St. Rose was born into a family with wealth and political connections on August 29, 1769 in Grenoble, France. From the young age of eight, St. Rose had a desire to evangelize in the Americas, sparked by hearing a Jesuit missionary speak of his work there. She received a basic education at home from tutors, and religious education from her mother. At the age 19, Rose joined the convent of the Visitation nuns in Grenoble, in 1788 without the permission or knowledge of her family. In 1804 she joined the Society of the Sacred Heart, which sent her to the United States in 1818. She founded a boarding school for daughters of pioneers near St. Louis and opened the first free school west of the Missouri. Two convent schools were founded in Louisiana, at Grand Coteau (1821) and St. Michael’s (1825), and an academy and orphanage in St. Louis, Missouri (1827). She spent her last decade at the convent in Saint Charles, Missouri where she lived austerely and in constant prayer. She died on November 18, 1852 at Saint Charles, Missouri. She was beatified on May 12, 1940 by Pope Pius XII, and canonized July 3, 1988 by Pope John Paul II. She is often referred to as “The Lady of Mercy,” or ” Woman Who Prays Always.”
Novena of Confidence
Lord Jesus,
Through the intercession of St. Philippine Duchesne to your Sacred Heart, I confide and place my trust in you.
Only look. Then do what your Heart inspires. Let your Heart decide. I count on it. I trust in it. I throw myself on its mercy.
Lord Jesus,
You will not fail me!
A Prayer of Dedication to Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne
When we are asked to be bold and courageous,
You are our inspiration
When our imaginations dream and see beyond the limits of our sight,
You are our hope
When we fail to meet a challenge and need to accept our limitations,
You are our model
When we pray with the desire for deep union with God,
You are our Saint
And with your blessing, to the greater glory of God, we seek to be loving people who live and serve others with your same purpose, vision, and quiet humility.
Prayer To Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne (1769-1852)
Gracious God, you filled the heart of Philippine Duchesne with charity and missionary zeal, and gave her the desire to make you known to all peoples. Fill us who honor her memory today with that same love and zeal, and extend your kingdom to the ends of the earth. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer by Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne
I am where God wills me to be, and so I have found rest and security. His wisdom governs me, His power defends me, His grace sanctifies me, His mercy encompasses me, His joy sustains me and all will go well with me.
Prayer by St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
O Jesus, my Divine Saviour, I offer You my mind and heart. Direct their movements while I pray, So that I may offer my prayer in union With Your Immaculate Mother.
Novena to Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne
(Repeat the following Novena prayers every day for 9 consecutive days.)
Philippine Duchesne, you were a pioneer woman,
called to join a pioneer endeavour, to explore, to begin,
to expand the educational frontiers of a new world.
Each of us, as a Duchesne Pioneer,
asks that, through your intercession,
we be able to face our ‘frontiers’
and meet the challenge of being ‘pioneers.’
As boundaries appear before us,
help us to step gently over despair
and fashion a resurrection realm,
a hope-hallowed world.
Help us follow your model,
as we strive for a world
which we cannot explain,
risk our lives to find new life,
challenge social patterns which give false comfort,
enter the Heart of the One who is Beginning and End,
share in the restlessness of the Spirit,
and become instruments of peace.
Prayer used by St. Philippine Duchesne…
Lord, You alone are the Center in which I find rest.
Give me Your arm to support me,
Your shoulders to carry me,
Your breast to lean upon,
Your Cross to uphold me,
Your Body to nourish me.
In You, Lord, I sleep and rest in peace.
[Mention your intention(s) here…]
Our Father…Hail Mary…Glory Be…
St Rose Philippine, Pray for us.
St Rose Philippine, Pray for us.
St Rose Philippine, Pray for us.