid in promoting
the Providence of God
among all peoples.
(Mention your request here…)
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, pray for us.

Novena to Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

Day 1

Anne Therese Guerin, Saint Theodora, I call upon you to help me through my present situation. You know how dependent I am on God’s Providence to fill my need.

Out of love and respect for your holiness, as well as my admiration for your strength of character, I ask for your assistance now. You were able to withstand so many difficult situations, yet you relied on God’s endless Providence to meet the needs of you and your community.

Please implore Providence, on my behalf, to remember my needs.

(Mention your need or concern)

Thank you, Saint Mother Theodore, for coming to my side at this time of need. Allow me to lean on you with my concerns.

Day 2

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, again I call your name and ask you to walk with me for another day. You know my fears and concerns. You too experienced hardship and misunderstanding. Therefore, I can humbly come to you, asking for you to pray with me to our generous God to rain down the endless gifts of Providence. I know that my current need is not beyond Providence’s concern for me.

(Mention your need or concern)

Saint Theodora, you feared what would become of you, and your little community, during those violent storms at sea in 1840. Now I too am experiencing life’s trials and am filled with concern. In your loving compassion, join me in my prayer, and I know our Providential God will hear us.

Thank you, Saint Mother Theodore, for being at my side while I am in such need.

Day 3

Mother Theodore, you were always so aware of the frailties of those for whom you had responsibility. You were willing to pray for them individually and to privately challenge them to face their spiritual flaws. Please see me as one of your companions who is in need of your wise mentoring.

Stay with me through this time of stress; help me understand what I can do on my own behalf and then pray with me to be graced with what only God’s Providence can provide for me

(Mention your need or concern)

Thank you, Mother Theodore. It brings me a sense of serenity to know I am not alone. You understood it was your responsibility and your privilege to be at the side of your dearest friends during their final hours of life on earth. Therefore, I know I can count on you to stay with me when I am feeling so needy. With your help, I now release my needs to God’s loving Providence.

Day 4

Saint Mother
Theodore, again I come to you with my need for your assistance. My expectations are unending, but I know Providence’s gifts are too vast to count; therefore, I feel no shame in asking you to keep praying on my behalf.

(Mention your need or concern)

Saint Mother Theodore, I know you suffered from people who questioned your motives and did not understand your deep spiritual standards as you set about the work of building a community that would endure. You have become a spiritual model for me, so I am making an effort to be more courageous and to set higher spiritual goals for myself. Thank you for your influence upon my soul.

Please help me.

Day 5

My dear Saint Mother Theodore, you knew the exhaustion and fear of an uncertain future. Therefore, I know you can sympathize with the concerns I am carrying now.

God’s Providence always brought good and generous people into your life to assist you in bringing your saintly goals to fruition. Please help me to purify my own motives in order to overcome the needs of my ego. Let my only desire be what God wills. Allow me to learn from your sense of purpose and grow in your ability to rely on God’s Providence to bring the outcome that will bless those who are affected by my life. If it be God’s will, I ask for this favor.

(Mention your need or concern)

Please send your blessings to me. Stay by my side, my dear Anne Therese Guerin.

Day 6

In your lifetime, you relied on Saint Joseph, the Patron of the Church, to join with you in asking for God’s Providence to intervene … and it did! I can only imagine the great love that flows between your two sacred souls … as you and Saint Joseph share the overwhelming joy of God’s will being done in heaven — as we desire it to be done on earth.

I ask for you and Saint Joseph to intercede for me today.

(Mention your need or concern)


Day 7

What happiness it brings me to reflect on your life and to come to an understanding of how God’s Providence sustained you in so many forms.

Saint Mother Theodore, I am aware your dear friends petitioned the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady of Victory, on your behalf. Their nine-days novena imploring the Blessed Mother to restore you to good health did in fact bring about a cure. Please ask these same good souls, these holy and dear friends of yours who share your heavenly home, to join in praying for me now.

It is beyond my comprehension to imagine you, the Holy Virgin Mary, your friends and all the blessed souls, since the beginning of time, praising God and interceding for us here on earth. We need God’s providential care. I join in your praise and add my petition to that endless heavenly choir.

(Mention your need or concern)

Thank you, my dear Saint Mother Theodore.

Day 8

My dear Anne Therese, today I come to you as a close friend. Speaking to you so openly each day allows me to feel the freedom to address you so intimately.

There seems to be something in your nature that comes to me as extraordinarily warm and endearing. The fact that you and your companions erected Saint Anne’s Shell Chapel deep among the trees at your beloved Saint Mary-of-the-Woods was a fitting way to honor Mary for miraculously saving you and your companions from drowning. Honoring Mary’s mother, Anne, was a unique inspiration that only one who loves with a daughter’s heart could understand. I too thank Mary Immaculate for sparing you to serve God as her son willed. Though I’m not in danger of drowning at sea, you know how consumed I am with my own needs. Please call upon Saint Anne and our holy Mother Mary to join you and me in asking for God’s assistance.

(Mention your need or concern)

With you, my Mother Theodore, I ask God to help me to know and do God’s will during my time on earth.

Day 9

Mother Theodore, it seems right that I call you that. You were the spiritual mother to your fledgling group, the Sisters of Providence, where you showed that you loved each individual as if she were a beloved only child. You were given this ability to appreciate and articulate each person’s abilities and God-given attributes because you understood how important it is that we use our gifts to make God’s love visible in the world.

Your spiritual insights also gave you the wisdom to sense frailties and flaws that needed to be corrected. I desire that same kind of spiritual and earthly care. Look upon me with tenderness in my time of need.

Because you are a loving and spiritual mother, I ask you to also direct my spirit so I can better understand both the blessings and the frailties I carry within my soul. I aspire to be a more effective witness to God’s goodness, but I often let my own needs come first. Assist me in becoming more spiritually mature. Nevertheless, I also continue to ask you to intercede with your motherly love for me in my current need.

(Mention your need or concern)

Thank you for your help, dear mother.

Collect Prayer

Loving God,
in Saint Theodore Guérin
you have given us an example of a religious woman
who trusted deeply in Providence.
Through her intercession,
inspire us to dedicate our lives
to proclaiming the Gospel
through works of love, mercy, and justice.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

October 4th

Saint Francis of Assisi

Peace Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

St. Francis of Assisi’s prayer given to Brother Leo

You are holy, Lord, the only God,
and Your deeds are wonderful.
You are strong.
You are great.
You are the Most High.
You are Almighty.
You, Holy Father are King of heaven and earth.
You are Three and One, Lord God, all Good.
You are Good, all Good, supreme Good,
Lord God, living and true.
You are love. You are wisdom.
You are humility. You are endurance.
You are rest. You are peace.
You are joy and gladness.
You are justice and moderation.
You are all our riches, and You suffice for us.
You are beauty.
You are gentleness.
You are our protector.
You are our guardian and defender.
You are our courage. You are our haven and our hope.
You are our faith, our great consolation.
You are our eternal life, Great and Wonderful Lord,
God Almighty, Merciful Saviour.

Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi before the Blessed Sacrament

We adore You, O Lord Jesus Christ, in this Church and all the Churches of the world, and we bless You, because, by Your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

St. Francis of Assisi’s prayer praising Mary the Mother of Jesus

Hail, holy Lady, most holy Queen,
Mary, Mother of God, ever Virgin.
You were chosen by the Most High Father in heaven,
consecrated by Him, with His most Holy Beloved Son
and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.

On you descended and still remains all the fullness of grace and every good.
Hail, His Palace.
Hail His Tabernacle.
Hail His Robe.
Hail His Handmaid.
Hail, His Mother.
and Hail, all holy Virtues, who, by grace and inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
are poured into the hearts of the faithful
so that from their faithless state,
they may be made faithful servants of God through you.

Saint Francis’s Prayer Before the Crucifix

Most High, Glorious God,
enlighten the darkness of our minds.
Give us a right faith, a firm hope and a perfect charity,
so that we may always and in all things act according to Your Holy Will.

Devotion to Saint Francis of Assisi

O beloved Saint Francis, gentle and poor, your obedience to God and your simple, deep love for all God’s creatures led you to the heights of heavenly perfection and turned many hearts to follow God’s will. Now, in our day, pray also for us, in our ministry to the many who come here searching for peace and intercede for us as we come before the Lord with our special requests.
[Mention your special intention.]
O blessed Saint of God, from your throne among the hosts of heaven present our petitions before our faithful Lord. May your prayers on our behalf be heard and may God grant us the grace to lead good and faithful lives. Amen.

Saint Francis of Assisi,
Pray for us.

October 5th

Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska

Prayer to obtain grace through the intercession of Saint Faustina

O Jesus, You inspired Saint Faustina with profound veneration for Your boundless Mercy. Grant me through her intercession, if it be Your holy will, the grace …for which I fervently pray. My sins render me unworthy of Your Mercy, but be mindful of Saint Faustina’s spirit of sacrifice and self-denial, and reward her virtue by granting the petition which, with childlike confidence, I present to You through her intercession.

Our Father…, Hail Mary…, Glory…

Saint Faustina, pray for us.

Prayer to Saint Faustina by the Holy Father John Paul II

And you, Faustina, a gift of God to our time, a gift from the land of Poland to the whole Church, obtain for us an awareness of the depth of Divine Mercy; help us to have a living experience of it and to bear witness to it among our brothers and sisters. May your message of light and hope spread throughout the world, spurring sinners to conversion, calming rivalries and hatred, and opening individuals and nations to the practice of brotherhood. Today, fixing our gaze with you on the Face of the Risen Christ, let us make our own your prayer of trusting abandonment and say with firm hope:” Jesus,I trust in You!”.

Prayer to St. Faustina (Apostle of Divine Mercy)

O Jesus, who filled your handmaid St Faustina with profound veneration for your boundless Mercy, design, if it be Your holy will, to grant me, through her intercession the grace for which I fervently pray:

(Share your request…)

My sins render me unworthy of your mercy, but be mindful of St Faustina’s spirit of sacrifice and self-denial, and reward her virtue by granting the petition which, with childlike confidence, I present to You through her intercession.

Saint Faustina, pray for us.

St. Faustina’s Litany to The Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy, gushing forth from the bosom of the Father, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, greatest attribute of God, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, incomprehensible mystery, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, fount gushing forth from the mystery of the Most Blessed Trinity, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, unfathomed by any intellect, human or angelic, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, from which wells forth all life and happiness, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, better than the heavens, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, source of miracles and wonders, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, encompassing the whole universe, I trust in You
Divine Mercy, descending to earth in the Person of the Incarnate Word, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, which flowed out from the open wound of the Heart of Jesus, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, enclosed in the Heart of Jesus for us, and especially for sinners, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, unfathomed in the institution of the Sacred Host, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, in the founding of Holy Church, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, in our justification through Jesus Christ, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, accompanying us through our whole life, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, embracing us especially at the hour of death, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, endowing us with immortal life, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, accompanying us every moment of our life, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, shielding us from the fire of hell, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, in the conversion of hardened sinners, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, astonishment for Angels, incomprehensible to Saints, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, unfathomed in all the mysteries of God, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, lifting us out of every misery, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, source of our happiness and joy, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, in calling us forth from nothingness to existence, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, embracing all the works of His hands, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, crown of all of God’s handiwork, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, in which we are all immersed, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, sweet relief for anguished hearts, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, only hope for despairing souls, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, repose of hearts, peace amidst fear, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, delight and ecstasy of holy souls, I trust in You.
Divine Mercy, inspiring hope against all hope, I trust in You.

October 6th

Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher

Collect for Blessed Marie Rose Durocher

Lord, who enkindled in the heart of Blessed Marie Rose Durocher the flame of ardent charity and a great desire to cooperate in the mission of the Church as a teacher grant us that same active love, so that, in responding to the needs of the world today, we may lead our brothers and sisters to the blessedness of eternal life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.


Blessed Mother Marie-Rose, we firmly believe in the power of your intercession with almighty God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We beg you to hear our humble prayers and to obtain for us the favors we ask… God, our Father, knows all, He can do all things, and He loves us. Sure of His love and strong in our faith, together with you, Blessed Mother Marie-Rose, we accept His most Holy Will, through Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Novena To Blessed Mother Marie-rose Durocher

God our Father, we ask You to manifest the holiness of Your faithful servant,
Mother Marie-Rose by extraordinary signs
so that the Church may proclaim her a saint
and call upon her as a public witness to Christian life based on the Gospels.

Remember her heroic virtues as the foundress of our Congregation,
her zeal for Christian education, her love for Jesus and Mary.

Remember her great love for You, O Father,
and graciously grant the favors we confidently ask
through her intercession.

(Mention your need here…).

Say 1: Our Father…
Say 1: Hail Mary…
Say 1: Glory Be…

October 7th

Our Lady of the Rosary

To Our Lady of the Rosary

O Virgin Mary, grant that the recitation of thy Rosary may be for me each day, in the midst of my manifold duties, a bond of unity in my actions, a tribute of filial piety, a sweet refreshment, an encouragement to walk joyfully along the path of duty. Grant, above all, O Virgin Mary, that the study of thy fifteen mysteries may form in my soul, little by little, a luminous atmosphere, pure, strengthening, and fragrant, which may penetrate my understanding, my will, my heart, my memory, my imagination, my whole being. So shall I acquire the habit of praying while I work, without the aid of formal prayers, by interior acts of admiration and of supplication, or by aspirations of love. I ask this of thee, O Queen of the Holy Rosary, through Saint Dominic, thy son of predilection, the renowned preacher of thy mysteries, and the faithful imitator of thy virtues.

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Novena Prayer

My dearest Mother Mary, behold me, your child, in prayer at your feet. Accept this Holy Rosary, which I offer you in accordance with your requests at Fatima, as a proof of my tender love for you, for the intentions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in atonement for the offenses committed against your Immaculate Heart, and for this special favor which I earnestly request in my Rosary Novena:
(Mention your request).

I beg you to present my petition to your Divine Son. If you will pray for me, I cannot be refused. I know, dearest Mother, that you want me to seek God’s holy Will concerning my request. If what I ask for should not be granted, pray that I may receive that which will be of greater benefit to my soul.

I offer you this spiritual Bouquet of Roses because I love you. I put all my confidence in you, since your prayers before God are most powerful. For the greater glory of God and for the sake of Jesus, your loving Son, hear and grant my prayer. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation.

Our Lady of The Rosary Novena

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, in these times of such brazen impiety, show your power with the signs of your former victories. Look with mercy on the Church of your Son, on His Vicar on earth, and on all the clergy and laity, who are sorely oppressed in this mighty conflict. Powerful vanquisher of all heresies, hasten the hour of mercy even though the hour of God’s justice is every day provoked by the countless sins of men. As I kneel before you in prayer, obtain for me my requests

(Mention your request here…)

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us.

Say 1: Our Father…
Say 1: Hail Mary…
Say 1: Glory Be…

Act Of Consecration To Our Lady Of The Holy Rosary

O Queen of the most Holy Rosary and Our Lady of Victory! Joyfully do I come before thee on this day, commemorating the many glorious victories gained through devotion to thy most Holy Rosary. Thou hast promised that we may obtain all that we ask for through the Holy Rosary. Filled, therefore with confidence, I cast myself at thy feet, full of sorrow at the sight of my sins, yet full of hope at the sight of thy mercy.

The first victory that I beg of thee, is a victory over the first enemy of my soul—the devil, who, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour. Thou, who hast crushed his influence and plots in so many cases, crush, too, his influence in my life, so that strengthened by thy help, I may resist the fiery darts of the evil one.

The second victory that I beg of thee, is a victory over my second enemy—the world, of which the devil is prince. Help me to see its emptiness, to flee its vanities, to resist its allurements, knowing that “the friendship of this world is the enemy of God. Whosoever therefore will be a friend of this world, becometh an enemy of God.”

The third victory that I beg of thee, is a victory over my third enemy—my own self, scarred and weakened by Original Sin. Help me correct my values so that I may seek first the kingdom of God and love Him with my whole heart, mind, soul and strength. Plant in my mind and heart a great appreciation and desire for the spiritual things in life; and to treasure them above any treasures of this earth. Assist me in all my temptations; instruct me in all virtues; help me pay for my past sins; remove me from the broad, wide road that leads to perdition and guide me along the narrow path that leads to Heaven.

The fourth victory that I beg of thee, is a victory for Holy Mother Church over the diseases currently ravaging the Mystical Body of Christ, namely those of Liberalism, Modernism, Indifferentism, Secularism, Materialism and that terrible state, which God threatens to vomit out of His mouth—Lukewarmness (Apoc. 3:16). Such is the state of the Church, which made thee complain at Fatima that so many souls go to Hell as there are none who pray and offer sacrifices for them. Grant that I may not forget these souls and these diseases in my daily Rosaries, for God has stated that the Rosary is a remedy for our age, and I am confident of obtaining thy powerful intercession on their behalf.

The fifth victory that I beg of thee, is a victory over all evil, and the crown of glory in Heaven, for all my family, relatives, friends and benefactors; for those entrusted to my care and for those in charge over me. Obtain for them the graces and helps necessary to overcome all obstacles to conversion, repentance and salvation.

For this end, do I consecrate to thee, O Queen of the most Holy Rosary, my body and soul, my goods, both interior and exterior, and even the value of all my good actions, past, present and future; leaving to thee the entire and full right of disposing of me and all that belongs to me, without exception, according to thy good pleasure, for the greater glory of God, in time and in eternity.

Prayer To The Most Powerful Virgin Of The Most Holy Rosary

Virgin most powerful, loving helper of the Christian people, how great is the thanks we owe to thee, for the assistance thou hast given our fathers, who invoked thy maternal help, by the devout recitation of thy Rosary, when they were threatened by the Turkish infidels! From heaven, thou didst see their deadly peril. Thou didst hear their voices imploring thy compassion. Their humble prayers, enjoined by the great Pope, Saint Pius V, were acceptable to thee, and thou didst come quickly to deliver them.
Grant, dear Mother, that, in like manner, the prolonged sigh of the Holy Bride of Christ, in these our days, may reach thy throne and win thy pity. Be moved to compassion and rise, once again, to deliver Her from the many foes who surround Her on every side.

Even now, from the four quarters of the earth, there arises to thy throne, the prayer of the Rosary, to beg thy mercy in these troubled times. Unfortunately, our sins hinder, or at least retard, their effect. Wherefore, dear Mother, obtain for us true sorrow for our sins and a firm resolution to face death, rather than return to our former sins. It grieves us that, through our own fault, thy help, which we need so desperately, should be denied, or come too late.

Turn to us, O Mary, and graciously listen to the prayers of the whole Catholic world; conquer the pride of those wicked men, who, in their insolence, blaspheme Almighty God and would destroy His Church, against which, according to the infallible words of Christ, the gates of hell shall never prevail. Let it be seen, once more, that when thou arisest to protect the Church, Her victory is sure.

Prayer To The Queen Of The Most Holy Rosary

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and tender Mother of all people, I consecrate myself to your Immaculate Heart, and recommend to you my family, my country, and the whole human race. Please accept my consecration, dearest Mother, and use me as you wish, to accomplish your designs upon the world. O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth, rule over me, and teach me how to allow the Heart of Jesus to rule and triumph in me and around me, as it has ruled and triumphed in you.

October 09th

Saint Denis and Companions

Prayer To St Denis And His Companions

you sent Saint Denis and his companions
to preach your glory to the nations,
and you gave them the strength
to be steadfast in their sufferings for Christ.
Grant that we may learn from their example
to reject the power and wealth of this world
and to brave all earthly trials.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

Collect Prayer

O God, giver of all good things, who through the Priest Saint John Leonardi caused the Gospel to be announced to the nations, grant, through his intercession, that the true faith may always and everywhere proper. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.

St. Denis Novena

O God, Who conferred Your saving Faith on the people of France through Your holy bishop and martyr Denis, and did glorify him before and after his martyrdom by many miracles. Grant us, through his intercession, that the Faith practiced and preached by him may be our light on the way of life, so that we may be preserved from all anxieties of conscience, and if by human frailty we have sinned, we may return to You speedily by true penance. Moreover, I beseech You to graciously grant me, through the merits and intercession of this powerful Helper, the petition which through them I humbly place before You, devoutly saying, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”

(Mention your request here…)

St. Denis, pray for us

Say 1: Our Father…
Say 1: Hail Mary…
Say 1: Glory Be…

Novena to St. Denis

Preparatory Prayer

Almighty and eternal God! With lively faith and reverently worshipping Your Divine Majesty, I prostrate myself before You and invoke with filial trust Your supreme generosity and mercy. Illuminate the darkness of my intellect with a ray of Your Heavenly light and inflame my heart with the fire of Your Divine Love, that I may contemplate the great virtues and merits of the Saint in whose honor I make this novena, and following their example imitate, as they did, the life of Your Divine Son.
Moreover, I beseech You to graciously grant me, through the merits and intercession of this powerful Helper, the petition which through them I humbly place before You, devoutly saying, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”
Vouchsafe graciously to hear it, if it is to Your greater glory and the salvation of my soul.

Prayer in Honor of Saint Denis

O God, Who conferred Your saving Faith on the people of France through Your holy bishop and martyr Denis, and did glorify him before and after his martyrdom by many miracles. Grant us, through his intercession, that the Faith practiced and preached by him may be our light on the way of life, so that we may be preserved from all anxieties of conscience, and if by human frailty we have sinned, we may return to You speedily by true penance. Through Christ our Lord.

Invocation of Saint Denis

Glorious servant of God, St. Denis, with intense love did you devote yourself to Christ after learning to know Him through the apostle St. Paul. Preaching His saving name to the nations, and bringing the knowledge and love of God, for Who’s sake you did not shrink from martyrdom. Implore for me a continual growth in the knowledge and love of Jesus, so that my restless heart may experience that peace which He alone can give. Help me by thy powerful intercession with God to serve Him with a willing heart, to devote myself with steadfast love to His service, and thereby to attain the eternal bliss of heaven.


My Lord and my God! I offer up to You my petition in union with the bitter passion and death of Jesus Christ, Your Son, together with the merits of His Immaculate and Blessed Mother, Mary ever Virgin, and of all the Saints, particularly with those of the Holy Helper, St. Denis, in whose honor I make this novena. Look down upon me, merciful Lord! Grant me Your Grace and Your Love, and graciously hear my prayer.

October 11th

Saint John XXIII

Prayer To Saint John XXIII

Dear Pope John,

Your simplicity and meekness carried the scent of God and sparked in people’s hearts the desire for goodness. You spoke often of the beauty of the family gathered around the table to share bread and faith: pray for us that once again true families would live in our homes.
With outstretched hands you sowed hope, and you taught us to listen for God’s footsteps as he prepares a new humanity: help us have a healthy optimism of defeating evil with good.

You loved the world with its light and darkness, and you believed that peace is possible: help us be instruments of peace at home and in our communities.

With paternal gentleness you gave all children a caress: you moved the world and reminded us that hands have been given to us not for striking, but for embracing and drying tears.

Pray for us so that we do not limit ourselves to cursing the darkness but that we bring the light, bringing Jesus everywhere and always praying to Mary.
… Pope St John XXIII, Pray for Us …

Prayer for Peace by St. John XXIII

Lord Jesus Christ,
who are called the Prince of Peace,
who are yourself our peace and reconciliation,
who so often said, “Peace to you,”
grant us peace.
Make all men and women witnesses of
truth, justice, and brotherly love.
Banish from their hearts whatever might endanger peace.
Enlighten our rulers that they may guarantee
and defend the great gift of peace.
May all peoples of the earth becomes as brothers and sisters.
May longed-for peace blossom forth
and reign always over us all.

Prayer of Pope St. John XXIII

O Jesus, send laborers into your fields, which are awaiting holy apostles, saintly priests, heroic missionaries and dedicated sisters and brothers. Enkindle in the hearts of men and women the spark of a vocation. Grant that Christian families may desire to give to your Church helpers in the work of tomorrow.

Jesus, In The Blessed Sacrament

O Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I would like to be filled with love for You; keep me closely united with You, may my heart be near to Yours.
I want to be to You, like the Apostle John.

O Mary of the Rosary, keep me recollected when I say these prayers of yours; bind me forever, with your rosary, to Jesus of the Blessed Sacrament.

Blessed be Jesus, my love.

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Hail, Mother of the Americas, Heavenly Missionary of the New World!
From the Sanctuary of Tepeyac you have been, for more than four centuries, the Mother and Teacher of the Faith to the peoples of the Americas.
Be also our protection and save us, O Immaculate Mary.
Aid our rulers; stir up a new zeal in our prelates; increase the virtues of our clergy and preserve forever our Faith.
In every home may the holiness of the family flourish, and in the shelter of the home may Catholic education, favoured by your own benign glance, achieve a wholesome growth.

Prayers of Pope John XXIII to Mary

Holy Immaculate Mary, help all who are in trouble. Give courage to the faint-hearted, console the sad, heal the infirm, pray for the people, intercede for the clergy, have a special care for nuns; may all feel, all enjoy your kind and powerful assistance, all who now and always render and will render, you honor, and will offer you their petitions. Hear all our prayers, O Mother, and grant them all. We are all your children: Grant the prayers of your children.

October 13th

Our Lady of Fatima, Miracle of the Sun


O Most holy Virgin Mary,
Queen of the most holy Rosary
you were pleased to appear to the children of Fatima
and reveal a glorious message.
We implore you,
inspire in our hearts a fervent love
for the recitation of the Rosary.
By meditating on the mysteries of the redemption
that are recalled therein
may we obtain the graces and virtues that we ask,
through the merits of Jesus Christ,
our Lord and Redeemer.

Fátima Prayer/Decade Prayer/Oh My Jesus Prayer

“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy. Amen.”

Pardon Prayer

“My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee. Amen.”

Angel’s Prayer

“O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners.”

Eucharistic Prayer

“Most Holy Trinity, I adore Thee! My God, my God, I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament.”

Sacrifice Prayer

“O Jesus, it is for the love of Thee, in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and for the conversion of poor sinners.”

October 12th

Blessed Carlo Acutis

Prayer to Bl. Carlo Acutis for a miracle

O God our Father,
we thank you for giving us Carlo,
a model of life for young people,
and a message of love for all.
You made him fall in love with your son Jesus,
making the Eucharist his “highway to heaven.”
You gave him Mary as a beloved mother,
and you made him, through the Rosary,
a cantor of her tenderness.
Receive his prayer for us.
Look above all upon the poor, whom he loved and assisted.
Grant me too, through his intercession, the grace
that I need (mention your intention).
And make our joy full, raising Carlo among
the saints of your Church,
so that his smile shines again for us
to the glory of your name.

Official prayer asking for the Beatification and Canonisation of the Venerable Carlo Acutis

Oh Father,
who has given us the ardent testimony,
of the young Venerable Carlo Acutis,
who made the Eucharist the core of his life
and the strength of his daily commitments
so that everybody may love You above all else,
let him soon be
counted among the Blessed and the Saints in Your Church.
Confirm my faith,
norture my hope,
strengthen my charity,
in the image of young Carlo
who, growing in these virtues,
now lives with You.
Grant me the grace that I need …
(Mention your request here…)
I trust in You, Father,
and your Beloved Son Jesus,
in the Virgin Mary, our Dearest Mother,
and in the intervention of Your Venerable Carlo Acutis.
Our Father…, Hail Mary…, Glory Be…
Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us!

Prayer for the Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis (1991 – 2006)

God, Our Father, provider for the poor, champion of
the oppressed, defender of the widow and orphan,
you called your servant, Blessed Carlo Acutis, to be an
apostle of the Holy Eucharist and model of Christian
youth and holy industry. Through the example of his
life and virtue may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ,
fulfilling his commandment of charity more closely
and building up his Body which is the Church. Let the
inspiration of Blessed Carlo Acutis inspire us to greater
confidence in your love so we may continue his work in
spreading your love for us in your Eucharistic Presence.
We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Carlo Acutis
on earth according to the design of your holy will.
Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present
(make your request), through Christ our Lord, Amen.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be)

October 15th

Saint Teresa of Avila

Prayer of Saint Teresa of Avila

Lord, grant that I may always
allow myself to be guided by You,
always follow Your plans,
and perfectly accomplish Your Holy Will.
Grant that in all things, great and small,
today and all the days of my life,
I may do whatever You require of me.
Help me respond to the slightest prompting of Your Grace,
so that I may be Your trustworthy instrument for Your honour.
May Your Will be done in time and in eternity by me,
in me, and through me.

Prayer of Saint Teresa of Avila

Let nothing disturb you,
let nothing frighten you,
all things will pass away.
God never changes;
patience obtains all things,
whoever has God lacks nothing.
God alone suffices.

St. Teresa of Avila

O Saint Teresa, seraphic Virgin, beloved spouse of thy crucified Lord, thou who on earth didst burn with a love so intense toward thy God and my God, and now dost glow with a brighter and purer flame in paradise: obtain for me also, I beseech thee, a spark of that same holy fire which shall cause me to forget the world, all things created, and even myself; for thou didst ever avidly desire to see Him loved by all men. Grant that my every thought and desire and affection may be continually directed to doing the will of God, the supreme Good, wheter I am in joy or in pain, for He is worthy to be loved and obeyed forever. Obtain for me this grace, thou who art so powerful with God; may I be all on fire, like thee, with the holy love of God.

Growing Older

Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking
I must say something on every subject and on every occasion.
Release me from craving to
straighten out everybody’s affairs.
Make me thoughtful but not moody;
helpful but not bossy.
With my vast store of wisdom,
it seems a pity not to use it all;
but You know, Lord,
that I want a few friends at the end.
Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details;
give me wings to get to the point.
Seal my lips on my aches and pains;
they are increasing, and love of rehearsing them
is becoming sweeter as the years go by.
I dare not ask for improved memory,
but for a growing humility and a lessening cock-sureness
when my memory seems to clash with the memories of others.
Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be mistaken.
Keep me reasonably sweet, for a sour old person
is one of the crowning works of the devil.
Give me the ability to see good things in unexpected places
and talents in unexpected people;
and give, O Lord, the grace to tell them so.

A Prayer of St. Teresa of Avila

Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours.
Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassionately on this world.
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good.
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands.
Yours are the feet.
Yours are the eyes.
You are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours.
Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassionately on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

October 16th

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

A Prayer to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Saint Margaret Mary, thou who wast made a partaker of the divine treasures of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, obtain for us, we beseech thee, from this adorable Heart, the graces we need so sorely. We ask these favors of thee with unbounded confidence. May the divine Heart of Jesus be pleased to bestow them upon us through thy intercession, so that once again He may be loved and glorified through thee.
V. Pray for us, O blessed Margaret;
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray

O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst wondrously open the unsearchable riches of Thy Heart to blessed Margaret Mary, the virgin: grant unto us, by her merits and our imitation of her, that we may love Thee in all things and above all things, and may be worthy to have our everlasting dwelling in the same Sacred Heart: who livest and reignest, world without end.

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Novena

(Repeat the following Novena prayers every day for 9 consecutive days.)

O St Margaret Mary, through you, Jesus pours out His abundant graces to all mankind. Help us to put aside personal interests and abandon ourselves entirely and lovingly to His Adorable Heart. May our work, like yours, merit His special care and favour, through Jesus’ Holy Name.

St Margaret Mary, we implore you, to whom the Sacred Heart of Jesus manifested His Divine treasures, to obtain the graces we seek from His Adorable Heart. With unlimited confidence, we ask:
(Share your request…)
O Glorious St Margaret Mary, through your intercession, may the Divine Heart of Jesus continue to be glorified and loved.
Say: Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…

St Margaret Mary Alacoque, Pray for Us
Blessed apostle, ardent adorer,
and most fervent disciple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
listen to my prayer.
An appeal from you to that merciful Heart you loved so well,
must surely be irresistible.
Obtain for me this one request,
that I may be ever united to the Adorable Heart of Jesus
in all that It has ever done
or will do for the glory of God
and the salvation of man.
Ask also for me, O ardent lover of Jesus,
the grant of the humble and earnest petition
I now put up to Heaven through your hands.

(Mention your need here again…)

Pray for us, O Blessed Margaret Mary.
That we may ardently love the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
and possess our souls in patience.

Let us pray

We thank You, O Lord Jesus,
for having established in these our days,
a most special and tender devotion towards Your loving Heart,
by means of Your humble servant, Blessed Margaret Mary,
and may we so feel the benefit of her favor in Your sight,
as to receive through her powerful prayers whatever we ask for,
or do now stand most in need of,
to Your honor and glory,
who with the Father, and the Holy Ghost,
lives and reign forever and ever.

Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
bless and protect the Church.

Prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, to Thee I consecrate and offer up my person and my life, my actions, trials, and sufferings, that my entire being may henceforth only be employed in loving, honoring and glorifying Thee. This is my irrevocable will, to belong entirely to Thee, and to do all for Thy love, renouncing with my whole heart all that can displease Thee.

I take Thee, O Sacred Heart, for the sole object of my love, the protection of my life, the pledge of my salvation, the remedy of my frailty and inconstancy, the reparation for all the defects of my life, and my secure refuge at the hour of my death. Be Thou, O Most Merciful Heart, my justification before God Thy Father, and screen me from His anger which I have so justly merited. I fear all from my own weakness and malice, but placing my entire confidence in Thee, O Heart of Love, I hope all from Thine infinite Goodness. Annihilate in me all that can displease or resist Thee. Imprint Thy pure love so deeply in my heart that I may never forget Thee or be separated from Thee.

I beseech Thee, through Thine infinite Goodness, grant that my name be engraved upon Thy Heart, for in this I place all my happiness and all my glory, to live and to die as one of Thy devoted servants.

Prayer to God the Father by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

Eternal Father, I offer unto Thee the infinite satisfaction which Jesus rendered to Thy justice on behalf of sinners upon the tree of the Cross; and I pray that Thou wouldst make the merits of His Precious Blood available to all guilty souls to whom sin has brought death; may they rise again to the life of grace and glorify Thee for ever.

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the fervent devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in satisfaction for the lukewarmness and cowardice of Thy chosen people, imploring Thee by the burning love which made Him suffer death, that it may please Thee to rekindle their hearts now so lukewarm in Thy service, and to set them on fire with Thy love, that they may love Thee for ever.

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the submission of Jesus to Thy will, and I ask of Thee, through His merits, the fullness of all grace and the accomplishment of all Thy holy will. Blessed be God!

October 17th

Saint Ignatius of Antioch

Prayer Of St. Ignatius Of Antioch For Martyrdom

I am the wheat of God, and am ground by the teeth of the wild beasts, that I may be found the pure bread of God. I long after the Lord, the Son of the true God and Father, Jesus Christ. Him I seek, who died for us and rose again. I am eager to die for the sake of Christ. My love has been crucified, and there is no fire in me that loves anything.
But there is living water springing up in me, and it says to me inwardly:” Come to the Father.”


Almighty ever-living God,
who adorn the sacred body of your Church
with the confessions of holy Martyrs,
grant, we pray,
that, just as the glorious passion of Saint Ignatius of Antioch,
which we celebrate today,
brought him eternal splendor,
so it may be for us unending protection.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, forever and ever.

Prayer for the Dead By Saint Ignatius of Antioch

Receive in tranquillity and peace, O Lord, the souls of your servants who have departed this present life to come to you. Grant them rest and place them in the habitations of light, the abodes of blessed spirits. Give them the life that will not age, good things that will not pass away, delights that have no end, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

October 18th

Saint Luke

Prayer to St. Luke

Almighty God, Who didst inspire Thy servant St. Luke the physician to set forth in the Gospel the love and healing power of Thy Son: Graciously continue in Thy Church the love and power to heal, to the praise and glory of Thy Name; through the same Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Prayer to St. Luke for Physicians

Most charming
and saintly Physician,
you were animated
by the heavenly Spirit of love.
In faithfully detailing
the humanity of Jesus,
you also showed his divinity
and his genuine compassion
for all human beings.
Inspire our physicians
with your professionalism
and with the divine compassion
for their patients.
Enable them to cure the ills
of both body and spirit
that afflict so many in our day.

St. Luke Novena

Dear St. Luke, I love you with all my heart. Inflame my heart with an ardent love of God and worship of the Trinity. Please intercede for me and help me in this necessity…
(Mention your request here…)
St. Luke, please help me to grow in grace and holiness, but above all, that I may rest with thee in eternity, help me to do God’s will each and every day to the best of my ability. Help me to hear my Father’s voice and love all with all my heart. Dear St. Luke, I love you. Thank you for your help.
St. Luke, pray for us.
Say 1: Our Father…
Say 1: Hail Mary…
Say 1: Glory Be…

Prayer for the healing of spiritual disease through the intercession of St. Luke

Almighty God, who called St. Luke the Physician, whose praise is in the Gospel to be an Evangelist and Physician of the soul, may it please Thee that by the wholesome medicines of the doctrine delivered by him, all the diseases of our souls may be healed through the merits of Thy Son Jesus, Christ our Lord.

Prayer to Saint Luke

O St. Luke, you were
chosen to reveal in preaching
and writing God’s love for the
poor. Moved by the heavenly
Spirit of Love, you detailed the
life of Jesus, showing His
divinity and His genuine
compassion for all human beings.
Help those who already
glory in God’s name to
persevere in one heart and
one mind, and inspire all
people that they may hear the
Good News of Salvation.

Prayer to St. Luke for doctors

O holy apostle, St. Luke, I ask your intercession on behalf of all doctors, especially
(name person).
Humbly lay them at the Divine Physician’s feet sking that they have: the wisdom and knowledge necessary to treat their patients effectively and restore them to physical and mental health; the compassion and empathy necessary to be of comfort to those who are suffering; and the strength and grace to fulfill their duties as doctors.
I also ask that you pray they are kept safe from all harm and that they never succcumb to the illnesses they are treating
O blessed St. Luke, we thank you for your prayers and assistance.

October 19th

Saints Isaac Jogues, Jean de Brébeuf, and Companions

Prayer To St John De Brebeuf And Companions

you consecrated the first beginnings
of the faith in North America
by the preaching and martyrdom
of Saints John and Isaac and their companions.
By the help of their prayers
may the Christian faith continue to grow
throughout the world.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


O God, who chose to manifest
the blessed hope of your eternal kingdom
by the toil of Saints John de Brébeuf,
Isaac Jogues and their companions
and by the shedding of their blood,
graciously grant that through their intercession
the faith of Christians may be strengthened day by day.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, forever and ever.

October 20th

Saint Paul of the Cross

Prayer to Saint Paul of the Cross seeking his holy intercession

O’ glorious Saint Paul of the Cross, you were chosen by God to profess to all of humanity the bitter sufferings of His only-begotten Son, and to spread devotion to the Passion of Jesus throughout the world.

By your preaching and holy example Jesus converted thousands of sinners through you by bringing them to the foot of the Cross to repent of their sins, thereby obtaining for them His infinite forgiveness and mercy! May Jesus be blessed for His extraordinary grace that was so often made present in your life, and for the many miracles He worked through you for the conversion of souls!

O’ blessed St Paul of the Cross, turning towards you now I ask that from your place with Jesus and Mary in heaven that you may look mercifully upon my poor soul and hear my prayers, and with all of your love humbly present them to Jesus for me (mention petitions).

Obtain for me also a great love of Jesus suffering, that by frequent meditation on His Passion I may take up my own cross and accept with holy resignation the sufferings that God has permitted in my life. Help me to suffer and to sacrifice in union with Jesus for the conversion of my poor soul, the souls of my loved ones, and for all of humanity. Help me to love Jesus and Mary with all of my heart, and intercede for me that I may, by the grace of God, die a holy death, and come at last to enjoy with you the blessed Presence of Jesus and Mary in Heaven for all of eternity.

[Mention your intention(s) here…]
One Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be….

I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord,

A Prayer to Saint Paul of the Cross

O glorious Saint Paul of the Cross, who, by meditating on the Passion of Jesus Christ, didst attain to so high a degree of holiness on earth and of happiness in Heaven, and, by preaching the same Passion, didst offer anew to the world the most certain cure for all its ills, obtain for us the grace to keep it ever deeply engraved in our hearts, that so we may be able to reap the same fruits both in time and in eternity.

Collect Prayer

May the Priest Saint Paul, whose only love was the Cross, obtain for us your grace, O Lord, so that, urged on more strongly by his example, we may each embrace our own cross with courage. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

Novena of St. Paul of the Cross

Come to my aid, O God.
O Lord, make haste to help me.
Almighty God,
Father of mercies and giver of all good gifts, we come before you to honor you in your saints and to ask their help in our many needs.
You promised those who ask, would receive; those who seek, would find; those who knock, would have doors opened to them.
Hear the prayers of your church, grant our requests, and pardon our sins.
(Bring your requests to God)
O good Saint Paul of the Cross, you proclaimed God’s wonders in the Passion of God’s only Son.
By word and deed, you became a spiritual guide and preacher of the gospel to a world grown cold to the love of Jesus Christ.
Help me to see God’s love in the merciful cross of Jesus, and teach me to trust in the blessings God gives.
May the Passion of Jesus be in my heart, and bring life to all the world.

Day 1

O Jesus Christ, I look to you as my companion and support, be with me as I carry my cross; be Father, mother — everything to me.

Day 2

O Jesus Christ, in all the choices I make in life, help me to be wise and just, loving and generous.

Day 3

O Jesus Christ, in the dark garden you depended on your Father above to help you carry on. Listen, as I pray in sorrow and cares.

Day 4

O Jesus Christ, judged by Pilate unjustly, scourged and spit upon, make me strong when I am wrongly judged and harshly treated.

Day 5

O Jesus Christ, you bore your cross, enduring insult and injuries; yet you forgave your offenders. Give me a forgiving heart.

Day 6

O Jesus Christ, abandoned in sorrow, be with the discouraged and lonely. You know the power of comfort; encourage those in need.

Day 7

O Jesus Christ, nailed to the cross, fixed and unable to move, help all of us who get nowhere, give us patience to try again.

Day 8

O Jesus, dying on the cross, in the darkness and alone, be with us in our dying, Stay with us in the darkness.

Day 9

O Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, in you we too arise. Give us the joy of new life; help us to rise again.

October 22nd

Saint John Paul II

Prayer For The Intercession Of St. John Paul II

O Blessed Trinity, we thank you
for having graced the Church with
Saint John Paul II and for allowing
the tenderness of your fatherly care,
the glory of the Cross of Christ
and the splendor of the Spirit of love
to shine through him.
Trusting fully in your infinite mercy
and in the maternal intercession of Mary,
he has given us a living image of
Jesus the Good Shepherd.
He has shown us that holiness
is the necessary measure of ordinary
Christian life and is the way of
achieving eternal communion with you.
Grant us, by his intercession,
and according to your will,
the graces we implore,
through Christ our Lord.

Prayer to St. John Paul II

Oh, St. John Paul, from the window of heaven, grant us your blessing! Bless the Church that you loved and served and guided, courageously leading her along the paths of the world in order to bring Jesus to everyone and everyone to Jesus. Bless the young, who were your great passion. Help them dream again, help them look up to the heavens again to find the light that illuminates the paths of life here on earth.

May you bless each and every family! You warned of Satan’s assault against this precious and indispensable divine spark that God lit on earth. St. John Paul, with your prayer, may you protect the family and every life that blossoms from the family.

Pray for the whole world, which is still marked by tensions, wars and injustice. You opposed war by invoking dialogue and planting the seeds of love: pray for us so that we may be tireless sowers of peace.

Oh St. John Paul, from heaven’s window, where we see you beside Mary, send God’s blessing down upon us all.

Healing Novena For The Intercession Of St. John Paul II

Opening Prayer

Merciful God, I pray with thanks and gratitude for the great spiritual gift of Saint John Paul II’s apostolic life and mission. Through his heavenly intercession, please grant the following petition(s) . . . Here state your request(s).
Grant also that I may grow in love for You and proclaim boldly the love of Jesus Christ to all people. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen

Day 1

Dear Saint John Paul, you preached: “The future starts today, not tomorrow.” As I start these nine days of prayer with you, I thank you for reminding me that with God’s help, I can begin again, but I need to start now, not at some distant point in the future. Your words are encouraging and inspiring to me. Please be with me as I progress through these nine days of prayer with you.

Dear Lord, You are the greatest Healer. You gave Saint John Paul II to the entire world to show us how much You love us. With Your mighty power and through his intercession, we seek healing, not just of our physical body but our emotional, mental, social and spiritual health as well. In keeping with Your greatest commandment, we will love You with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our soul and with all our strength. We will also love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

Conclude with the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.

Day 2

Dear Saint John Paul, you preached: “I plead with you, never, ever give up on hope. Never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. Be not afraid.” With your help, I will not give up hope. I will be trusting, confident, persistent and unafraid in prayer.

God, our Father, grant us the peace we seek when confronted with different obstacles each day. Guide us so we won’t falter in our steps. May peace always reign in our hearts even if there is fear that we might fall flat on our face.

We will not be anxious, but will have faith that is unwavering like that of Saint John Paul II. We will do whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely and gracious in Your eyes, so that Your peace may abide in our hearts always.

Conclude with the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.

Day 3

Dear Saint John Paul, you preached: “Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with you and therefore no harm can befall you. All is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence.”
What more can I say, but thank you for your confidence in me. Help me to have complete faith in God. Stand with me at all times as my intercessor and spiritual guide until I attain the great treasure of Heaven.

Dear Jesus, Son of the living God, we rejoice because we believe that through the intercession of Saint John Paul II, our healing is near at hand. We are joyful in our ways and our speech for we know that You will always comfort us as a mother comforts her children.

We thank you for the joy You’ve given us when You were born into our world, because You became one of us in all things but sin. You endured tremendous suffering for our sake, so that we will be saved from our sins. Turn our mourning into rejoicing because of Your resurrection from the dead.

Conclude with the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.

Day 4

Dear Saint John Paul, just like St. Paul the Apostle who described his journey as a race, you tell me that life with Jesus is a wonderful adventure. Life is not a sprint for me, but rather a winding marathon with its curves and its ups and downs. Help me by being with me at all times as I struggle in this race toward the fullness of life in Christ.

God the Holy Spirit, grant us wisdom and knowledge as we wait patiently for the healing You promised. May our families be blessed with patience in helping us cope with illness and other problems.

During his lifetime, Saint John Paul was a living testimony of how much God loves us through his patience in dealing with every religious or political leader around the world, as well as with the severe sicknesses that afflicted him. We believe that as long as love reigns in our hearts each day, we will be healed, for “Love is patient and kind.”

Conclude with the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.

Day 5

Dear Saint John Paul, you preached: “Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and Hallelujah is our song.” Help me to be joyful in this wonderful adventure of life. Help me always to have true Christian joy in my heart, mind and spirit. Help me always to be faithful to the Will of God in my life.

Through God’s loving grace and kindness, we have been blessed with the great kindness shown by the people who take care of us, like our family, friends, relatives, caregivers, physicians, rehabilitation specialists, nutritionists and spiritual advisers. Saint John Paul II manifested incredible love, kindness and forgiveness to the man who tried to assassinate him. We believe that we will be healed if we forgive those who have wronged us, and if we extend a helping hand to our least sisters and brothers living in distress, poverty and need.

Conclude with the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.

Day 6

Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“Love your families. Teach them the dignity of life. Teach them the ways of harmony and peace. Teach them the value of faith and prayer and goodness! Help transform the world around you by giving the best of yourselves in the service of others and your country.” Just as Christ taught us, you preached and live the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.” How simple it is to hear this, but how incredibly difficult, at times, to do this. Be with me, and help me see God in my neighbor and in all those I find difficult to love or accept.

Dear Lord, throughout my lifetime, I have been taught to be a good person and to be a blessing to others. To be good is not just to follow the rules, but more so, to follow You and obey Your commandments. May I bring harmony and peace to others, and spread Your good news to my family, my friends, my community and my country.

Saint John Paul II made Your goodness known throughout the world by welcoming and embracing everyone who sought Your presence, regardless of age, gender or creed. Through Your goodness and mercy, we will receive the healing we seek through the intercession of Saint John Paul II.

Conclude with the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.

Day 7

Dear Saint John Paul, you preached: “The goal and target of our life is He, the Christ who awaits us – each one singly and all together – to lead us across the boundaries of time to the eternal embrace of the God who loves us.”
Help me, dear Saint John Paul, to remember that life with God is the highest and greatest of all goals. In every moment of my life, help me to be focused on my relationship with Christ, so that when my earthly journey ends, my eternal life with Jesus will begin.

God the Father, in humility we offer our lives to You in the service of others. May we be like Saint John Paul II in proclaiming our faith and trust in You, so we will be blessed and can fulfill our Christian vocation. It is through our weakness and illness that You have touched our lives, and we now seek Your goodness and mercy to be healed.

Conclude with the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.

Day 8

Dear Saint John Paul, you preached: “People are made for happiness. Rightly, then, you thirst for happiness. Christ has the answer to this desire of yours. But He asks you to trust Him. True joy is a victory, something which cannot be obtained without a long and difficult struggle. Christ holds the secret of this victory. . . In order to sing God’s praises we must re-learn the language of humility and trust, the language of moral integrity and of sincere commitment to all that is truly good in the sight of the Lord.”
Once again, in simple words, you teach us that nothing is more important than life with Christ.
Lord, Jesus Christ, grant me the gift of a humble heart so that I can respond to Your call to take up the Cross and follow You each day as Your disciple. I will strive to preserve the unity in my household through my actions of peace and understanding. Through the intercession of Saint John Paul II, please grant me the gift of healing that I earnestly implore.

Conclude with the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.

Day 9

Dear Saint John Paul, the surest, straightest road to Christ is through His Holy Mother. When I am lost and confused in life, lead me to place myself before Our Blessed Mother, asking her to rescue me to faithfully live the spiritual path that leads to her Divine Son. Teach me to have in my heart the same great love you had for our Blessed Mother.

Dear Lord, You are the Greatest Healer. Everything I have comes from You: my life, my health, my family, my friends, my possessions and all that truly matters. I surrender them all to You as I search for meaning and purpose in all that is happening to me. I claim complete healing of my mind, body, heart and soul. I claim healing for those who are suffering and are lost. I claim healing for my family. I claim financial blessings so I can be a blessing to others. Grant me the patience to confidently accept Your answer to my prayers, whether it be yes, no or wait. All I ask I place before You in Jesus’ name.
God, the Holy Spirit, help us to be models of good deeds in every respect by being temperate, dignified, self-controlled and sound in faith, love and charity. May we control our temper and hold our tongue, especially when we grow impatient and are in pain. May we be like Saint John Paul II who was an outstanding model of self-control, dignity and unwavering faith.

Conclude with the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.

Prayer to know God’s will from St. John Paul II

O God, You are our Creator. You are
good and Your mercy knows no bounds.
To You arises the praise of every creature.
O God, You have given us an inner law
by which we must live. To do Your will
is our task. To follow Your ways is to
know peace of heart. To You we offer
our homage.

Guide us on all the paths we travel
upon this earth. Free us from all the evil
tendencies which lead our hearts away
from Your will. Never allow us to stray
from You.

O God, judge of all humanity, help us to
be included among Your chosen ones on
the last day.

O God, Author of peace and justice,
give us true joy and authentic love,
and a lasting solidarity among peoples.
Give us Your everlasting gifts.

October 23rd

Saint John of Capistrano

Novena to St. John Capistrano

I will rejoice in the Lord,
And I will joy in God my Jesus.
The Lord God is my strength.
Rejoice to God our helper,
Sing aloud to the God of Jacob.

Glory be to the Father

I will rejoice in the Lord,
And I will joy in God my Jesus.
The Lord God is my strength.
The Lord is my strength and my praise,
And He is become salvation to me.
He is my God, and I will glorify Him.
The Lord is a man of war,
Almighty is His Name.
The Lord Who breaketh battles,
the Lord is His Name.

They sang to Thy holy Name, O Lord,
And they praised Thy victorious Hand.
St. John Capistrano called upon the most high Sovereign,
When the enemies assaulted him on every side,
And the great and holy God heard him.

O Lord, look mercifully upon our penances,
Regard with mercy our fasting, prayer, and almsgiving,
that through the intercession
of St. John Capistrano, Thy confessor,
they may break the snares of our enemies
and establish us securely in Thy safe keeping.

Alma Redemptoris
Mother benign of our redeeming Lord,
Star of the sea and portal of the skies,
Unto thine fallen people help afford,
Fallen, but striving anew to rise.
Thou who did once, while wondering worlds adored,
Bear thy Creator, Virgin then as now,
O by thy holy joy at Gabriel’s word,
Pity the sinners who before thee bow.

O God, Who through blessed John Capistrano
did enable Thy faithful people
to triumph over the enemies of the Cross
by the power of the most holy Name of Jesus:
grant, we beseech Thee,
that by his merits and intercession
we may overcome the snares of our malicious
and spiritual enemies,
keep Thy Church in perpetual peace,
grant us the special graces we now implore:

[Mention you special intentions]

And may we be found worthy to receive from Thee
the crown of justice.
Through Christ our Lord.

Prayer To St John Of Capistrano

you raised up Saint John of Capistrano
to give your people comfort in their trials.
May your Church enjoy unending peace
and be secure in your protection.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

October 24th

Saint Anthony Mary Claret

Novena to St. Anthony Mary Claret

(The following prayer is recited on nine consecutive days.)
St. Anthony Mary Claret, during your life on earth you often comforted the afflicted and showed such tender love and compassion for the sick and sinful. Intercede for me now that you rejoice in the reward of your virtues in heavenly glory. Look with pity on me [or on the person afflicted with illness or whose conversion is desired] and grant my prayer, if such be the will of God. Make my troubles your own. Speak a word for me to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to obtain by her powerful intercession the grace I yearn for so ardently, and a blessing to strengthen me during life, assist me at the hour of death, and lead me to a happy eternity. Amen.

St. Anthony Mary Claret, pray for us.
Say 1: Our Father…
Say 1: Hail Mary…
Say 1: Glory Be…

Apostolic Prayer of St. Anthony Mary Claret

O my God and Father,
Grant that I may know You and make You known,
that I love You and bring others to love You,
that I serve You and inspire others to serve You,
that I praise You and work that all Your creatures praise You.
Grant, my Father, that all sinners be converted,
that all the just persevere in grace
and all of us reach eternal glory.

October 25th

The 40 Martyrs of England and Wales

Litany of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales

Lord have mercy on us,
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us. Christ hear us.
Christ graciously hear us.
God the Father, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us.
Mary, Queen of Apostles, Pray for us.
Mary, Queen of Martyrs, Pray for us.
St John Houghton, Pray for us.
St Richard Reynolds, Pray for us.
St Augustine Webster, Pray for us.
St Robert Lawrence, Pray for us.
St John Stone, Pray for us.
St Cuthbert Mayne, Pray for us.
St Edmund Campion, Pray for us.
St Ralph Sherwin, Pray for us.
St Alexander Briant, Pray for us.
St John Payne, Pray for us.
St Luke Kirby, Pray for us.
St Richard Gwyn, Pray for us.
St Margaret Clitherow, Pray for us.
St Margaret Ward, Pray for us.
St Edmund Gennings, Pray for us.
St Swithun Wells, Pray for us.
St Polydore Plasden, Pray for us.
St Eustace White, Pray for us.
St John Boste, Pray for us.
St Robert Southwell, Pray for us.
St Henry Walpole, Pray for us.
St Philip Howard, Pray for us.
St John Jones, Pray for us.
St John Rigby, Pray for us.
St Anne Line, Pray for us.
St Nicholas Owen, Pray for us.
St Thomas Garnet, Pray for us.
St John Roberts, Pray for us.
St John Almond, Pray for us.
St Edmund Arrowsmith, Pray for us.
St Ambrose Barlow, Pray for us.
St Alban Roe, Pray for us.
St Henry Morse, Pray for us.
St John Southworth, Pray for us.
St John Plessington, Pray for us.
St Philip Evans, Pray for us.
St John Lloyd, Pray for us.
St John Wall, Pray for us.
St John Kemble, Pray for us.
St David Lewis, Pray for us.

Let us pray

O God, in whom there is no change or shadow of alteration, you gave courage to the Holy Martyrs. Grant unto us, we beseech you, through their intercession, the grace to always value the Holy Mass. May we be strengthened to serve you in imitation of the courage of these Holy Martyrs. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

October 28th

Saints Simon and Jude

Novena To St Simon And St Jude, Apostles

O God , we thank Thee for the glorious company of the Apostles, and especially on this day for Simon and Jude; and we pray that, as they were faithful and zealous in their mission, so we may with ardent devotion make known the love and mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. O Glorious Saint Simon, you were a cousin of Jesus and a devoted follower as well. You were called “the Zealot,” indicating that you were willing to give your life for your religion and your freedom as a human person. Obtain for us the grace to be willing to give our lives for Christ and to labor for the freedom and peace that only God can give. Help us to spend ourselves for God on earth and be received by him in eternal bliss in heaven. Amen. Glorious Saint Jude, with faith in your goodness I ask your help today. As one of Christ’s chosen Apostles, you are a pillar and foundation of His Church on earth. You are among the elders who stand always before God’s throne. Saint Jude, you are renowned for your kinship with Christ and your physical resemblance to our Savior. Help me remain close to Christ and resemble Him in my outlook and actions. Holy Apostle, you are venerated for your work of preaching the gospel and your faithfulness to Christ by a martyr’s death. Assist me to preach the good news of Christ by word and example, and remain steadfast in His service as you were. From your place of glory, do not forget the needs and difficulties of Christ’s little ones like me, still struggling on the way home to God. Pray for me that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in my necessities, tribulations and sufferings, particularly (name special problem) and that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever. Intercede for us all, gracious, brother Saint Jude, and pray for us to the Lord our God in our daily toil and our necessities.

Prayer For The Feast Of Saint Simon And Saint Jude Apostles And Martyrs

O God, Who, through Thy blessed Apostles Simon and Jude,
hast brought us to the knowledge of Thy name,
grant that we may celebrate their everlasting glory
by advancing in good works,
and that we may advance in good works by celebrating their glory.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee,
in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God,
world without end.

Prayer To St Simon And St Jude, Apostles

you revealed yourself to us
through the preaching of your apostles Simon and Jude.
By their prayers,
give your Church continued growth
and increase the number of those who believe in you.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

The Collect

O ALMIGHTY God, who hast built thy Church upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the head corner-stone: Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their doctrine, that we may be made an holy temple acceptable unto thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

October 31st

All Hallows Eve


“God, we thank you for life. We thank you for those who have lived with us and now because of your goodness live in a new way in a new place. This is a season of grief and remembrance and sadness. But because of the victory of Jesus over death, it is not a season for fear or despair. We have hope, because of Jesus’ resurrection that we too will live forever. That fact of faith allows us to rest here and now and enjoy our moments with you here while we have them here. After all, we have forever to enjoy the rest! Remove fear of death in our lives and lead us to trust you for every moment. Thank you God for a Holy All Hallows Eve.”

Prayer Against Every Evil

Spirit of our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, Immaculate Virgin Mary, angels, archangels, and saints of heaven, descend upon me. Please purify me, Lord, mold me, fill me with yourself, use me. Banish all the forces of evil from me, destroy them, defeat them, so that I can be healthy and do good deeds.

Banish from me all spells, witchcraft, black magic, evil spells, ties, curses, and the evil eye; diabolic infestations, oppressions, possessions; all that is evil and sinful, jealousy, deceitfulness, envy; physical, psychological, moral, spiritual and diabolical ailments.

Burn all these evils in hell, that they may never again touch me or any other creature in the entire world. I command and bid all the powers who molest me—by the power of God all-powerful, in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior. Through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary–to leave me forever, and to be consigned into the everlasting hell where they will be bound by Saint Michael the archangel, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael, our guardian angels, and where they will be crushed under the heel of the Immaculate Virgin Mary.

A Prayer to Defeat the Work of Satan

O Divine Eternal Father, in union with your Divine Son and the Holy Spirit, and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg You to destroy the Power of your greatest enemy – the evil spirits.
Cast them into the deepest recesses of hell and chain them there forever! Take possession of your Kingdom which You have created and which is rightfully yours.
Heavenly Father, give us the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I repeat this prayer out of pure love for You with every beat of my heart and with every breath I take.












