April 27th Saint Louis Mary Grignion de Montfort


Prayer of Saint Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort

Our Father who art in heaven, you
completely fill heaven and earth
with the immensity of your being;
you are present everywhere; you
are in the saints by your glory, in
the damned by your justice, in
the good by your grace, even in
sinners by your patience, tolerating
them. Grant that we may always
remember that we come from you
and that we may live as your true children. Grant that we may
set our true course according to your will and never swerve
from you. Grant that we may use our every power, our hearts
and souls and strength to tend toward you, and you alone.

St. Louis de Montfort Novena

O God, Who in the power of the Holy Spirit have made Saint LouisMarie an ardent apostle of Christ Crucified and a faithful son of the
Virgin Mary, Grant that through his example and intercession…
(Mention your request here…) we may be renewed in the
Spirit of our baptism and be always faithful to Our Lord Jesus
Christ Who lives and reigns with You and Holy Spirit. One God.
forever and ever.



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