Saint Casimir – 4th March



Saint Casimir was born at Cracow in 1458, and was a younger son of Casimir III, king of Poland. He was highly gifted in mind and heart; but the treasures of his gentle soul so far excelled those of nature, that his chief solicitude amid the dangers of his father’s court was to faithfully preserve his baptismal innocence. He was zealous in works of piety, and manifested a lively devotion to the Blessed Virgin. He died at the early age of twenty-five, and miracles were wrought at his tomb. A century after his death, his body was exhumed and discovered to be incorrupt – a token of the spotless innocence of his life.

The Marian Prayer of Saint Casimir of Poland

Every day, O my soul, pay your respects to Mary,
Make her feasts solemn and celebrate her brilliant virtues;
Contemplate and admire her elevation;
Proclaim her blessedness both as Mother and Virgin;
Honor her so that she delivers you from the weight of your sins;
Invoke her so as not to be driven by the torrent of passion;
I do know if anybody can honor Our Lady worthily
Yet he who keeps silent in her praises is senseless;
Everyone should exalt and love her in a special way,
And never cease to cherish and pray to her;
O Mary, the honor and glory of all women,
You who God has raised above all creatures;
O Virgin of Mercy, hear the prayers of those who never stop praising you;
Purify those who are guilty and make them worthy of heaven;
Hail, O holy Virgin, through whom the gates of heaven were opened to undeserving souls
You, who, the old serpent’s snares never managed to seduce;
You repair and console despairing souls
Preserve us from the evils that will fall on the wicked;
Obtain perpetual peace for me,
And save me from the misfortune of the flames of Gehenna;
Obtain for me to be chaste and modest, gentle, kind, sober, pious, prudent, upright and the enemy of all falsehood;
Grant me meekness, love of harmony and purity;
Make me strong and constant on the path of righteousness.

Novena Prayer to St. Casimir

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and all the Saints intercede with God for us. The Lord hath made His Saints wonderful. And heard them when they cried unto Him.



Preserve us, we beseech Thee, O Lord,
from all dangers to soul and body,
and by the intercession of the Blessed
and Glorious Mary ever Virgin, Mother of God,
of St. Joseph, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul,
of St. Casimir and all the Saints,
in Thy mercy, grant us health and peace,
that after all adversity and error is removed,
Thy Church may serve Thee in freedom and safety,
through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Our Lord,
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee
in the union of the Holy Ghost
world without end.
St. Casimir pray for us.

Say 3 Our Father…
Say 3 Hail Mary…
Say 3 Glory Be…

Prayer to Saint Casimir #

O God, who didst preserve thy servant Casimir
constant and faithful in thy service amidst the delights of a court,
and the attractive allurements of the world,
grant, we beseech thee, that by his intercession
thy people may despise the transitory things of the world
and eagerly pursue things which are eternal:
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Prayer to Saint Casimir

Enjoy thy well-earned rest in heaven, O Casimir!
Neither the world with all its riches,
nor the court with all its pleasures,
could distract thy heart from the eternal joys
it alone coveted and loved.
Thy life was short, but full of merit
The remembrance of heaven made thee forget the earth.
God yielded to the impatience of thy desire to be with him,
and took thee speedily from among men.
Thy life, though most innocent, was one of penance,
for knowing the evil tendencies of corrupt nature,
thou hadst a dread of a life of comfort.
When shall we be made to understand
that penance is a debt we owe to God,
a debt of expiation for the sins we have committed against him?
Thou didst prefer death to sin;
get us a fear of sin,
that greatest of all the evils that can befall us,
because it is an evil which strikes at God himself.
Pray for us during this holy Season,
which is granted us that we may do penance.
The Christian world is honouring thee today;
repay its homage by thy blessing.
Poland, thy fatherland, is in mourning; comfort her.
She was once the bulwark of the Church,
and kept back the invasion of schism,
heresy, and infidelity;
and now she is crushed by tyrants,
who seek to rob her of her faith;
pray for her that she may be freed from her oppressors,
and, by regaining her ancient zeal for the faith,
be preserved from the apostacy
into which her enemies are seeking to drive her.


All-powerful God,
to serve you is to reign:
by the prayers of Saint Casimir,
help us to serve you in holiness and justice.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Prayer in Honor of St. Casimir

Good and loving Father, in the youthful Saint Casimir, You have given us an example of faithfulness to the gospel and model of true discipleship. In his gentleness and compassion, we see true strength. In the strength and firmness of his convictions we see true gentleness. United in the name of Jesus and with the powerful support of our brother, St. Casimir, May we continue to be the visible sign of your loving presence among us.







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