April 16th Prayer of St. Bernadette and the miracles of Lourdes


Prayer of Saint Bernadette

“Let the crucifix be not only in my eyes and on my breast, but
in my heart, O Jesus! Release all my affections and draw them
upwards. Let my crucified heart sink forever into Thine and bury
itself in the mysterious wound made by the entry of the lance.”

Prayer to St. Bernadette

O Saint Bernadette, who, as a meek and
pure child, did eighteen times at Lourdes
contemplate the beauty of the Immaculate
Mother of God and received her messages,
and who afterwards wished to hide yourself
from the world in the convent of Nevers,
and to offer thyself there as a victim for
the conversion of sinners, obtain for us
the grace of purity, simplicity and mortification that we also
may attain to the vision of God and of Mary in Heaven.



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