Today, His epiphany or manifestation to the Gentiles for God had prepared some non-Jews, too, to receive the King. The Epiphany recalls the limited presentation of Christ to the magi and His Baptism – the start of Jesus’ public ministry. The feast of Epiphany, wrote Sister Aemiliana Löhr, O.S.B., “brings to completion what the feast of Christmas began. The redemption has become real, in us and upon us. The Lord has come to visit us, has made us clean, has joined us to himself most deeply. Born a man, he has shown himself as God, has rescued us and espoused himself to us. Changed into a new being, and set upon another way, we pass back from the banquet table to the life of every-day. We have seen God. We have become his children.” Two thousand years later, we join in the homage and gift-giving of the Magi by worshiping Jesus—Son of Mary, King of kings, and the One whom we will adore for all eternity.
Epiphany Prayer
O Lord Jesus Christ, heavenly King, we thank you that you have brought both Jews and Gentiles to hear your voice, and from their number you have gathered and established your Holy Church, and perfected your praise out of their mouths. Keep us in that wisdom which you revealed to the Wise Men. Grant us your Holy Spirit, that we may always seek you and your kingdom. Enable us to follow your holy Word, as those from the East followed the leading of a star. Give us grace at all times and in all places to confess your holy name. Rule us by your Spirit, so that the joys of your birth may increase in us. Hear our prayers and cries. Accept our offerings, which you yourself have given us: the gold of our faith, the incense of our prayers and the myrrh of our contrite hearts. Deliver us from the destructive ways of error and sin, and by your Holy Spirit lead us in the ways of peace and in the paths of righteousness. Grant us all, when this life is done, a participation in the joys of the Year of Jubilee in heaven, where we shall praise and serve you and the Father who live and reign in unity with the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.
Prayers for Epiphany
We are drawn to your feet in worship
Your creation facing its creator
Hearts laid bare by your light
Humbly asking for your mercy.
We come to you as a people in need
of assurance and forgiveness.
We come to you as a people in need
of healing and wholeness.
We come dependent upon your love.
Draw us close.
Enfold us in your arms.
Fill us with your Spirit
that we might reflect your light
within this dark world,
speak your Word with boldness
and draw others to your feet.
We ask this through your dear Son Jesus Christ.
An Epiphany Prayer
God of all heaven and earth, From the breath of your love came the creation of the world. We are amazed at the vast beauty of the night sky and at the intimate nature of the love you have for us your children. Be our daily star, Guiding our lives to search for kingdom love. May we always follow your light of truth in all that we do, Forever trusting, hoping and believing in your word. Lift our eyes tonight to see your eternal life shining brightly, Leading us home. Amen.
Almighty and eternal God,
Brightness of faithful souls,
you brought the Gentiles to your light,
and made known to them him who is the true Light,
and the bright and morning Star.
Fill the world with your glory,
and show yourself by the radiance of your light to all nations;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
May the splendor of your majesty, O Lord, we pray, shed its light upon our hearts, that we may pass through the shadows of this world and reach the brightness of our eternal home. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever
Show Us the Brightness of Your Light
O Lord, you are truly the Star that rises out of Jacob,
and the scepter that rises out of Israel.
In a new star you showed yourself as God,
and lying in the manger you showed yourself as God and Man,
so we confess you to be the one Christ.
In your great mercy grant us the grace of seeing you,
and show us the brightness of your light,
that all the darkness of our sins may be driven away.
Even as we long to see you,
refresh us with the joy of seeing you in your holy Word.
An Epiphany Prayer
The heavens are shining with the clear beauty of the stars, O Lord,
and the earth is made beautiful by your light,
because you came to this world from your holy dwelling place.
Remove all sadness from our hearts,
because you have come to make all things new.
Grant also that as we see your light
we may be purified and prepared to see you forever,
that we who preach to the nations the glad joys of your appearing,
may rejoice with forever.
Episcopal Prayer for Epiphany
O God, by the leading of a star you manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth: Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we may see your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.