Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Love Story

“I wanna be loved like that!” – That is what I often say to myself when I am there gazing upon the big Hollywood screen of all romantic movies! Boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy and girl get married, and all live happily ever after.

I know that is what so many of us dream for and long for. But as Catholics, as believers in God for that matter, we need to trust! Trust that God knows what He is doing with our love lives. Trust that His time, not ours, is the best timing. Trust that He is preparing that prince or princess for us every day and we have to continue to prepare ourselves as well. I know that is hard in this ‘sex-driven’ world that we live in. We must not give in to the pressures that say, “I must have a boyfriend/girlfriend!” – I have to go all the way or he wont like me anymore.” – “I have to buy her these things or she won’t be my girlfriend anymore!”

The temptations of our human body sometimes feel so strong, that we can’t help but give in to them. But be strong faithful soldiers!

Pray, pray and pray some more you faithful lovers! Ask your Guardian Angel to help you keep strong and pure. Ask our Blessed Mother to watch over you and your future spouse to keep you holy and chaste. Pray for God’s will, maybe He even wants you to consider a religious vocation as a sister, brother or priest. Be open to His call for you! God will grant you the desires of your heart. God is hearing your prayers and will answer them in His time! Check out the little poem below. Do what I did-cut it out, hang it on your mirror or some place that you will see it daily and read it EVERY day! I promise it will help to move you along on your journey to your future spouse. Because we need to remember that the Ultimate Lover loves us more than we can ever imagine. God loves you more than any human ever can, so you better learn how to accept and return His love, before you can even think about accepting and returning the love of a spouse.

So, the next time you catch yourself dreaming about your Hollywood Love Story, remember that your Heaven Love Story will win more Academy awards than this world can ever offer!

-Author Unknown