O Jesus, only-begotten Son of the Eternal Father, well-beloved Son of the Blessed Virgin and foster Child of St. Joseph, we most fervently implore Thee, through Mary Thine ever-blessed Mother and St. Joseph Thy foster father, take our children under Thy special charge and enclose them in the love of Thy Sacred Heart. They are the children of Thy Father in Heaven, created after His own image; they are Thy possession, for Thou hast purchased them with Thy Precious Blood; they are temples of the Holy Ghost, who sanctified them in Baptism and implanted in their hearts the virtues of faith, hope and charity.
O most loving Jesus, rule and guide them, that they may live according to the holy Catholic Faith, that they may not waver in their confidence in Thee and that they may ever remain faithful to Thy love
O Mary, Blessed Mother of Jesus, grant to our children a place in thy pure maternal heart! Spread over them thy protecting mantle when danger threatens their innocence; keep them firm when they are about to stray from the path of virtue; and should they have the misfortune of falling into mortal sin, oh, then raise them up again, reconcile them with thy Divine Son and restore them to Sanctifying Grace.
And thou, O holy foster father St. Joseph, do not abandon our children! Protect them from the assaults of the wicked enemy and deliver them from all dangers of soul and body.
O dear parents of the holy Child Jesus! Intercede for us parents also, that we may bring up our children in the love and fear of God and one day attain with them the Beatific Vision. Amen.
To thee do we cry in our tribulations, O Blessed Saint Joseph, as we confidently invoke our patronage, after that of your most holy spouse, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
By that sacred bond of devotion which linked you to the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God, and for the fatherly love you lavished on the child Jesus, we beg you to cast a glance on those heavenly gifts which the Divine Redeemer has obtained for all mankind through His Precious Blood and through your power and mercy, help us in our needs.
O holy protector of the holy family, protect us children of the Lord Jesus Christ; keep far from us the errors and evils which corrupt the world; assist us from Heaven in our struggles against the powers of darkness. And as you once protected the Divine Child from the cruel edict of Herod, now defend the church and keep it safe from all dangers and threats; spread over all of us your holy patronage so that by following your example and aided by your spiritual guidance, we may all aspire to a virtuous life, look to a holy death and secure for ourselves the blessing of eternal happiness in Heaven. Amen.
Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, hear us
Christ, graciously hear us
God, the Father of heaven, have mercy on us
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us
Holy Mary, pray for us
St. Joseph, pray for us
Blessed offspring of David, pray for us
Light of patriarchs, pray for us
Spouse of the mother of God, pray for us
Chaste custodian of the Blessed Virgin, pray for us
Guardian of the Son of God, pray for us
Defender of Christ, pray for us
Head of the Holy Family, pray for us
O Joseph, most just, pray for us
O Joseph, most chaste, pray for us
O Joseph, most prudent, pray for us
O Joseph, most forceful, pray for us
O Joseph, most obedient, pray for us
O Joseph, most faithful, pray for us
Mirror of patience, pray for us
Lover of poverty, pray for us
Model of laborers, pray for us
Patriarch of the home, pray for us
Protector of virgins, pray for us
Strength of the family, pray for us
Comforter of the afflicted, pray for us
Hope of the sick, pray for us
Patron of the dying, pray for us
Terror of demons, pray for us
Protector of the church, pray for us
Lamb of God, you who take away the sins of the world, forgive us O Lord
Lamb of God, you who take away the sins of the world, hear us O Lord
Lamb of God, you who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Let us pray
Lord Jesus, through the merits of the devoted spouse of your most holy Mother, help us, we beseech thee, that what of ourselves we cannot obtain, may be granted through the intercession of the Most Holy Patriarch, Saint Joseph. You who reign with God, the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen.