Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto of Fatima, Portugal – 20th February


Francisco, 11, and Jacinta, 10, are the youngest non-martyrs to be canonized in the history of the Church. The brother and sister, who tended to their families’ sheep with their cousin Lucia Santo in the fields of Fatima, Portugal, witnessed the apparitions of Mary, now commonly known as Our Lady of Fatima. During the first apparition, which took place May 13, 1917, Our Lady asked the three children to say the Rosary and to make sacrifices, offering them for the conversion of sinners. The children did, praying often, giving their lunch to beggars and going without food themselves. They offered up their daily crosses and even refrained from drinking water on hot days. In October 1918, Francisco and Jacinta became seriously ill with the Spanish flu. Our Lady appeared to them and said she would to take them to heaven soon. Bed-ridden, Francisco requested his first Communion. The following day, Francisco died, April 14, 1919. Jacinta suffered a long illness as well. She was eventually transferred to a Lisbon hospital and operated for an abscess in her chest, but her health did not improve. She died Feb. 20, 1920.Pope John Paul II beatified Francisco and Jacinta May 13, 2000, on the 83rd anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady at Fatima. Pope Francis on May 13, 2017 officially declared Francisco and Jacinta Marto saints of the Catholic Church in front of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims at Fatima, Portugal – teaching us that even young children can become saints


Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto, Dear Shepard children of Fatima, you were chosen by heaven to see our Blessed Mother and to deliver her message of conversion to a world that had strayed far from God.
You who suffered so greatly and died from the Spanish flu, the pandemic of your time, pray for us who suffer in the pandemic of our times, that God have mercy upon us.
Pray for the children of the world.

Pray for our protection and an end to what plagues us physically mentally and spiritually.
Pray for our world, our countries, the church, and for the most vulnerable people who are suffering and in need of healing.

Little shepherds of Fatima, help us to come to the refuge of Mary’s immaculate heart, so to receive the graces we need at this time, and to come to the beauty of the life that is to come.
We trust, as you did, in the words of our blessed mother who taught you to, “Pray the rosary everyday in honor of our lady of the rosary, because only she can help you.” Amen.

Prayer to Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto for the families of the world!

Dear Saint Francisco and Saint Jacinta, The children of the world would like to learn from you how to love more perfectly. Saint Jacinta, teach us how to love one another, especially sinners. Help us to pray and to make sacrifces for those who of end Our Lord so deeply. Saint Francisco, teach us your great love for the Sacred Heart of JESUS in the Holy Eucharist, hurt by the ingratitude of so many. Litle Shepherds of Fatima, help me, my family, and all the families of the world, to seek the safety of the Immaculate Heart of our Mother MARY, who always brings all of us and our families closer to Her Son JESUS.

Saint Francisco and Saint Jacinta, pray for us,

pray for all the children and families of the world! Amen.


Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly with all the powers of my soul, and I thank You for the apparitions of the most Holy Virgin in Fatima which have made manifest to the world the treasures of the her Immaculate Heart. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary I implore You, if it should be for Your greater glory and the good of our souls to glorify in the sight of Your Holy Church Saint Francisco and Jacinta attaining for us, through their intercession, the grace we now implore…

(Mention your intention[s] here…)


Say 1 Our Father…
Say 1 Hail Mary…
Say 1 Glory Be…
Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for us.
Saint Jacinta Marto, Pray for us.
Saint Francisco Marto, Pray for us.

Litany Of Saints Francisco And Jacinta

Lord, have mercy on us!

Lord, have mercy on us!

Christ, have mercy on us!

Christ, have mercy on us!

Lord, have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us!

Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, pray for us!

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us!

Virgin of the Little Shepherds, pray for us!

Saint Francisco Marto, pray for us!
Saint Jacinta Marto, pray for us!
Children called by Jesus Christ, pray for us!
Children called to contemplate God in Heaven, pray for us!
Little ones to whom the Father reveals the mysteries of the Kingdom, pray for us!
Little ones privileged of the Father, pray for us!
Perfect praise of the wonders of God, pray for us!
Perfect examples of filial abandonment, like children in the mother’s lap, pray for us!
Victims of reparation for the benefit of the Body of Christ, pray for us!

Confidants of the Angel of Peace, pray for us!
Custodians, like the Angel of the Fatherland, pray for us!
Adorers with the Angel of the Eucharist, pray for us!
Seers of the Woman dressed in the Sun, pray for us!
Seers of the Light that is God, pray for us!
Beloved children of the Virgin Mother, pray for us!
Ears attentive to the maternal solicitude of the Virgin Mary, pray for us!
Advocates of the Message of the Lady more brilliant than the Sun, pray for us!
Heralds of the word of the mother of God, pray for us!
Prophets of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
Accomplishers of the designs of the Most High, pray for us!
Faithful trustees of the Message, pray for us!
Emissaries of the Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
Missionaries of the requests of Mary, pray for us!
Couriers of the calls from Heaven, pray for us!
Protectors of the Vicar of Christ, pray for us!

Confessors of heroic life in the truth, pray for us!
Comforters of Jesus Christ, pray for us!
Examples of Christian charity, pray for us!
Servants of the sick and the poor, pray for us!
Repairers of the offenses of sinners, pray for us!
Friends of men before the throne of the Virgin Mary, pray for us!
Pure white lilies breathing holiness, pray for us!
Brilliant pearls in splendid beatitude, pray for us!
Seraphim of love at the feet of the Lord, pray for us!
Offerings presented to God to bear sufferings for reparation, pray for us!
Admirable examples of sharing with the poor, pray for us!
Untiring examples of sacrifice for the conversion of sinners, pray for us!
Examples of fortitude in times of adversity, pray for us!

Souls enamoured of God in Jesus, pray for us!
Little Shepherds leading us to the Lamb, pray for us!
Disciples of Mary’s school, pray for us!
Questioners of mankind, pray for us!
Fruits of the tree of holiness, pray for us!
Gifts to the Universal Church, pray for us!
Divine signs for God’s People, pray for us!
Witnesses of God’s grace, pray for us!
Incentives to living one’s Baptism, pray for us!
Examples of the experience of the loving presence of God, pray for us!
Eloquent souls in the intimacy of God, pray for us!
Intercessors, before God, for sinners, pray for us!
Builders of the Civilization of Love and Peace, pray for us!
Lamps illuminating mankind, pray for us!
Friendly lights illuminating multitudes, pray for us!
Lanterns shining in men’s roads, pray for us!
Flames burning in somber and anxious hours, pray for us!
Candles lighted by God, pray for us!

Christ, hear us!
Christ, hear us!

Christ, graciously hear us!
Christ, graciously hear us!

Concluding prayer

God of infinite goodness,
You love the innocent and exalt the humble;
please grant, through the intercession of the Immaculate Mother of Your Son,
that, in imitation of Saints Francisco and Jacinta,
we may serve You in simplicity of heart
and thus, may enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit.

Closing Prayer on the Medal:

O God who granted to our two little Shepherds the grace to become little burning bushes on fire with love for the Holy Father and for sinners, and burning with love for Our Lady and the “hidden” Jesus, grant that we, too, may be other Franciscos and other Jacintas, so that we, too, may burn with the same love and, with them, all meet together again in Heaven around Our Lady in adoration of the Blessed Trinity. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.


Our Lady Fatima







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